growth/retention rate?


Well-Known Member
First pic is from December 2012, second is from yesterday. How many inches do u think I've gained? It's hard to tell..... 3 inches maybe? Is it safe to expect that for a year? Is this 'normal' growth for a year? Need tips to get over the APL hump... Thanks!
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Well... Honestly I may have trimmed an inch in the last year. I was not taking care of my hair the way I should have been until August. Since then I've been consistently been following my regimen. I guess I'm a slow grower or maybe it would have been different if I had been consistent all year.
Your hair looks great and you are retaining.

Whats your regimen?
I think that is pretty good growth for a year. Looks to me to be about 3 - 3.5 inches, taking into account trimming 1 -1.5 inches, and any breakage you might have...I think you did well about 4 -5 inches of growth. The average being 6 inches you're not far off! GOOD JOB!!!
Considering you weren't really taking care of your hair all year, you've done well :yep:

Plus, you gotta remember that after full SL the additional inches won't look as drastic. A gain of 3-4 inches will make a TWA look ALOT longer. But, the same gain won't be as noticeable on longer hair.

Looks like you're retaining well. I think you've retained 3 inches or so, and if you would have been taking care of it more as you said, then probably 4-5 at least. Since 6 inches is the norm, you're doing very well!