Got My Touch-Up Yesterday..(LONG)


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for your hair prayers. I got my mild lye touch-up yesterday at the salon after stretching for 13 weeks and I'm now about an inch away from armpit in the back. The experience with my hairdresser though, let me know that I'm gonna have to let her go :( . Of all the things she supposedly knows about hair care, for some reason it's not common sense for her that she's not suppose to apply the relaxer to already processed hair. :mad: Before she started I said 'you are only going to apply it to the NG right?' She answers with "Well I AM gonna comb through it" in that I know what I'm doing I figure as long as I get her to wash it out as soon as she does I should be ok. So she parts and bases my scalp then proceeds to apply to the NG, then with her RATTAIL comb she starts at the back again and starts her "comb through" which consists of her applying another layer of the cream on the length of my hair. She's combing and the comb is making my head go back everytime and I can feel that she's struggling with it and I say, "Are you using a rattail?" in a tone that's like 'I know you ain't using a rattail!" She's like yeah is it hurting? I said "yeah, it is"..blah blah, regardless this doesn't stop with it. Home perm relaxers even tell you if you are going to comb through to use a wide tooth. I used to think I lucked out finding her because she seemed to really know about hair care and got my hair in good shape but she turned into one of the hairdressers from the horror stories on this board that will just do what the heck they want and not what you want. After all the washing and conditioning (which wasn't even a DC, she let it sit on my hair for like 4 mins, then washed out) and drying, I got back into her chair and she tried her darndest to convince me to let her trim it and I said "No" She goes, "You just came out of braids you need a trim" I looked at the ends my self and said "I don't need it, they're not split." She says "Alright then I'll just clean it up around the sides so that's it's neat" I'm like "Uh-uh" So she's bumping it and she takes a little from the sides and said "I can't even cut this much?" I said "No" and then she says "Well I can't make you, they aren't that bad" I swear it was like I was telling her she couldn't get a hit telling her she couldn't use her scissors. After the stunt with the relaxer, I knew I had to be more commanding, but I wish it didn't take that. But I left happy knowing at least I controlled that situation because I had a feeling she would have cut off the progress I made. I made another appt but I don't think I'll be going. I think I'm going to do my own washes and DC's from here on out and go to the salon my sister goes to for touch-ups. She's been going for years and told me hers only applies to her NG and she's got a long thick head of hair.

Thanks for now here's the questions.

I'm really tempted to do my own DC today, because I feel like she weakened my processed strands. It hasn't thinned out that much but I don't have that thick almost heavy feeling with my hair that I used to have after going to her and it feels dry to me. Are there treatments or anything I can do to replenish what may have been stripped? I need new products and a new regimen for the next coming weeks, I'm determined to do a wash and DC or treatment every week in order to get it back to health. But I have Fantasia IC Anti Breakage creme in my supply, it's the only DC I have right now and I just want to slather some on my head and let it do it's thing. I want to stop any potential breakage before it happens. Is it too soon to do this? 1 day after? Thanks yall!
I can't really give you any advice on whether you can DC or not so soon but I wanted to say Congratulations on controlling the situation with not trimming.
I'm sorry she overlapped like that, but at least the relaxer was a mild. You requested the new growth be relaxed only, she should have complied with that. I've never understood the point of combing through the entire head, I guess freshly overprocessed hair must look pretty or something :confused: I recommend that you do an Aphogee treatment or a Nexxus Emergencee treatment followed by a moisturizing deep conditioner in the next week or two. I think it is fine to go ahead and deep condition today, I have deep conditioned the next day following my past two relaxers with no problem.
Thanks guys! CAPlush, I was thinking of grabbing some Nexxus products, never used them before.

If I DC tonight I don't think I'll shampoo, I'm just gonna wet it and apply the conditioner (is that a CW?)
I'm sorry you had to experience that. She needs to be slapped, IMO. I would have been more commanding a/b pulling that relaxer through the whole head though.

If I were you, I'd do an Aphogee tx, then DC ASAP. Or if you're gonna just DC, apply some sort of protein leave-in before styling (like Motions Nourish), and just watch for the next couple of weeks and see if your hair starts freaking out or not.

I just don't know what I would do if a stylist even thought a/b doing that crap w/me...*smh*

Congrats on your progess, btw :)
Thanks for the tips artemis! I saw a whole different side of her yesterday. She has a very short cut too and she jokes to other patrons or friends that she's gonna cut their hair like hers. She gets excited to see other people have cut their hair, like hers..I mean, she's a cool person and funny too but I don't see her being with me on my long hair goals like I'd need her to be.
SvelteVelvet said:
Thanks for the tips artemis! I saw a whole different side of her yesterday. She has a very short cut too and she jokes to other patrons or friends that she's gonna cut their hair like hers. She gets excited to see other people have cut their hair, like hers..I mean, she's a cool person and funny too but I don't see her being with me on my long hair goals like I'd need her to be.

