Growing up as a kid, What did your Mum use on you?

After reading the word DAX from someone else's thread I started to think back to as a girl, what my Mum used on me growing up. This is before I had any perms,relaxers or anything. Just thick plaits/braids that my relatives would pull on and say 'give me this nuh? lemme have one of these' At the time I'd be like:

This was my 'regime' back in the day

Washed hair with Flex shampoo and conditioner. I LOVED the smell of these and the conditioner made my hair thicker. (Up to now, Flex to me is my fave. conditioner smell and I sometimes pick up a bottle at a store, flip it open and take a big whiff

Lightly towel dry hair, sitting on floor between Mum's legs she'd use La India Hair Pomade. A yellow looking hair grease. My hair was parted in sections and combed. It hurt like hell having my hair combed(I had a sensitive scalp and the hair was thick). My plaits were always shrunken short, around my chin because they were still wet from the hair wash.

Every other day I'd have the hair re-plaited with grease put on the scalp and the hair length. Each re-plaiting made the hair longer as the wetness completely was gone by then. A bristled brush was also used after each hair section was combed just before plaiting. I LOVED the brushing part and wished that alone would be enough to untangle my hair

Hair was washed approx once every 2 weeks. No hot combs, blowdriers etc. At first I slept without a scarf and then switched to sleeping with one (a cotton one though).

Can you remember your regime growing up?
It was very similar to yours..

My mom would wash my hair once a week or every two weeks (but that was only if she didn't have time the weekend before)..

She would wash it with CON and use CON's conditioner (it was grayish, the condr itself) or Wella Balsam conditioner.

She would then plait my hair after applying grease (Indian Hemp or Blue Magic or the green one--forgot the name)..Tie my hair up for the night and then cornrow my hair the next day. Washing my hair was always a two day process..

Once a month she would do a hot oil treatment and every two-three months, to soften my hair she would apply a relaxer but only leave it on for a minute (so it never took). My hair is very thick and hard to detangle, so this helped.

Like you BRH, I loved the brush (a soft bristle brush) and wished that she only used that. Unfortunately, she had to use the Ace hard rubber combs, anyone else remember those..

Edited b/c my Mum corrected me about the conditioner..She said she always used it..
two ppl did my hair growing up. my mom & my sister.
my mom would wash my hair with suave or johnsons baby shampoo. when i got older and my hair was damaged she used aussie 3 min miracle after. then she would break out with the good ole blue magic bergamont grese and put my hair in braids with bobbles & barettes everywhere. when she pressed my hair for special occasions she would use pink lotion.
my sister (16 yrs older than me) basicly did the same thing except she used hair food. i forgot who made it but i used to think that my hair had little teeth and would eat up the grease while i slept( i always got my hair done at night) nowadays when she presses my hair she uses curl wax and that always helps. i love curl wax!
My aunt did most of the washing. Every 2 weeks, she usually used VO5 (usually the Normal one or the green one) and the Balsam and Protein conditioner or she used Wella Balsam. For a deep conditioner once a year or so, she would use Queen Helene Cholesterol (I can count the number of times she deep conditioned me on one hand lol) followed up with a leave in called Hair So New. She used to put Vigorol on my hairline and edges and when she pressed she used Ultra Sheen's Creme Press and then greased my scalp and hair with some type of LeKair hair grease with mink oil. Later when she started relaxing me, she switched to a cheapie bergamot. My babysitter usually used TCB Hair Food, a conditioner called Luxevan which I loved the smell of but cannot find anymore.
Re: Growing up as a kid, What did your Mum use on

My mom washed my hair every other Friday with Prell. I can't ever remember a conditioner. After being washed, my hair was braided into 4 sections; 2 in front, 2 in back. She used Dixie Peach Pomade in the green and yellow jar. Does anyone remember that? Or, am I dating myself. She pressed my hair on Saturday and rolled it up in those big pink sponge rollers so that it would be 'fresh' for church on Sunday.
Re: Growing up as a kid, What did your Mum use on

The only thing I remember is using B and B super grow. It is still a product I use.
Re: Growing up as a kid, What did your Mum use on *DELETED*

Post deleted by HoneyRockette
Re: Growing up as a kid, What did your Mum use on

I don't remember the product names, but I remember the routine...
"scratch the scalp", wash, condition, oil scalp, many ponytails to "air dry".

