Guess what?!!?!?!?!!?!?!

CONGRATS!!! and welcome to the natural side...:grin:

Did it take a while for your texture to "figure itself out" that makes sense. Right now my hair doesn't seem to know what it wants to do and im wondering is that something that goes away afet a while.. Yes, it's taking a while. Actually, after a month of being natural my hair is still trying to figure itself out.

Did any of you who Bc'ed have to go to the salon after and get it trimmed better?
Yes, I went to the salon the next day to have it shaped. She cut about 1 1/2 inches to make it all even.

Did you go to a salon to get it SHAPED better? Yes...please see above
I BC'ed!!!!!!


I went to do my normal condition wash and heard. " snap.......snap snap." And something about it just put me over the edge and i got soo tired of dealing with the 2 textures. My original goal was for 18 months. I may put it in braids over the summer.

Yea, that usually pushes folks over the edge LOL!! i got tired of matching the 2 textures and having the relaxed hair limit every style i'd try. it gets to a point where it just plain gets on your nerves and then you know it's time to let it go.

I found cutting my own hair to be really hard.

Why? Because it's so hard to see and reach all around your head or because you knew there was no turning back at that point :grin:

i didn't mind the cutting on an emotional level so much as having difficulties getting to those areas i couldn't really see without the help of another mirror and twisting and stretching my arms to get to those hard-to-reach areas. ugh!

I have a couple of questions for those who've BC'ed:

Did it take a while for your texture to "figure itself out" that makes sense. Right now my hair doesn't seem to know what it wants to do and im wondering is that something that goes away afet a while..

It sure did!! I called it big chop shock. My hair did not know how to act for like a month after i cut it. it was summer so i cowashed every day and since it didn't have the sense to do anything by itself, i kept it in coils, twists or some sort of 'rows or braids until things settled down. I experimented with puffs (which i could pat into place) and wng's (which didn't work so good because i never got it shaped into anything - i cut at that "inbetween" length).

Did any of you who Bc'ed have to go to the salon after and get it trimmed better?

naw - never stepped foot into a salon for anything but if you want to wear a wng, it's prolly best to get things shaped up for aesthetic purposes :). i just kept the hair as is and worked around it. it was pretty easy because the natural hair curled up and any uneven-ness was hidden with a pat of the hand.

Did you go to a salon to get it SHAPED better?

nope. i knew going in this that i would work with what i had and that last cut would be it until i reach my length goals. the shape i knew i could work around with styling.

CONGRATS!!!! Great job bc'ing and your hair looks really beautiful!!!

Be free and have yourself some fun with your new self!!
Your hair is soooo cute! Congrats!

I have a couple of questions for those who've BC'ed:

Did it take a while for your texture to "figure itself out" that makes sense.
Yes. My hair almost looked 3bish. Then the true texture showed itself after about 3 weeks.

Did any of you who Bc'ed have to go to the salon after and get it trimmed better?
see next answer.

Did you go to a salon to get it SHAPED better?
Yes. I went to the barber about a month or so later and had it shaped into a q-tip like cut. I wanted the top to be longer than the back so that as I grew my hair out I wouldn't have a tail (working so far).
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I BC'ed!!!!!!

I went to do my normal condition wash and heard. " snap.......snap snap." And something about it just put me over the edge and i got soo tired of dealing with the 2 textures. My original goal was for 18 months. I may put it in braids over the summer.

I found cutting my own hair to be really hard.

I have a couple of questions for those who've BC'ed:

Did it take a while for your texture to "figure itself out" that makes sense. Right now my hair doesn't seem to know what it wants to do and im wondering is that something that goes away afet a while..

Did any of you who Bc'ed have to go to the salon after and get it trimmed better?

Did you go to a salon to get it SHAPED better?

As far as pics go i COMPLETELY forgot to take a pic right after i chopped but i took one right after i put it in 2 puffs. Haven't had much time for pics since then...but i will get more.

This is with some clear fantasia IC gel

Not as clear as i'd like..but all i have is a camera phone. :ohwell:

close up

Length when in one dinky little pony tail. I just took this just now AFTER taking off the curly phony pony i was wearing over it today. The front is probably about 2 inches away from reaching the elastic in my hair. If you look close you can see the bobby pins holding it down. Again...not very clear...but you get the point.