No, ma'am! :lol: That is straight up latent "hair hate"...
I went through the very same thing last Sunday, a week from today.
  • On Thursday, I did a prepoo on dry hair with Mane-n-Tail mixed with some Wild Growth Oil (I was out of EVOO, honey, castor, avocado, or jojoba oil - which are my favorite prepoo oils).
  • I shampooed my scalp with Nexuss Therrapppe Moisturizing Shampoo.
  • I followed it with the Aphogee intense protein treatment and sat under dryer until hard, and rinsed.
  • I deep conditioned with Nexuss Humectress mixed with Wild Growth Oil, and sat under dryer for about 15-20 mins.
  • I rinsed and rollerset, sat under dryer for about an hour.
  • My hair came out much fuller than it did when I left the salon.
Go ahead and deep condition girl. I may go back to self-relaxing, because this last experiencing cost me some length and may very well thin my hair out next time. Hope you rethink going back to her.
LadyEsquire said:
I went through the very same thing last Sunday, a week from today.
  • On Thursday, I did a prepoo on dry hair with Mane-n-Tail mixed with some Wild Growth Oil (I was out of EVOO, honey, castor, avocado, or jojoba oil - which are my favorite prepoo oils).
  • I shampooed my scalp with Nexuss Therrapppe Moisturizing Shampoo.
  • I followed it with the Aphogee intense protein treatment and sat under dryer until hard, and rinsed.
  • I deep conditioned with Nexuss Humectress mixed with Wild Growth Oil, and sat under dryer for about 15-20 mins.
  • I rinsed and rollerset, sat under dryer for about an hour.
  • My hair came out much fuller than it did when I left the salon.
Go ahead and deep condition girl. I may go back to self-relaxing, because this last experiencing cost me some length and may very well thin my hair out next time. Hope you rethink going back to her.

Yeah, I pretty much made up my mind, it's ova between me and her. I can't trust her with the care of my hair. And when I go to my sisters salon, I'm gonna start off that relationship with them only doing my touch-ups every 3 months and they'll know that from jump street. Everything else I'm gonna just handle on my own from here on out.

So I went to Walgreens for some plastic caps and while in the aisle I saw all the Nexxus stuff and and read the label on the Botanoil Shampoo. It was the first one I picked up and it was like fate because it was all the things I was looking for, especially replacing the lipids lost during chemical processes and the release of vitamins and amino acids. I washed my hair with that, then DC'd with IC Deep Penetrating Creme for an hour, washed out and applied Garnier length & strength leave-in cond. Now it's wrapped and I'll be under my alien looking heat cap/dryer soon. I'm going to start washing once a week now instead of every 2, and next weekend I'm going to do the Emergencee, i also might switch up from IC to ORS Mayo, maybe alternate between the two because the IC has been my staple for so long. Hopefully this will all get me back on track.

Thanks for all your support ladies!
SvelteVelvet said:
Thanks everyone for your hair prayers. I got my mild lye touch-up yesterday at the salon after stretching for 13 weeks and I'm now about an inch away from armpit in the back. The experience with my hairdresser though, let me know that I'm gonna have to let her go :( . Of all the things she supposedly knows about hair care, for some reason it's not common sense for her that she's not suppose to apply the relaxer to already processed hair. :mad: Before she started I said 'you are only going to apply it to the NG right?' She answers with "Well I AM gonna comb through it" in that I know what I'm doing I figure as long as I get her to wash it out as soon as she does I should be ok. So she parts and bases my scalp then proceeds to apply to the NG, then with her RATTAIL comb she starts at the back again and starts her "comb through" which consists of her applying another layer of the cream on the length of my hair. She's combing and the comb is making my head go back everytime and I can feel that she's struggling with it and I say, "Are you using a rattail?" in a tone that's like 'I know you ain't using a rattail!" She's like yeah is it hurting? I said "yeah, it is"..blah blah, regardless this doesn't stop with it. Home perm relaxers even tell you if you are going to comb through to use a wide tooth. I used to think I lucked out finding her because she seemed to really know about hair care and got my hair in good shape but she turned into one of the hairdressers from the horror stories on this board that will just do what the heck they want and not what you want. After all the washing and conditioning (which wasn't even a DC, she let it sit on my hair for like 4 mins, then washed out) and drying, I got back into her chair and she tried her darndest to convince me to let her trim it and I said "No" She goes, "You just came out of braids you need a trim" I looked at the ends my self and said "I don't need it, they're not split." She says "Alright then I'll just clean it up around the sides so that's it's neat" I'm like "Uh-uh" So she's bumping it and she takes a little from the sides and said "I can't even cut this much?" I said "No" and then she says "Well I can't make you, they aren't that bad" I swear it was like I was telling her she couldn't get a hit telling her she couldn't use her scissors. After the stunt with the relaxer, I knew I had to be more commanding, but I wish it didn't take that. But I left happy knowing at least I controlled that situation because I had a feeling she would have cut off the progress I made. I made another appt but I don't think I'll be going. I think I'm going to do my own washes and DC's from here on out and go to the salon my sister goes to for touch-ups. She's been going for years and told me hers only applies to her NG and she's got a long thick head of hair.

