Spin-off: What products did your mom use on your hair?

I remember my mom washing may hair once every blue moon with whatever was around (Wella Balsam, Pantene, CON) and Pantene detangler...I don't remember a whole lotta conditioner :ohwell: She would grease my scalp once a week with Royal Crown, Blue Magic or TCB and would brush in a little Hindu Sheen or Wildroot to my edges to neaten up my ponytails every morning. She "texturized" my hair about 3x a year and sent me to the salon for a trim once a year.
cream of nature (red)/v05
hot oil treatments
pink lotion
bone straight-some type of treatment that came in a small orange pack.I think its been discontinued.

My hair was always between bsl/midback stretched when she took care of it.
when i was little and natural every kind of shampoo and conditoner under the sun, we went through hair hell!!! it was always totally tangled after detagling was just the worst lots of tears from me and lots irritation for my mom. she would always grease my scalp with tbc grease and hot comb it and then braid it.
Hmm, my mom used the pink hair lotion, blue magic grease, and I don't even remember what kind of shampoo she used. I used the Just for me relaxers, too.
Jhirmack, Jheri Redding, Mend, Balsam, Ultra Sheen, Lustrasilk pressing spray, Bone straight, Lotta Body, Glover's Mane... My mom was a PJ...:lachen::lachen:
Mane n Tail products, Lekair Cholesterol, Ultra Sheen Grease, and pink lotion...my hair was actually healthy when she took care of it.
:rolleyes:From what I remember...

Seems like my hair was always around shoulder length and thick. I also remember my grandma saying you should only trim your hair at certain times of the month based on the phases of the moon in almanac and her hair was super silky soft :yep:.

Moms (I also remember my dad doing my hair a few times too) used Joy, Pert plus and Vaseline but I mostly remember the Afro Pic with the Fist and ULTRA SHEEN green for the most part. It's weird cause when I bought some Amla oil a while back it brought back all those memories with just the smell).
Mom's would "hot comb" my hair on Saturday and it "sweated back by Monday" with all that playin' outside!!!:lachen:

But sometimes on payday:drunk: we went to the Beauty shop. Mom would get her hair in a cool feathery style that was super bouncy and I got a blowout which was put into pony tails (you couldn't tell me nuthin them)!!!
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Pink oil moisturizer, protein gel, coconut grease, blue magic, i can't even remember what kind of poo and condish, vaseline... my hair was very long and pretty just as well. she would put cute little barretts in my hair or throw it up into a puff ball pony.
B&B super gro to grease my scalp weekly.
The shampoos and conditioners varied.................heck I don't recall my mommy using any moisturiser on my hair prior to me buying it on my own:sad:.
Jamaican Castor Oil

Dax(Green with the tin top)

I can't really remember the shampoo/cons but I think I saw a bottle of white rain shampoo once :blush:
Most of the time she used Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo to wash even at age 8. I started doing my own hair at 9. And she used petroleum jelly, blue magic, or that funky sulfur 8 to oil my hair. I use to hate going to school with my funky head after she oiled my hair with that sulfur 8. I could smell myself so I know everybody else could.
My mom used head and shoulders shampoo and vaseline. She would put my hair in plaits and the next day she would use a hot comb with the vaseline and burn the mess out of my ears, neck and forehead. My hair was down to my collarbone then. I got my first relaxer at 19.
pink oil, blue magic like she was endorsing the products! :nono: they way my forehead would be glistening from all that grease; thing is my hair wass thick and long approaching mbl, well into my teens my mid teens!! doesn't make sense!!:perplexed ..
that brown protein gel, africa's "best" hair grease, just for me relaxers, and she bought mane n' tail shampoo. there was no conditioner in the house besides those free samples we used to get in the mail (the microscopic packets of pantene), and she used to throw those out, because she thought only white women could use them :perplexed
everything my hair hates which includes:

1. Pink Oil Moisturizer
2. Creme of Nature Shampoo
3. Blue Magic Grease
4. Nasty Brown Protein Gel
5. Gentle Treatment No Lye Relaxer
6. Precise No Lye Relaxer

My hair was ruined and I didn't have long hair again until I found this board in 2003.
Pink Oil EVERYTHING!! I used the lotion the headress the spray the shampoo conditioner...EVERYTHING PINK!

Sulfur 8 Oil because I had Dandruff

Hot Oil Treatments with Hot Six or whatever

Everything Dudley cuz we used to get it for free

Mane n Tail'

Man....my hair was so long and natural....I'm sad now lol :perplexed
she used whatever cheapie shampoo was around. blue magic grease or sulfur 8 grease. washed probaly once a month. braided or ponytailed my sister and i's hair every other sunday or when our hair got raggedy looking. my hair was past bra strap natural.
Oo good one...I need to go wayyyyy back I cant even remember:grin:

I can remember

Green or Blue Afro Sheen Hair Grease
Prell Shampoo
Sulfur 8
Glovers Mane
ivory soap

....thats all thats flashing before my eyes right now:lachen:
Always grease, Cholesterol, Creme of Nature, and this nasty smelling grease that had mustard seeds in it.

I hated that suff. There were soo many tearful nights and achy scalps. :nono::cry3:
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Shampooed and conditioned with Timotei every 2-4 weeks.

Blue Magic or Dax grease

My hair was really long too back then

Maybe we need to all go back to using GREASE!!

The time my hair grew the most, I was using a grease very similar to sulphur 8 (I can't find it anymore - it was from Ghana) and I hadn't washed it for 6 weeks. My hair become so long and so thick. I can't even think about not washing my hair every week now.
TCB. And that's about it lol.I have no idea about the shampoos and conditioners but i know she didn't use anything special.
Revlon Flex shampoo and sometimes the creme rinse every two weeks, then green Dax. The comb she used had too-fine teeth and the nylon brush didn't suit my hair either. My Mom still has both the comb and brush to this day.
Revlon Flex shampoo and sometimes the creme rinse every two weeks, then green Dax. The comb she used had too-fine teeth and the nylon brush didn't suit my hair either. My Mom still has both the comb and brush to this day.

So does my mom!! The only thing I can remember was she used this VO5 hairdress that comes in a gold tube. It smelled sort of metallic to me. And I always got blown dry with a hand held blowfryer and braided up.
Jasmine oil/Amla oil/Various other Indian oils. I hated hated hated! My mothers Indian hair oil phases. Ugh i just remember the oil running down my neck and the horrible smell. Ughh

Dax- the black Tar one
Blue magic
Any shampoo. No conditioner

Henna twice a year.
Bone Marrow cream, i hated this, i used it when i was in Niger. It was supposed to grow your hair.