Growth stopped??


New Member
Hi ladies,
I am in the TWA growth challenge. I thought my hair was doing good. I went from about 1/2" of hair to 3-4 inches in about 5 months. Now my hair looks like it is at a stand still. I don't see anymore major growth right now. I haven't really done anything different for it to stop growing. I have major shrinkage so it REALLY looks like it is just staying the same length. Has this happened to anyone else. I am really wanting to get out of this TWA phase. It is getting pretty old.:(
Natural hair is very coily, it may be growing but you can't tell.

I would stretch the hair and measure with a tape measure if you haven't already.

If you still see nothing, I have heard about "resting phases" but I am not that familiar with them and I don't know if I believe them...I think your hair continuously grows but I could be wrong:ohwell:

I hope this helps :)
It's very possible your hair may be in it's resting, or 'telogen phase'. Hair growth goes through cycles and each individual hair can be in a different cycle at any given time. HTH
Don't worry, your hair IS growing. Be sure to take proper care of it and try stretching it to measure in 4 weeks, you'll see a difference in growth.
Don't worry, your hair is still growing. It only APPEARS like it stopped for 2 reasons:

1) Shrinkage
2) % Growth; If you started off with only 1/2 inch of hair and gained another 1/2, you increased your hair length by 100%. The growth seems incredible. However, if you start off with 10 inches of hair and gain 1/2 inch, you only attained 5% increase in length. The growth doesn't deosn't seem as significant even though it's the same amount.

It is possible that your growth slowed down, but it surely didn't stop.