Thanks for now here's the questions.

I'm really tempted to do my own DC today, because I feel like she weakened my processed strands. It hasn't thinned out that much but I don't have that thick almost heavy feeling with my hair that I used to have after going to her and it feels dry to me. Are there treatments or anything I can do to replenish what may have been stripped? I need new products and a new regimen for the next coming weeks, I'm determined to do a wash and DC or treatment every week in order to get it back to health. But I have Fantasia IC Anti Breakage creme in my supply, it's the only DC I have right now and I just want to slather some on my head and let it do it's thing. I want to stop any potential breakage before it happens. Is it too soon to do this? 1 day after? Thanks yall!

I just had my hair relaxed 2day afta a 12wk stretch...I ALWAYS bring my own that I can get a REAL DC...try a reconstructor this wk followed by a moisturizing DC...this should ge your hair back in order;) ...if u do decideto go back to a salon,bring your own products, and get "manish" if you have to regarding DC timing,after all its your hair:look:
patiencevirtue said:
I just had my hair relaxed 2day afta a 12wk stretch...I ALWAYS bring my own that I can get a REAL DC...try a reconstructor this wk followed by a moisturizing DC...this should ge your hair back in order;) ...if u do decideto go back to a salon,bring your own products, and get "manish" if you have to regarding DC timing,after all its your hair:look:

I'm only going to let them do my touch-ups every 12wks, and that's only because I'm a little intimidated when it comes to self-relaxing with lye, but everything else will be all me. Is Emergencee considered a reconstructor? Thanks!
Yep...EMERGENCEE is great!:)...just make sure that u use a moisturizing DC w/o protein...u should be fine;)
SvelteVelvet said:
I'm only going to let them do my touch-ups every 12wks, and that's only because I'm a little intimidated when it comes to self-relaxing with lye, but everything else will be all me. Is Emergencee considered a reconstructor? Thanks!
Wow! What a story. Never ever have I had a stylist to comb a relaxer through. That just seem like improper application from my years of experience visiting shops. But the one thing that I would suggest you do is a hard core protein treatment. One week after my relaxer, I apply a aphogee treatment followed by a moisturizing deep cond. This has been a saving grace for my relaxed hair. This will strengthen the hair that has been weakened by the chemical. This is one tip that my old stylist gave me that I've been continously doing. My advice is to definitely find a stylist that relaxes ng only.
janeemat said:
Wow! What a story. Never ever have I had a stylist to comb a relaxer through. That just seem like improper application from my years of experience visiting shops. But the one thing that I would suggest you do is a hard core protein treatment. One week after my relaxer, I apply a aphogee treatment followed by a moisturizing deep cond. This has been a saving grace for my relaxed hair. This will strengthen the hair that has been weakened by the chemical. This is one tip that my old stylist gave me that I've been continously doing. My advice is to definitely find a stylist that relaxes ng only.

Thanks Janet! My hair feels alot better today after my wash & DC last night, it feels fuller, softer and more moisturized then when I left the salon. I'm torn between doing the Emergencee this weekend or the Aphogee, are they one in the same, just different brands? Or would I benefit from doing one this week and another next week or so?
I feel compelled to share my recent nightmare.

I want to tell you my recent bad relaxer story.
Let me give you some background first.
I am very good with hair, mine and everyone else's too so...I typically don't go to salons. However, My hair has grown past my shoulders now and is harder to manage doing my own touchup fast enough.

In March 06 I did my touchup and wound up with a chemical burn in
my scalp. I accidentally scratched the scab off a fewdays later and the bleeding was out of control (very odd, like nothing I've experienced before).
:eek: The following week I broke my leg in a severe car accident and was hospitalized. Post surgery I was on blood thinners and the burn in my scalp healed did not heal properly causing an explosion of blood vessels in my scalp about the size of a kidney bean, which a dermatologist later removed without a problem.

