Great Lengths Challenge...And We're Off

I'm in. Here's my start picture.;)

Choklatekiss your hair looks really nice! I love the pics with the curley hair and satin scarf. You're doing a great job with styling your hair while stretching relaxers. I wish i had the patience to do twist/braidouts with nape length hair. :ohwell: I'm just bunning these days because it's easier.

OMG.... Thanks Shakira! It's a struggle trying to grow my hair back out, but I'm trying to hang in there. Thanks for noticing my effort.:D You should post a few pics of your bun.:)
Choklatekiss79, I checked out your album and left a comment.:)

Nice starting length princessdi.:) I'll be relaxing soon and I'll take a starting pic and post it up when I do.;)
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I henna'ed for the first time last night. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics of the process. :perplexed I must say, my hair feels a lot stronger and thicker. I'm not yet interested in the coloring aspect of henna, I just wanted to reap the conditioning benefits. I think I'm sold.:D

Anyone else tried it?
Choklatekiss79 said:
I henna'ed for the first time last night. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics of the process. :perplexed I must say, my hair feels a lot stronger and thicker. I'm not yet interested in the coloring aspect of henna, I just wanted to reap the conditioning benefits. I think I'm sold.:D

Anyone else tried it?[/quote]

Not yet. I'm so afraid that I might mess up and lose the little bit of hair that I have on my head now. :eek:

But kudos for you for being brave and trying it. I'm glad that it worked for you. You are a henna lovah now. ;)
I'm checking in...I broke one of the rules today. I has a small party to go to and I wanted to flat iron my hair so I used direct heat. But the good news is that it came out nice. I have some pics in my fotki. I wont use direct heat again though for a while or unless I have another occasion to go to.
i'm checking in too:) i took out my yarn braids and gave my hair a good detangling & co-wash. it's definitely grown, about 6 in. all over/layered.:D it's mad thick and soft. i put some new twists in and took pics. in my yahoo photo album:

it's the folder dated 2007/04/27. i'm enjoying having my hair out for a lil' bit. i'll probably put my braids back in this weekend. hhg
checking in! I broke the vitamin part this whole month.. :( but I've been taking my vitamins for the past 2 days again...i also added baggying to my regimen...
Choklatekiss79 said:
I henna'ed for the first time last night. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics of the process. :perplexed I must say, my hair feels a lot stronger and thicker. I'm not yet interested in the coloring aspect of henna, I just wanted to reap the conditioning benefits. I think I'm sold.:D

Anyone else tried it?

I tried it and love it. Like you I wasn't interested in color. I applied it right away and still ended up with color. I like it though. My hair definitely feels stronger.
havent checked in , in a minute :) I just started taking my iron , multivitamin, flaxseed , and vitamin c *whew* this past weekend. wish me luck!!
hi everyone!! here is my start pic. i haven't officially been added to the roster but i need to do this!! i take a multi-vitamin and iron supps already.i think i might add biotin. also i need to do more exercise and add pre-pooing. i'm not too sure about the protective styling, but i do roller sets everytime i wash and usually wear my hair curly...isn't that kinda protective:look: i know i'm reaching for that one...

just wanted to check in. i think i will have to focus on thickness versus length. my sides are very c thru.ill see how much progress ill make at the end of the challenge in dec. how's everyone doing?
Just checking in. Progress pics are in my siggy. I've been on track with most of the rules with the exception of the darn curling iron :nono: (Note to self...just say no!) How's everyone else doing??
Hi Everyone,

I'm doing great. I know this is the "Great Lengths Challenge," but I've decided to transition!!!!:) So, for a minute, I'll be going backwards in terms of length. :D I'm very excited about my decision.

This will be my second time around going natural. The first time around was a train wreck. But this time I know what I'm doing thanks to all the knowlegeable and supportive sistas on this board.

Wish me luck. I will be BCing no sooner than December 31, 2007.
Well I forgot I joined this challenge and had my big chop "officially" starting on 6/15 back to natural. I had chopped before but realized I hadn't nearly gotten all the permed hair off. So now i'm like 1/4 of an inch long. And will chart my progress from there. HHG!

ETA: I just saw on the original thread that this challenge started in April and will run 9 months. Since I big chopped, mine will have to start 2 months later (tears). But its okay, I'm still in and excited to see how much I can achieve in 7 months. I'll upload my starting point tonight!
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br0wney3z said:
What do Ghana braids look like?

Sorry missed this, Ghana braids are a type of cornrow but you need to be careful if you have a sensitive hairline to never leave it in too long.

I seem to be doing okay i have overcome my need to "trim" (so far anyway) by hardly letting my hair out more than a couple of days, i'm on a modified C&G and i'm currently rocking my lacefront over cornrows and hope to have a decent update by July [crossed fingers]:)
I'm still in. I haven't used direct heat on my hair in so long BUT I'm not taking any supplements. I had a little iodine treatment back in May and I had to stop taking vitamins, etc. But I'm still washing, co-washing, dc'ing and rollersetting.

I have updated pics but I don't know how to get them in my siggy. :perplexed :perplexed
I'm still on it...

except haven't been taking my supplements and slipping on the workout....


i shall get back on it