Growing Hair without stylists


New Member
I was wondering how many ladies on the site have grown their hair, healthy without the help of a stylists..I just wanted to see how many have done it, without reading every ladies fotki. I am trying to decide if I want to ever go to a stylist again, because I haven't found one in my home area, that is great, that I can trust, and who has as much knowledge as the ladies on this site.
IT'S POSSIBLE! :lol: I haven't had a stylist since.........

...and my hair is growing. Because of the damage that "they've" caused, I'm still trying to get my hair back healthy (if that makes since).
growinglong777 said:
I was wondering how many ladies on the site have grown their hair, healthy without the help of a stylists..I just wanted to see how many have done it, without reading every ladies fotki. I am trying to decide if I want to ever go to a stylist again, because I haven't found one in my home area, that is great, that I can trust, and who has as much knowledge as the ladies on this site.

I haven't gone to a stylist since December '05 when my hair was earlength in someplaces and chin length in others... and my hair has definitely grown since then. I do my own touchups/trims/henna/rollersets/flatiron, ALL OF IT. And I learned how to do it all right here:yep:
Same here. I cut ALL of my hair off in oct/Nov 1999 and have been stylist-free since then (except for two visits). It can be done!
I haven't been to a stylist/hairdresser for about 2 years. I couldn't believe that I could take care of my own hair.. but my hair is thriving and in better condition b/c of what I learned about hair care. The hair care tips in some books and hair care tips from this site.. is a huge help to taking care of your own I have come a long way and it has been a slow process.. but it can be done!! You just need patience...lots of it:D

IMO that was the best thing that I could do was start doing my own hair.. now my mom does put in my relaxers.. but everything else (rollersets, deep cond, wash, dust trimmings) I have mastered myself :) ;) :p
I have never visited a stylist in my life. When i got my relaxer 3 years ago, one of my sisters did it for me. Now, i wanna try and do my own relaxers but i'm still trying to get the guts to do it on my own. I guess i need to practice with conditioner like some ladies, or even the henna when i do it on Sat. Oh, and my hair has grown from SL chewed up hair to a little past APL thick hair in about 1 year or so with a couple set backs.
Yes. Once I banned her from trimming my hair w/ EVERY friggin' relaxer, my hair has been retaining it's length. I stretch and I've learned from this site how to be cute while doing so. :p
I only go to my stylist for relaxers but once I gain enough confidence I'll be doing that too. Can't wait until I'm stylist free!!!!
ME!!! :wave:

My hair is healthier & longer than it ever was when I was going to a stylist. It's IMPOSSIBLE for a stylist to give my hair the time & attention I feel it needs. I can't deep condition for hours or overnight using a stylist. I can't airdry at a salon. There are so many other little things that contribute to my hair that I don't think I'll ever go back to using a stylist consistently. I wouldn't mind having one in my back pocket for special occasions, but I don't see myself returning to weekly visits. :nono:

I like the salon at my house...Divine's Daring 'Dos :lol:
Since I have been away for college I rarely see a stylist unless I am getting a touch up, which is only 3-4 times a year. I used to go every 2 weeks and now that I go sparingly and do my own hair in between touch ups my hair is thriving. It's the longest it has been in nearly a decade and I cant wait until I reach APL by myself.:D
Divine Inspiration said:
ME!!! :wave:

My hair is healthier & longer than it ever was when I was going to a stylist. It's IMPOSSIBLE for a stylist to give my hair the time & attention I feel it needs. I can't deep condition for hours or overnight using a stylist. I can't airdry at a salon. There are so many other little things that contribute to my hair that I don't think I'll ever go back to using a stylist consistently. I wouldn't mind having one in my back pocket for special occasions, but I don't see myself returning to weekly visits. :nono:

I like the salon at my house...Divine's Daring 'Dos :lol:
:lachen: :)
delta_gyrl said:
Yes. Once I banned her from trimming my hair w/ EVERY friggin' relaxer, my hair has been retaining it's length. I stretch and I've learned from this site how to be cute while doing so. :p
I only go to my stylist for relaxers but once I gain enough confidence I'll be doing that too. Can't wait until I'm stylist free!!!!
Same here. :)
Growing up from age 0-18 I probably only went to the stylist about 2 times, and that was for prom and when I wanted my hair cut.

My hair always stayed between bra strap length I have always been natural so going to a stylist wasn’t really necessary.