Simply but very effective
Re: Growing up as a kid, What did your Mum use on

My mom and granmother used a hair creme called Roots that was a mint green creamy color and felt cool going into my hair. It helped it to grow. Years later I tried it, but I didn't get the magic results I'd remembered as a kid. Mom also used Mink Difference hairspray and Dark and Lovely products.
[/ QUOTE ]Lightly towel dry hair, sitting on floor between Mum's legs she'd use La India Hair Pomade.

[/ QUOTE ]

BRH, thats what me mama did as well. SHe would then style my hair in two pigtails,cornrows or she would part 8-10 sections and use thread to wrap around the length. mom wasnt very knowlegable about caring for my hair She was like a 2c/3a and didnt know how to take care of my type 4 hair. She washed my hair like every 3 weeks or longer with head and shoulders, i dont believe she used conditioner afterwards. She then proceeded to use blue magic,Bergamot, or dixie peach to grease my hair/scalp and comb my hair with a cheap small tooth $.99 comb-mind you i was tenderheaded so you know there was a lot of drama...
She then braided my hair and added barettes. She would comb daily and re braid and depending how dry it "looked" added more grease. On special occasions (easter, first communion, picture day etc) i got a press and curl. Got a relaxer at 11 and from then on i depended on hairdressers.
Mom mom used some grease it was called Green Bermot. And that DAx post was by me.BrownRelaxedHair.
Washed every two weeks with Flex and conditioned with the same. Oiled scalp and hair with Hair Food.

Wow, this brings back so many memories. My mom would make me lie down on the counter so that she could wash my hair in the kitchen sink. During the comb out, I'd cry and she'd fuss. My hair was super thick and as long as my torso and I was sooooooooo tenderheaded. She'd say that dealing with our (my sis and I) hair was going to give her arthritis. It took her all day to do our hair, literally.

In the summer, we wore our hair in braids and I remember her washing while the braids were in and not taking them
down for weeks...sometimes we go the entire summer.

.....funny memories.


It definitely makes me smile to remember my Mum combing my hair. When it was just washed was the WORST time. I hated it because my wet hair was tangled and that comb showed no mercy!

Its all good though. Memories....
Wow, this brings back so many memories. My mom would make me lie down on the counter so that she could wash my hair in the kitchen sink.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too! For the first 7 years of my life my mom washed my hair with CON and she did'nt use any conditioner afterwards. She sweared by that shampoo and recommended it to everybody.

When I got a little older she would alternate between CON, ApplePectin and Pantene. As a conditioner she would use 911 leave in. She would grease my scalp with everything and then put my hair in about 3-5 plaits and let it air dry.

When I got my first relaxer she still alternated with the above items, but she would use the left over reconstructer from the relaxer kit. She would then grease my scalp and roller set my hair using 911,lottabody or FrenchPerm setting lotion. I would wear my hair with a ponytail at the top and the back down for church on Sunday and for school she would put my hair in 1 to 3 plaits with the ends loose.

I wore rollers to bed on average 3-5 days a week from 3rd to 7th grade.

Sorry So Long, those were the days
Oh goodness

Well my mum used Flex on us too. No conditoner though, my hair was never conditoned. It's only from being internet savvy and finding these boards I knew about conditioner. I alway thought they were for white people and that we didn't need it.

Anyways no product junky ish going on in our home.

Hair was washed every 2 weeks. Natural air drying. On the scalp my mum used either vaseline or Palmer's hair success treatment. On the actual hair my mum used the Palmer's coconut oil.

