Growing hair for a man


Well-Known Member
Is anyone or would anyone grow out their hair b/c the man/men in their life encouraged it? My husband is fine with short or long hair he just likes it stylish (sorry honey!). My father is hispanic and he loves women with long hair. His last girlfriend had hair down to her waist. I have been considering growing my hair out because I do want long hair (BSL length) and am being slightly encouraged by my dad. My sister has waistlength hair as well.

So is anyone else doing it for a man?

my SO wasn't freaked out when i BC'd (amazingly). even now i am complaining about my haircut because my hair feels short... SO just told me to shut up. :lachen: he said the shape and style is nice, and that's all he cares about. :rolleyes:
I dunno. my soandi have beenotgether for 7.5years.when my hair was short,i always used to tellhim i wanted long hair.he just to say ok, then grow it,but dont think your hair will getsuperlong. when he saw my progress, he started to believe that i can have waist lenght hes like "please, never cutyour hair". i think the reasonwhyhe didnt prviusly encourage me to grow my hair long isbecause he didnt think i could.Heck, i didnteven think so. now,that he knows i can,i think he would seriously cry (more than me) if ievercut my hair.
Well...not entirely...I'm doing it for myself and DH. I love long hair and will be too excited once I reach WL. DH loves long hair as well and is slowly being convinced that my hair will actually grow that long.
I'm growing it out mostly for me, yet I know my friend would like it long and he's seen it longer before. I'm not cutting it again.

The thing is, if he wants to enjoy it, he has to stick around for another 3-5 years before I can claim BSL or MBL.
My hair was always SL length but he sure did like it once it got longer.
I talk about cutting it off (myself playing with the idea of BCing) he tells me he likes it long.
Yes and no.
I started growing my hair out before I even thought abut what my DH would think. However, one time he was talking about long hair and I asked him what he considered long hair. He pointed to my waist and I was like :rolleyes:.
So, now I'm kinda on a mission to "Wow" him. :grin:
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Yes and no. I had short hair when I met my husband, very, very short. He loved it and used to ask me NEVER to grow it long. Whateva!! I grew it long. Now he's begging me not to bc as I transition. I'm not cutting yet partly because I still don't know what I'm doing and because I'm trying to honor his request too. I'll braid it up this summer and bc in the fall.
but i do have a neighbor who has long hair. its MBL and her husband said if she cuts it he will leave. she aint cut it either:lachen:.
I can tell when a girl is breaking up or has fight :perplexed with so when the tell you to cut it off:look: I then have to have long talk and decide if they are for sure, or are they going to regret it in the morning?

I am really doing it for myself cause I think with long hair comes power :look: ((( :lachen: :lachen::lachen:)))

but Seriously I am doing this for me!!
Is anyone or would anyone grow out their hair b/c the man/men in their life encouraged it? My husband is fine with short or long hair he just likes it stylish (sorry honey!). My father is hispanic and he loves women with long hair. His last girlfriend had hair down to her waist. I have been considering growing my hair out because I do want long hair (BSL length) and am being slightly encouraged by my dad. My sister has waistlength hair as well.

So is anyone else doing it for a man?
Growing for me, not a man. Not because it's politically correct to say no, but because it's true. Do everything for yourself. You have a good husband. I like that he just loves you for you. I know you wanna please poppa but please yourself and love yourself. You want to grow hair, sure, but for the right reasons. At least that's my belief....
Ummmm friend could care less about my hair, long as it looked presentable, it's fine. Now if he liked a special look on me (relaxed days) then I would do it up for him as a treat. But grow my hair for him? Nahh....He'll do him, and I'mma do me!
I thought I read somewhere that Deion Sanders wants his wife to keep her long hair. Her hair is waist length and I wonder if that is the motivation behind why she wears it out all the time on the show and keeps it that length.

My husband doesn't care - my dad does. He wants me to have long hair.
No, I'm doing this for myself. My husband has seen my old natural hair pics and actually asked me if I could go back to that, because he doesn't like me using the chemicals.
No. Most of the guys I date do not care and my bf.... he's like, whatever:rolleyes:. Only one guy I dated had a preference for longer hair. He could care less if I came around looking like Buckwheat. I can hear him now,"You look so beautiful":lachen::lachen::lachen:
Honestly, my friends are more of an influence... plus I'm growing it long so I can go natural. Time for an overall change.
My husband doesn't care - my dad does. He wants me to have long hair.

