Ihave the inverse problem my front grows faster than the back so it' s very difficult to me to reach my goals, I have to deal with this fact .
Good kuck .
Cécile .
I think we all have this problem. I was able to get the front of my hair to catch up to the back once. I think I was doing scalp massages to the front half of my hair on a daily basis.

I also manipulated the front less. I realized that when I was combing my hair in the am, I naturally concentracted on the hair that framed my face. Ultimately, I was causing more breakage to the front.

I usually wear my hair parted to one side, that side is usually combed more often in styling. That side is shorter than the other side which doesn't get as much attention.
I have this same problem, almost bsl in the back and right now about collarbone length in the front. I don't know if you wear ponytails at all, but if so, it might help to drastically cut the amount of time that your hair is pulled back. For the last month or so, I've only been wearing my hair in a ponytail about once a week and it seems to be helping (I used to wear a bun or ponytail everyday). Also, when you do pull it back, just smooth your edges w/ a scarf but no brushing. If this doesn't help, maybe a growth aid applied only to the front may help.:yep:
I have this problem as well. The back and sides are shoulder length, but the crown is much shorter, maybe a little below ear length. It seem to naturally grows in layers.