Guess what?!!?!?!?!!?!?!


Well-Known Member
I BC'ed!!!!!!

I went to do my normal condition wash and heard. " snap.......snap snap." And something about it just put me over the edge and i got soo tired of dealing with the 2 textures. My original goal was for 18 months. I may put it in braids over the summer.

I found cutting my own hair to be really hard.

I have a couple of questions for those who've BC'ed:

Did it take a while for your texture to "figure itself out" that makes sense. Right now my hair doesn't seem to know what it wants to do and im wondering is that something that goes away afet a while..

Did any of you who Bc'ed have to go to the salon after and get it trimmed better?

Did you go to a salon to get it SHAPED better?

As far as pics go i COMPLETELY forgot to take a pic right after i chopped but i took one right after i put it in 2 puffs. Haven't had much time for pics since then...but i will get more.

This is with some clear fantasia IC gel

Not as clear as i'd like..but all i have is a camera phone. :ohwell:

close up

Length when in one dinky little pony tail. I just took this just now AFTER taking off the curly phony pony i was wearing over it today. The front is probably about 2 inches away from reaching the elastic in my hair. If you look close you can see the bobby pins holding it down. Again...not very clear...but you get the point.

My hair is still in the process of trying to figure itself out. One minute it's extremely curly, other times it's thicker and kinkier :wallbash: After the BC, I did not need my hair to be shaped because I just wore twists which made it easier to not trim. I haven't had a trim since December.
your hair is so cute.

I never officially BCed my relaxed hair quietly disappeared in the night:lachen:

I didn't go to a salon I just trimmed off the few straight strands that were left.
I wore my hair in braids and I wore wigs until I got comfortable with my natural hair.
thankyou!! I still got alot to figure out about it lol

I meant to put also that i think there is some damaged hair as well. theres some hair that just basically has NO texture and doesnt want to doa nything and does not respond to gel, condition...nothing. could this be heat damaged hair? ( glad i only have a tiny bit of it because it look terrible.)

And im wondering if it's possibly that i may have damaged the top of my hair from using a boar bristle bush to often....It's a little scarggly and thats the only thing i could think of that would've caused it.
Awww it's pretty! Congrats!

ETA: To answer your questions:

Did it take a while for your texture to "figure itself out" that makes sense. Right now my hair doesn't seem to know what it wants to do and im wondering is that something that goes away afet a while..

Yes... After a few months it was different. At first it was just kind of like :huh:. So I wore weave for like 3 months.

Did any of you who Bc'ed have to go to the salon after and get it trimmed better?

I left it alone at first. Then I went to the salon and got a trim a few months later.

Did you go to a salon to get it SHAPED better?

He didn't really shape it. I just got a trim.
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Oh Wow ... you did it! Your texture is sooooooo beautiful!! :yep:

Congratulations to you!!