responding again :look:

i personally don't care about other people's opinions... men, women, mama, uncle, cousin, best friend, son, whatever! okay well i didn't have a son when i BC'd but the point is, i did it without wondering if others would approve. the only person i was interested in getting feedback from was my SO because yes, i do want him to find me attractive. he just said, "well let's see how it looks." he was the one who watched me cut it all off and told me afterwards, "you have the face to pull of any length of hair, you look sexy." :kiss2:

guess i lucked out in that department. :grin:

if the other men in my life don't like my hair for whatever reasons, they can go kick rocks. but then, my daddy didn't raise me so it's not like his opinion matters on ANYTHING. :rolleyes:
Nope :nono:.
Actually, my SO keeps telling me that if the two textures are getting so unbearable, I should just BC and stop worrying about what other people would think...he's right, but I just can't bring myself to do it :wallbash:.
I'm going to try and transition without the BC.
Typically I do what I want to do b/c well...I am grown, earn my own money and pay my bills. I do not see a problem doing something to please someone else for a change. My husband does things to please me whether it be to cut off his goatee b/c I want to see a change to changing his outfit b/c I want to see him in brown vs. blue. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion.

I see nothing wrong with reciprocating and doing things that pleases him. I have no problem doing things to please my dad. It goes without saying I will wear my hair the way I want to - but if there is a specific request I see no problem fulfilling it.

My husband used to get annoyed b/c he felt that whenever he said he liked my hair a certain way the very next day I would change it so he stopped complimenting me on my hair. I didn't realize I was doing that but reflecting back on it - I guess I did.
I don't mind growing my hair out for my husband or for my papi but growing it out means I have to make a decision as to whether I am goin got stay natural. The reason is - long natural hair is TOUGH for me b/c my hair curls up on itself and ties itself literally in KNOTS! I may explore a texturizer so I have more flexibility to go back and forth. We shall see - the funny thing is ..once I start growing it out I am like "bump it long hair is overrated" and then cut it. LOL!! Long hair is definitely a commitment.
My husband does things to please me whether it be to cut off his goatee b/c I want to see a change

My husband used to get annoyed b/c he felt that whenever he said he liked my hair a certain way the very next day I would change it so he stopped complimenting me on my hair. I didn't realize I was doing that but reflecting back on it - I guess I did.

awwww... i've tried numerous times to get SO to cut off his goatee. he ain't budged in 5 years :lachen:

don't these guys know that we gotta change up our hair style every now and then? i would think he'd get sick of you wearing your hair the same way every day. then again i'm not a guy, i guess they are more simplistic than we are... all they know is they like it so they never get tired of it. :drunk:
Nope, all the guys I've dated like women with long hair but I think if you look good with your style they are ok with that.. Right now I'm APL and I told my SO that I am trying to grow my hair to MBL and he said that will be cute. I am growing my hair long for me and only me..
Oh yeah he is tired of me wearing my hair the same way every day - he calls my natural puff the "magic mushroom"! LOL!

I do care what my husband and father think b/c they are very important people in my lives and I think previously they think I discounted their opinions so I am making a more concerted effort to be more considerate.

awwww... i've tried numerous times to get SO to cut off his goatee. he ain't budged in 5 years :lachen:

don't these guys know that we gotta change up our hair style every now and then? i would think he'd get sick of you wearing your hair the same way every day. then again i'm not a guy, i guess they are more simplistic than we are... all they know is they like it so they never get tired of it. :drunk:
My Daddy asked me to let it grow and I do think of him in regards to my goals. But I have to admit, if he asked me to cut it...I wouldn't. So, growing my hair is mostly for me. My DH doesn't much care, as long as I don't straighten it, which is the only time he's ever said anything bad about how my hair looks. He was fine when I did the b/c, but discourages me from cutting at all now ONLY because he doesn't want me to be miserable. (I complained about it being too short after my big chop and was kind of impatient for it to grow.)
It's funny you made this a thread b/c my wonderful husband wants me to put all my wigs to rest FOREVER!!!! He loves my natural hair and wants me to wear it by August. I love him b/c he loves me the way I AM..... King I LOVE YOU :kiss:

It's funny you made this a thread b/c my wonderful husband wants me to put all my wigs to rest FOREVER!!!! He loves my natural hair and wants me to wear it by August. I love him b/c he loves me the way I AM..... King I LOVE YOU :kiss:

DH likes my hair however I wear it as long as it's neat (he doesn't like relaxers though, which is fine, since I greatly prefer my hair natural). Plus, even if he did prefer really long hair I'd only do it because I want to since I'm the one who has to deal with the maintanance. It's not like the hair just takes care of itself.