Growth Aides - How much longer will we keep "Using"

Growth Aides - How much longer will we keep "Using"

  • But of cause, I'm in for the long haul

    Votes: 30 14.9%
  • Until I reach my goal length then I'll cut back

    Votes: 80 39.8%
  • Once I reach my goal I'm done

    Votes: 42 20.9%
  • I gave up on using already

    Votes: 28 13.9%
  • I don't use growth aides (yet)

    Votes: 21 10.4%

  • Total voters
Once I reach full BSB, I'll probably stop using topical growth aids. I'll still take vits because of the effects in my skin and body :yep:
Hmmmm, I think once I reach MBL I'll cut back on my GA's. I stopped taking my vitamins regularly because of 2 inch hairs on my chin:rolleyes: I have not used BT in about 3 months. I just ordered more a couple of days ago and I"m getting ready to order Mega Tek. I'll be using MT by itself to see how much growth I get:grin:
I've been into this "hair thing" for years...I think since 04 or 05. At first, I was all abou the "growth aides", but I don't really buy into that stuff anymore. I am more about HEALTHY hair, b/c that's what grows. I look at it like this...if I'm taking Biotin, MSM, using BT, smearing coochie cream on my scalp...but frying my hair with the flat iron daily, sleeping with it uncovered, keeping it as dry as a tumbleweed, and relaxing every 3 weeks...will my hair grow? No. But if I cut out heat, stretch my relaxers, moisturize and protect my hair but take no vitamins and smear no goop, etc...will my hair grow? Yes.

I said all this to say that I eventually stopped using them. After awhile, it gets old. You will tire of it just like PJism. Find a consistent healthy hair routine and stick with that. That's the key IMO. Only my advice though.

I agree with you. That's kind of why I stopped using growth aides for months at a time and it's especially why I'm not a PJ anymore. You're right about finding a regimen and sticking with it. I now know my hair can grow without growth aids. I'm just greedy and want more:rolleyes: See now you have me thinking about why I orginally stopped taking growth aids and vitamins.

*okay, let me get the hayl outta here* I'm just posting away:-/
Personally I will use some growth aids ..then when I reach my goal I will then cut back...but far a supplements go...your body needs those...some nutrients our body needs we dont Omega -3s..and a Good * whole food multi*....we do not get the amount of nutrients (hardly) for our hair and body on our own you would still need to supplement for the rest of your life or as long as you can for OPTIMUN benefit and nutrition.:yep: * just my opinoin*
I don't use them at all anymore. This year I've focused more on my ends and it's paid off. hair grew but I was constantly cutting the raggedy ends off. Now I keep most of my growth.
I don't use topical growth aides. But I do take a B-complex, vitamin C, MSM, biotin, and Omega 3-6-9 supplement. All of these (except for the Biotin) I will stay on for life because they are benefiting my overall health. I will stop the Biotin if I ever decide to texlax or go natural.
I use a B-complex, a multivitamin and HSN. I'm supposed to be using vitamins anyway because of my diet so I'm in it for the long haul.
I often wonder when it gets to the point were you dont have to use growth aids will you hair go down hill, like will your hair start growing thin again?:look:

I wonder that too, like do you have to keep doing what you started or it goes back like you said

kinda like working out, slowly your body starts to go back when you stop
I initially used MTG as a growth aid, but stopped because I was too lazy to be consistent and can't wear it when I want flowing hair. I still have some MTG left and use it when I have dandruff but that's about it. I don't really use MTG or anything else as growth aids anymore. Although it stinks, MTG is great for dry scalp! I do take vitamin, but don't consider them growth aids because that's never been my purpose for taking them.

I found growth aids to be more hype then help honestly. I guess I could be proven wrong, but I figure if there was a magic potion that really makes hair grow like a Chia Pet, then it would be sold on an infomercial, making the inventor into a multi-trillionaire! :lachen:

sorry but Chia Pet had me rollin! :lachen:
Since I have come to realize that my hair grows anyway, and that the real challenge is keeping what I already have, I don't take growth aides of any sort. I do protective styling, and wet my hair as often as I want to, and only comb my hair when it is wet. There is more, but answering the question.... no growth aides for me.