Beautiful! Your hair is just beautiful. Welcome to the natural side!:grin: I'm so mad you can do a ponytail already.:lachen:

Did it take a while for your texture to "figure itself out" that makes sense. Right now my hair doesn't seem to know what it wants to do and im wondering is that something that goes away afet a while..

Yes. My hair is still figuring itself out, and I'm just along for the ride.

Did any of you who Bc'ed have to go to the salon after and get it trimmed better? No

Did you go to a salon to get it SHAPED better? No
thanks evryone for the compliments and support!! i'm glad to know im not the only one who looked at their texture after bcing and say "wtf?" lol.

I haven't worn it in a wng yet because i really need it trimmed better. I know i didn't get all the relaxed hairs out but im having SOOOO much trouble getting them all.I don't know why i'm sucha spaz with this!

The curls look great when their in a pony tail..but if i try a wng it just looses control and my curls disappear!
Congrats and welcome. You have some beautiful hair.

Did it take a while for your texture to "figure itself out" that makes sense. Right now my hair doesn't seem to know what it wants to do and im wondering is that something that goes away afet a while.. Sure does - I'm about 3 months past BC and I feel like more often than not I know what my hair is going to do. Not every day just more often LOL. :lachen:

Did any of you who Bc'ed have to go to the salon after and get it trimmed better?
Nope - I trimmed it myself twice after. (Gotta stop trimming)

Did you go to a salon to get it SHAPED better? Nope - that is my Christmas gift to myself. I want to get some length before someone goes playing around in there. When it looks funny I just stretch some pieces more and push some pieces in. The beauty of naps...gotta love it.

I have bc, and trimmed it myself and there are some pieces that won't curl or wave. They look like hair that has been blow dried straight. I just think that is the texture. I say that to say (or write that to say) it could be that your hair needs to settle or that is just the texture in some parts. Don't be too eager to cut it all off.
Congratulations; your hair looks great!

To answer your questions, I BC'ed 3 months and 2 days ago and my hair is still trying to figure itself out; I'm just riding the waves (pardon the pun). I went to the hairdresser I had when I was relaxed for my BC because she's natural and I trusted her hands. She gave me a great shape when she cut it. I haven't been to a barber or salon since then. I may go in another 3-6 months for a trim.
I BC'ed!!!!!!

I went to do my normal condition wash and heard. " snap.......snap snap." And something about it just put me over the edge and i got soo tired of dealing with the 2 textures. My original goal was for 18 months. I may put it in braids over the summer.

I found cutting my own hair to be really hard.

I have a couple of questions for those who've BC'ed:

Did it take a while for your texture to "figure itself out" that makes sense. Right now my hair doesn't seem to know what it wants to do and im wondering is that something that goes away afet a while..

Did any of you who Bc'ed have to go to the salon after and get it trimmed better?

Did you go to a salon to get it SHAPED better?

As far as pics go i COMPLETELY forgot to take a pic right after i chopped but i took one right after i put it in 2 puffs. Haven't had much time for pics since then...but i will get more.

This is with some clear fantasia IC gel

Not as clear as i'd like..but all i have is a camera phone. :ohwell:

close up

Length when in one dinky little pony tail. I just took this just now AFTER taking off the curly phony pony i was wearing over it today. The front is probably about 2 inches away from reaching the elastic in my hair. If you look close you can see the bobby pins holding it down. Again...not very clear...but you get the point.

Yes and yes. I acutally went to a barber. I did not allow him to "shape my edges" because then my edges would be shorter than the rest of my hair but I did go to let him shape up and even out my cut.

Your cut looks pretty good though.
Congrats on your BC...

My hair... like everyone else's took quite sometime to 'figure its self out'...
I don't know about everyone else, but here and there I find when i blow dry my hair straight again... it takes like 2 or 3 washes to return to its original curl pattern.. does this happen to anyone else?

Oh yea...I never went to a salon to have it shaped.. I just let my cousin cut it.