So as a result, I decided that from then on I would have professionals do my relaxer instead.
I had my first post accident relaxer in September 2006 and it came out great. (Straight Request brand)

:mad: feb17 I went to the same salon for my touchup and they did a horrible job. I even had 2 small chemical burns.:mad:

I get home and find that My roots are only partially relaxed and there are spots where he did not bring the relaxer down far enough from my scalp so there are mid-strand areas that are unrelaxed. yikes!:eek:

I went back the following Tuesday and got a refund.
Also the owner offers to fix the mess that they made [for free of course] she's the one who did my hair back in September. So a I made an appointment for 8 1/2 weeks

I braided my hair in cornrows for 2 weeks saturated it with infusium every day. And Before I put the cornrows in, I deep conditioned it 2wice. and then took very good care of it up to the appointment day.

:look: It's just really messed up, I am very protective about my hair and I give it a lot of TLC. I only go to salons for the chemical treatments but I could have done this junk myself. And I was trying to get to where I only get a relaxer every 6 months.

I got the re-do on April 18 and because of the nature of the problem, they had to pull the relaxer down over previously relaxed areas (but not the whole strand).
;)Your hair looks pretty healthy so you will survive this... It hasn't given me a problem. And yes It is OK to deep condition days after a touchup. I washed & DC'd my hair 2 days after the appointment because I didn't like the salon smell of my hair.
SvelteVelvet said:
Thanks Janet! My hair feels alot better today after my wash & DC last night, it feels fuller, softer and more moisturized then when I left the salon. I'm torn between doing the Emergencee this weekend or the Aphogee, are they one in the same, just different brands? Or would I benefit from doing one this week and another next week or so?

Both are hard core proteins. Just depends on preference. However, they are applied totally different.
Re: I feel compelled to share my recent nightmare.

:eek:Oh my! That gave me the heebie jeebies. Thank God you survived it all :) , and thanks for your story.

Mook's hair said:
I want to tell you my recent bad relaxer story.
Let me give you some background first.
I am very good with hair, mine and everyone else's too so...I typically don't go to salons. However, My hair has grown past my shoulders now and is harder to manage doing my own touchup fast enough.

In March 06 I did my touchup and wound up with a chemical burn in
my scalp. I accidentally scratched the scab off a fewdays later and the bleeding was out of control (very odd, like nothing I've experienced before).
:eek: The following week I broke my leg in a severe car accident and was hospitalized. Post surgery I was on blood thinners and the burn in my scalp healed did not heal properly causing an explosion of blood vessels in my scalp about the size of a kidney bean, which a dermatologist later removed without a problem.

So as a result, I decided that from then on I would have professionals do my relaxer instead.
I had my first post accident relaxer in September 2006 and it came out great. (Straight Request brand)

:mad: feb17 I went to the same salon for my touchup and they did a horrible job. I even had 2 small chemical burns.:mad:

I get home and find that My roots are only partially relaxed and there are spots where he did not bring the relaxer down far enough from my scalp so there are mid-strand areas that are unrelaxed. yikes!:eek:

I went back the following Tuesday and got a refund.
Also the owner offers to fix the mess that they made [for free of course] she's the one who did my hair back in September. So a I made an appointment for 8 1/2 weeks

I braided my hair in cornrows for 2 weeks saturated it with infusium every day. And Before I put the cornrows in, I deep conditioned it 2wice. and then took very good care of it up to the appointment day.

:look: It's just really messed up, I am very protective about my hair and I give it a lot of TLC. I only go to salons for the chemical treatments but I could have done this junk myself. And I was trying to get to where I only get a relaxer every 6 months.

I got the re-do on April 18 and because of the nature of the problem, they had to pull the relaxer down over previously relaxed areas (but not the whole strand).
;)Your hair looks pretty healthy so you will survive this... It hasn't given me a problem. And yes It is OK to deep condition days after a touchup. I washed & DC'd my hair 2 days after the appointment because I didn't like the salon smell of my hair.
janeemat said:
Both are hard core proteins. Just depends on preference. However, they are applied totally different.

Thanks for the clarity! Since I just bought some Nexxus Botanoil shampoo and will be using that before my treatment, I think I'll go with the Emergencee.
I also just wanted to tell you that while the Aphogee treatment lasts 4-6 weeks, the results of Nexxus Emergencee does not last nearly as long, so since you are battling overprocessed hair you can use the Emergencee as often as every 2 weeks if necessary.
CAPlush said:
I'm sorry she overlapped like that, but at least the relaxer was a mild. You requested the new growth be relaxed only, she should have complied with that. I've never understood the point of combing through the entire head, I guess freshly overprocessed hair must look pretty or something :confused: I recommend that you do an Aphogee treatment or a Nexxus Emergencee treatment followed by a moisturizing deep conditioner in the next week or two. I think it is fine to go ahead and deep condition today, I have deep conditioned the next day following my past two relaxers with no problem.

I agree with this!! I also use nexxus emergencee or aphogee following my relaxer(I usually wait about 3 days) and as far as deep conditioning...I do this twice a week and after my relaxer I will deep condition afterwards. hope that helps!