I totally agree with this! :yep:
I've been into this "hair thing" for years...I think since 04 or 05. At first, I was all abou the "growth aides", but I don't really buy into that stuff anymore. I am more about HEALTHY hair, b/c that's what grows. I look at it like this...if I'm taking Biotin, MSM, using BT, smearing coochie cream on my scalp...but frying my hair with the flat iron daily, sleeping with it uncovered, keeping it as dry as a tumbleweed, and relaxing every 3 weeks...will my hair grow? No. But if I cut out heat, stretch my relaxers, moisturize and protect my hair but take no vitamins and smear no goop, etc...will my hair grow? Yes.

I said all this to say that I eventually stopped using them. After awhile, it gets old. You will tire of it just like PJism. Find a consistent healthy hair routine and stick with that. That's the key IMO. Only my advice though.

yup yup! :yep:

me I will always take my vitamins and keep my nutrition regimen going not for my hair alone but for all the health benefits as well :yep:
until i reach my goal (or at least an acceptable length) i'll keep using them regularly.

Even after I reach my goal length, I will still keep a small amout of something around... just in case i need it... like a hair first aid kit (to recover from breakage, a bad cut, damage... etc).
Until I am six feet under:grin: (Of course not stuff like NM or sulphur, but healthy stuff like Ovation or mega tek and supplements/vits)
Starting in 2009, I am planning on only using multi-vitamins/supplements, I will be ditching the growth aides and relying on my TLC to grow my hair. hopefully I will stick to this :look:.
I will continue to use my vitamins because they're not just good for hair growth but for your OVERALL health.
yup yup! :yep:

me I will always take my vitamins and keep my nutrition regimen going not for my hair alone but for all the health benefits as well :yep:

Still taking my Daily Multi, Flaxseed oil, and evening primrose for general health maintenance. However, I'm about to cut out the extras that are solely for growth... pill popping has never been my thing - not to mention my skin has suffered a bit as a result of taking them.

I'm stopping:
  • Biotin (My daily multi gives me 100% IUs plus its the culprit for my now blemished skin:nono: :wallbash:)
  • B-Complex (I don't even know why i started taking extra - my Multi actually supplies more than 100% IUs for almost all of them)
  • Silica (in my Multi)
I gave up after my short stint with Boundless Tresses. I used it for a little over a month consistently and then on and off for another month. I then just stopped because applying it was more trouble than what it was worth. This was back in October/November of last year. Now I'm focusing on exercise and eating right because I find that I when I'm active and eating 'clean', my hair growth takes off. I actually get better growth when active and eating right then when I was applying a topical growth aid. I'd rather focus on that aspect of my health so that my entire body benefits; not just my hair.
I used 1 1/2 tubes of MN and quit. I wanted to follow the KISS method. I didn't want my hair to be dependent on any type of growth products. However, I am taking GNC's HS&N and my muti.

I know that my hair will grow all i have to do is take care of it and be patient :look:. I have seen wonderful results from product like surge, MN, BT and whatever else is out there. I just chose to take the KISS route :yep:. HHG!!!!!
Growth aides just don't work for me .. Vitamins don't work for me ... I've been using them for my thinning edges for about 3 months and still no change ... Then I looked at my mother's and grandmother's hair and their edges are mad thin too :perplexed so I figure I'm just doomed ... I give up :nono:
I use Flintstones multi-vitamin; however, I don't use them as a growth aid. I will admit that they help in growth, but I use it for health reasons.
Since I started I haven't used any growth aids (other than vitamins) and I also don't feel you need them to sucessfully grow you hair. I have went from SL to BSL in two years without them. Maybe I could have done in a few months faster with some aides, but I didn't stress it.

I have been reading the threads on OCT/MT and they are moving so I brought a bottle of MT for $21 but I'm waiting a couple months to see how everything plays out before I use it/if I use it.
i love growth aids. i be using mine 4eva as long as i can afford them, whether or not i've reached my ultimate goal!