One for us short haired sistaz

My hair is the EXACT same length. I wanna be SL by April. But that may be asking too much.

I don't think that is asking too much. You figure April is six months away. You could possibly gain three inches if you get average growth (1/2 in per month). That's a nice chunk of progress possible.
I got this weave a week ago and some tracks are loose already. *sigh*. I'm going to do repairs so I can keep it til the weekend of Dec 17 when I'm going into another weave. My next length check will be in February when I relax at 19 weeks post. I should have about 1.5 inches of new growth.
Sorry I have not checked in forever! I am using my siggy as my starting pics. I think that I have the shortest hair in this challenge. I'm not sure if my hair grew much from the start of this challenge. But my breakage has been minimal. Right now my regime is co-washing everyday. I do a protien treatment once a week, a hot oil treatment once a month. I oil my hair with castor oil, or doo gro oil. I wear wash and go's ALL the time. I also startede back up onmy bee mine sulfur every other day.
checking in ladies i hope everone is doing well.
I dc over night with AUHSR mixed with giovanni and some olive oil YUUUUMMMYYY
results in the morning:):lick:
There is no way that this weave is making it to Dec 17. I'm taking it down tonight; it's only been 4 weeks. SMH.
:). heyyyy ladies. I'm joining toooo. I'm at ear length at my side, nape area is neck or mid-neck length and the front touch the middle of my nose.
I haven't been checking in and haven't been on the board much. No progress to report. I have been in braids since October and am so over them but going to try to hold out until Christmas. Fortunately the holidays are a busy time so it should be fairly easy to make it another 2 weeks.

I hope to come back soon and read up on everyone's progress.