Great Lengths Challenge - Mid Neck and Above

count me in!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: i'm inspired by all the hide your hair ladies! i'm at 5 in. natural 4a. i hope to have 10 in by next march.
B_Phlyy said:
I don't know about this one. I do just about everything, except I hate taking pills, so I don't know if I can make the supplement requirement,

How about supplementing the pills for something else i.e. carrot juice?
miss Congeniality said:
Two days in and my skin is already breaking out. I think I will have to leave the biotin alone.

You gotta up your water intake to at least the daily recommended glasses of 64 oz.
Yeah...when you start taking supps u gotta drink LOTS of water. The supplements help your cells detoxify. Water enables those toxins to be released more readily through your urine, rather than your skin. So the more the better!:D

hang in there.
I'm in, I'm in, I'm in!!!:woot: :woot:
I'm super late I know.
I already do everything except for the 30 minute exercise 3 days a week. So I'll try my best to do that... SL here I come babeee!

P.S. your site is awesome c-kiss, i love it.
I'm in! I BCd a month ago and I can't wait for my hair to grow so I can start rocking some twists and other styles I can't do yet because my hair is too short. This will also help me with my personal Fluidity challenge. I will get my hair and body back in shape for good.:whip:

I'm hanging in there! I've not used any direct heat since the challenge began and I have (surprisingly) stuck to the regimen. I have actually decided to extend the challenge for myself until February. I am expecting to see some phenomenal results! Although I can't tell exactly how much growth I have gotten (per the no heat rule) I know that the overall condition of my hair has greatly improved!

How is everyone else doing?
I dont get a lot of breakage. But I havent seen any changes in length or thickness. I am slacking on the water and exercise though but I moisturize and DC religiously.
Still going strong. Currently, I am in braids and using BT every day/every other day, which ever I can remember to do first and baggying. Other than that I am not doing anything special.
I really just feel like my hair is getting bigger rather than longer. My 2nd year is coming up and I will probably do a blow out so then I can really see if my hair is growing or not. I can honestly say that I haven't been consistant with my regimen; I need to refocus and keep my eye on the prize.
I totally fell off with the exercise thing. I did good for about a month but I need to get back on that. I haven't used heat though and I'm popping my vits and drinking water like a maniac. I'm actually thinking of not relaxing again until December which would be a 6 month stretch!! we'll see how that goes :perplexed
So, I was doing GREAT...Still braided up, purchased some OJON and Aveda DR, been using my LR mixed with BT and Surging daily, till yesterday, I was in a hurry to use the ladies room and RIPPED TWO BRAIDS OUT OF MY the same area on my hairline of course...I just wanted to cry.
I QUIT!:mad:
Oh gosh well its a good thing this post has been dug up becuase i've forgotton what im supposed to be doing.

Im not good a taking pills, so i've stopped that - guess i should get back to it, exercising has gone down hill (i keep telling myself to go jogging, maybe this weekend :look: )

Everything else is going great!!!!:) :)
I've been a member of lhcf for a couple of months, but I suck at navigating through it. I would like to do one of the challenges...I just cut my hair into a bob cut to make it healthier....I hope it's not too late to join.