Growth Aides - How much longer will we keep "Using"

Growth Aides - How much longer will we keep "Using"

  • But of cause, I'm in for the long haul

    Votes: 30 14.9%
  • Until I reach my goal length then I'll cut back

    Votes: 80 39.8%
  • Once I reach my goal I'm done

    Votes: 42 20.9%
  • I gave up on using already

    Votes: 28 13.9%
  • I don't use growth aides (yet)

    Votes: 21 10.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
Was just sitting here thinking - how much longer are we going to keep using growth aides? Both topical and supplements.

It seems like so much work and expense - I wonder if we are planning to use them for the long haul are just until we manage to reach a goal.

PLUS Which type of growth aide are you Using and how long have you been "Using" it for so far.

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I'ma keep using them (or trying to use them, I'm never consistent with them:rolleyes:) until I reach my ultimate goal, then I'll stop :yep:

I'm now taking EPO (Evening Primrose Oil)...not consistently tho :rolleyes:...for a month
and just started using Mega-Tek a few days ago
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i have a very long way to go but once i reach my ultimate goal then I'll cut back. my goal is to reach apl but i want to be mbl for *thee ultimate*.
until i finish the bottle i don't really use growth aid but i like the finish what i started.i don't think i will use growth aids once i reach my goal (WL) i migth not use them again when i hit long BSL but who knows i can change my mind but i don't see my self using growth aid once i pass MBL
I take supplements right now. Biotin, MSM, B complex, flax seed oil and then some... I plan on cutting back once I reach my goal - APL. Once I do, I'll just stick with my daily Multi and flax seed oil for its general health benefits.

I don't do much in the region of Topical aides. Too many options, too confused. Doing everything to leave my inner PJ dormant cos once I get one, I might end up wanting all.

Plus I'm doing pretty good with the Vits so...
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I often wonder when it gets to the point were you dont have to use growth aids will you hair go down hill, like will your hair start growing thin again?:look:
I'll use them until I either can no longer afford them, or I reach my goal length, whatever comes first. I'm using Mega-Tek now, and it's convienent, smells good, and isn't super expensive - I'm happy with it, and it works.
I used Boundless Tresses until recently.

It does work. My hair definitely grew faster than .5 inches per month.

I cut it out of my regimen because it is a hassle to me. I don't even like the smell or things on my scalp. I can see myself starting up again in the future, but I at least need breaks from it.

I wouldn't use them if I was at my goal length though.
Hmm, still figuring out how to vote on this one.

Topical- I used up the last of my MN mix last week, and I said I wasn't going to make any more-- but I was mixing it up with some leftover Lenzi's request & MTG and I still have those in my cabinet- so maybe I'll make another batch to use it up. But after that I think I'm done with topical growth aids- I can't say definitively if they really work or not, but I figure why not as long as I have the supplies at home? I'm going to try not to buy anymore.

Supplements- I may stop using hair vits after MBL, I don;t know. All of my other supplements I'm sticking with because they have other health benefits, plus I have enough flaxseed oil capsules that I'll be using that til the end of the year :blush: I took my last kelp tablet today- but I'll prob replace it because it is supposed to help with my thyroid problem. My Dr. has me on iron for anemia, so I won't be giving that up.
The vits will be a permanent part because they help my entire body, not just my hair. Although I may alter the quantity I take.

The MN mix may be reduced or eliminated. I could see myself using it a few weeks post when my hair gets hard to keep moisturized and I'm bunning.

Those are the only 2 real growth aids I use.
Since I have come to realize that my hair grows anyway, and that the real challenge is keeping what I already have, I don't take growth aides of any sort. I do protective styling, and wet my hair as often as I want to, and only comb my hair when it is wet. There is more, but answering the question.... no growth aides for me.
The only growth aides I use are vitamins: Multi, Hair Skin & Nails, B-Complex, Flaxseed oil, MSM, evening primrose. I will never stop taking them because I take them also for purposes beside hair growth.
Since I have come to realize that my hair grows anyway, and that the real challenge is keeping what I already have, I don't take growth aides of any sort. I do protective styling, and wet my hair as often as I want to, and only comb my hair when it is wet. There is more, but answering the question.... no growth aides for me.

