Growing Natural Hair Long HELP!!!


New Member
Hello, I'm new to the scene and have truly admired many of the photos on the site. Unfortunately, 99.9% of them are for women with lovely long RELAXED hair.
I'm growing my hair natural - type 4A/3C. I'm currently wearing it in Goddess style/bun-at-the-nape braids until it grows out much longer
Any advise/photos/product recommendations - to get it soft and mainly long???

I've received the best tips and product rec's from women with relaxed hair. My natural hair needs a lot of the same things as relaxed/texturized hair. Products that add moisture and detangle w/o leaving a greasy residue, for example.

Check out these threads for some nice photos.

Long Natural Hair

Natural Albums
Poster: Natural_Girl
Any advise/photos/product recommendations - to get it soft and mainly long???

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I alternate my style between pressed and natural.

When natural, I keep my hair moisturized by spritzing it throughout the day with a mix of my favorite conditioner/oil and distilled water. I also like to do overnight conditioning treatments with a plastic cap.

I'm not nearly as creative as other ladies in styling natural hair. I can't cornrow to save my life! So I mainly wear my natural hair pulled back into two kinky puffs; one high and one low. I'll add some definition by twisting my hair into mini buns and securing with butterfly clips for about an hour then untwist and pull back. Or, I'll do a braidout and pull back. Every now and then I might leave the low puff loose.

I think the best approach is to keep your routine and styles simple (less heat, less manipulation, less product experiments) but be sure to incorporate lots of moisture.

I found hot oil treatments before a shampoo worked wonders for my hair's condition, as well as only occasional use of heat. Let us (or pm) your regimen and we can try and help if you wish
moisture is key!!! that is my main advice. thanks to daily rinsing and conditioner washes this summer i got a lot of growth. water is you friend
what do you ladies do for the winter. I was think about gettting braids in october to like the spring? and redoing them every 6-6 weeks or so...I have natural 4A hair that I need to learn how to mositurize

Cause I know when it gets cold, wet hair is nto cool
Thanks everyone for your greetings and tips! MOST appreciated!

Any specific recommendations on pre-shampoo hot oil treatments? Or site recommendations for purchasing my own oils to make my own oil treatment?
I just use simple extra virgin olive oil for my pre-shampoo hot oil treatments. From time to time I may add a little cocnut oil or some jojoba oil to the mix. My hair loves it!