As I got older I started to go more and my hair really didn’t change much it got more even but shorter… but I hav not been since May 06 and my hair has gone from bra-strap to nearly waist length so I def feel u can grow better without stylists at least I can because for me stylists want to keep it perfectly even and hair in general doesn’t grow like that.
Oh, my gosh, you ladies have started to convince me.. I am going to care for my hair myself, and monitor my progress in the next 6 months. I feel I am making the right decision now. and thank you so much. Happy growing ladies.
Divine Inspiration said:
ME!!! :wave:

My hair is healthier & longer than it ever was when I was going to a stylist. It's IMPOSSIBLE for a stylist to give my hair the time & attention I feel it needs. I can't deep condition for hours or overnight using a stylist. I can't airdry at a salon. There are so many other little things that contribute to my hair that I don't think I'll ever go back to using a stylist consistently. I wouldn't mind having one in my back pocket for special occasions, but I don't see myself returning to weekly visits. :nono:

I like the salon at my house...Divine's Daring 'Dos :lol:

I agree with you totally, no stylist can give my hair the attention it needs or use the best possible products. I can't remember the last time I went to the stylist, I may go on special occasions, but I try to stay away from them.
I haven't been to a stylist since May of 2004 and I can't imagine ever going back to one. I was never able to retain length when I was still going to a stylist for trims. My hair flourished when I starting trimming my hair myself and taking better care of it. :D
I haven't been to a stylist in an EASY 6-7 years. I put in, maintained, dyed, and removed my locs all at home, and I've been taking care of my own hair since I took them out - conditioning, coloring, trimming, the whole nine.

One, I figure that I can use the money that I WOULD spend on a stylist buying products and supplies that will allow me to nourish my hair, and two, the time I save by not waiting 3 hours to get in a chair and another 2 hours under the hair dryer will give me PLENTY of time to do whatever I want to my hair.

I'm even considering giving myself twist extensions at home after seeing some of the LOVELY results ladies here have gotten... shoot... I pay ME to do my hair.
I've never been a salon-goer. I never trusted anyone else besides my mom or me to do my hair. The one time someone else braided my hair when I was little and visiting my grandma in Wisconsin, the woman tried her best to rip out half my hair with a rattail comb, all the while going on about how nice and long mine and my sister's hair was :smirk: My mom was so mad when we got home and she saw the state of our hair after taking down our cornrows.
Never again.
I stopped going to stylists in Sept 2006 and my hair has NEVER been this healthy and grown so fast. I cut, trim, relaxed, poo, condition, rollerset, flatiron, deep condition, etc.............myself and it's all good.
I definitely agree that I can pamper my hair BETTER at home than a styllist - in term of time, products, patience and just plain old love!

I will not trust anyone else with my natural hair but ME and maybe another LHCFer who wants to exchange services. :D

Wouldn't it be great to have "let do your hair" exchange or event....
I havent been in a stylist's chair since November 05. My hair has grown 7 inches. She thought that rollersetting and pressing my roots was pointless. She would rather blowdry and flatiron me weekly:lachen: . I guess that was more convenient for her.

After sittting in her chair for a year, people kept asking me if I cut my hair:eek: . People haven't asked me that in a long time. They're are not asking what am I doing b/c it's growing.:)
When I was a little girl I went to the hairdresser's twice a month for a wash, press, and curl. My hair never made it past my neck. I was one of those people who suddenly had hair during the Jheri curl days, but lost it when we tried to go straight.

As a young adult, I went to go the stylist in spurts, but I noticed everytime I did I wound up loosing hair instead of retaining it. I stayed in weaves, short cuts (Caesar, Halle Berry), and box cuts when natural in the early 90s.

According to the hairdressers I had the worst grade of hair ever. Bantu, TCB Bone Straight, and Revlon Super did not get my silky. I had a barber tell me my hair jammed up his clippers. I have been told by so-called professionals that my hair is extra-resistant and slow growing.

On my own I have discovered that with the right relaxer my hair will straighten. I now know that Motions just does not work for me. I also know that my hair grows rather quickly and if I can retain those ends I can gain length.

Sorry for the long post, but I want to let you know you can do it on your own! Learn what your hair likes and dislikes.
I'm the reason my hair has grown and not my stylist. I think that I am more careful with my hair than she is. The only thing she does is apply my relaxer every 8-12 weeks. She would be someone I would trust with my trims if I would ever needed one. But it wasn't unitl I stopped her from trimming with each relaxer that I began to see hair retention. You can be successful with the tips that you get from this board. Identify who may have hair similar to yours and try their regiment. Trust me, there is a lot of help on this board. ;)