I agree. I don't plan on using growth aides. I'm planning to eat more protein and nutritional meals for my overall health which should benfit my hair.
Topical growth aids will cease once I reach my goal. Vitamins will hopefully stay in the regimen forever.
I'm going to use the sulphur mix until I reach BSL, which probably won't be until end of next year.
I'm taking Hair, Skin and Nails vits and using MN & Sulfur and a concoction of EOs.

I have about 4 inches of hair but once I reach BSL stretched I will start to try and ween them off OR when I reach a comfortable point with my natural hair. Just the topical stuff though.
I've been into this "hair thing" for years...I think since 04 or 05. At first, I was all abou the "growth aides", but I don't really buy into that stuff anymore. I am more about HEALTHY hair, b/c that's what grows. I look at it like this...if I'm taking Biotin, MSM, using BT, smearing coochie cream on my scalp...but frying my hair with the flat iron daily, sleeping with it uncovered, keeping it as dry as a tumbleweed, and relaxing every 3 weeks...will my hair grow? No. But if I cut out heat, stretch my relaxers, moisturize and protect my hair but take no vitamins and smear no goop, etc...will my hair grow? Yes.

I said all this to say that I eventually stopped using them. After awhile, it gets old. You will tire of it just like PJism. Find a consistent healthy hair routine and stick with that. That's the key IMO. Only my advice though.
Since I have come to realize that my hair grows anyway, and that the real challenge is keeping what I already have, I don't take growth aides of any sort. I do protective styling, and wet my hair as often as I want to, and only comb my hair when it is wet. There is more, but answering the question.... no growth aides for me.

Light bulb moment right there. Part of the reason why I'm trying reeeeealy hard to resist investing in any topical aides right now. I figured with the supplements, I'm getting a whole lot of other benefits so its worth it.

I'm tempted though to try this OCT... look around this board, how can you not be?

I've have used Boundless Treeses in the past for like a month, but I never saw an increase in growth and I was never consitent with it anyway, so what was the use LOL!!! I just exercise ,eat better and take my daily Hair,Skin & Nail Vitamin which I don't see as a growth aide, it really helps my skin look better, and my nails look healthier. I will continue to take my daily Vitamin, I was taking them even before LHCF!!

My hair grows Lovely on it's own so there is no need for me to use any, I just shaved my head last week and I am already seeing my head turning dark(HAIR GROWING BACK) LOL!!!
MTG, Essential Rosemary and Peppermint oils will be lifetime staples for me. Not because they speed up growth, but because I think they regulate the scalp and create a healthy environment for hair to grow. I'm in my quarter life crisis stage right now and I stress often. I had horrible stress patches last year, where I lost huge sections of my hair. My scalp bled on a daily basis, it was horrible. After a trip to the derm and several prescriptions, I decided to break out MTG and it cleared it up immediately and I have been using it ever since.

I have a poor diet and a weak immune system so I will continue to take supplements as well.
When I get to my ultimate goal of WL I think I would stop with the supplements. I've been thinking and I might stop when I hit BSL. The only reason I'mt akin them is because it boosts my browth a little bit and helps me not give up on my hair goals since I'm still a enwbie and new to the game
I initially used MTG as a growth aid, but stopped because I was too lazy to be consistent and can't wear it when I want flowing hair. I still have some MTG left and use it when I have dandruff but that's about it. I don't really use MTG or anything else as growth aids anymore. Although it stinks, MTG is great for dry scalp! I do take vitamin, but don't consider them growth aids because that's never been my purpose for taking them.

I found growth aids to be more hype then help honestly. I guess I could be proven wrong, but I figure if there was a magic potion that really makes hair grow like a Chia Pet, then it would be sold on an infomercial, making the inventor into a multi-trillionaire! :lachen:
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ive just stopped completley. i rather focus time and money on retaining my hair grows quick enough already
my 2 cents worth...

i have a long way to go but i have not, do not and don't plan to use any topical growth aids for assistance in growth. i did purchase BT but gave it to my sister who has alopecia.

i do take flaxseed oil pills, hair vits, a multivit and iron but i don't see the vitamins and supplements as being a growth aid either.
Even after I reach my goal length, I think I'll cut back but I won't stop completely because they have been helpful in my hair gaining faster growth and the reason I want to continue using them a little is for retaining purposes only.

ETA: The MN I use has kept dandruff off my scalp for the last 6 months so for me that's a plus.
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