Oh yeah she also had head & shoulders on standyby cause I'd always have dandruff, but it was prouduct build up as for 2 weeks my scalp was being greased and never washed

I use to go to bed with stockin foot on my head. (yep old pantyhose)

Why momma why

Ah well at least I know now
Re: Growing up as a kid, What did your Mum use on *DELETED*

CON Shampoo and Ultra Sheen (Blue) Grease..
Ahh you're takin' me back to the good ole hair days!

My dad washed my hair every Sunday after church without fail
It was towel dried and my mum would plait it or occasionally in bantu knots (we called em "chiney bumps").

My mum would plait it every two or three days, and sometimes my sister would cornrow it and it would keep for a week. I remember Dax Vegetable Shampoo (that stuff used to STING da heck outta my eyes!) or Vosene. For grease, sometimes Dax, Bergamot or when I was really little I remember a red coloured rosemary pomade.

Like you, there was no heat or chemicals involved. And my hair was very thick and mid back when stretched! That's why I believe I can grow long hair again.

Edit: My mum had more hair sense than I realised; my hair was rarely in bobbles, just plain plaits with a ribbon to decorate (I used to hate it sometimes, looking back it was kinda cute
) . The only foible was cotton scarf at night but as I said my hair was long till I was about 11 when chlorine wreaked havoc...
My grandmother took care of my hair when I was younger. She had hair similar to mine and was much more patient than my mom who had straight hair and really didn't know about tangles.

Baby shampoo and olive oil. I got my hair washed weekly and usually wore my hair in two braids or ponytails.

My mother used pink lotion. But when she washed my hair, she used beer. I really dont know why she used that though!
I can still smell the Palmer's Hair Success. That pinkish/white creamy stuff. I actually liked the way it smelled. My mom also used Flex to wash my hair and she used to use this stuff called "Spanish Shur Gro" Do they still sell that?

Unfortunately, my mom's been using chemicals on my hair for as long as I can remember. I remember the nightmare of her putting a relaxer on my hair on top of a curly perm!!

I had horrible breakage and shedding for months!! Until all the curl was cut off! She used Fermodyl to control the breakage. If I would've known the amount of breakage I would get, I would've been like "No Momma, NOOOOOO!!"

She didn't know either so, I'm not bitter or anything.
LOL Poor Jen. I remember once my babysitter swore that Downy, yes the fabric softener, would relax my naps. She figured that since cotton was a natural fiber, so was hair. Lord Jesus, that was a disaster.
we called them chinny bumps also! I was raised mostly by my aunt and she used this funny pine tar soap. my sister recently found it again and boy does smelling it bring back memories!
Girrrl, I used that Flex shampoo too!! I even used it on my barbie dolls!
Ahhhh... memories...
I also remember that stinky Sulfur 8 (is that the yellow stuff you're talking about?) and Blue Magic hair grease!
Oh damn, I almost forgot my hair pick with the fist handle!! Don't front, Y'all know you had one too!
i just remember my hair breaking combs quite often during combouts

we lived in nigeria for a few years and i hated going to get my hair braided cos those damned ladies would put my lil head between their legs and canerow it sooooooooooo tight i would cry

my dad would threaten a trip to the nigerian hairdressers as punishment whenever i misbehaved

by the way, i have NO memory of shampoos, conditioners etcetc
<font color="purple">My mom would wash our hair with Prell or some other shampoo, condition it with Wella Balsam, and use Hair Rep or Queen Bergamont(CarmenRose couldn't remember the name of the green stuff we've used back then). Every night my mom would comb my hair in sections, use a boar bristle brush dipped in warm water and applied the grease to my hair. She then pulled my hair in two ponytails and twist-braid them so they looked nice for school the next day. Lastly, my hair was covered in either a scarf or a stocking cap. Old School, baby! Good call, BRH! </font>