Got my hair braided and 'the Man' said :@#$%&*!"

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Well ladies, I got my hair braided Saturday in individual braids. I specificaly said medium sized braids with wavy ends. Although they are not tiny braids, I do have about a million or so braids none the less. Thank God my hair is very thick and strong that I don't fear it pulling at my scalp and they are not tight; but I am not looking forward to removing this bad boys therefore, they will stay in my head until the new year. Anyway the purpose of this thread was to tell ya'll that my partner(a Black man) loved it. After cutting off my 8-9ins of relaxed hair two months ago, needless to say he liked the new look for a good minute because it was sharp and sexy (I believe those were his words last night) But once it started to grow and I didn't maintain the neatness of having a sharp and sexy TWA, he started to tease me and said that I needed hair to keep up with the look of being beautiful. His words were "you need hair on your head." I tried to explain that once my hair grows in my natural state I will be able to wear twist outs and band my hair stretching it to show that I have hair. Needless to say, when he saw my braids Saturday, he loved them. I knew I looked cute:D and yes I pranced around and felt very confident. Anyway, after my weekend of getting used to my braids, I then walked into my office this Monday morning and didn't get the reaction I thought I would get. I thought everyone would say "oh your hair looks fabulous" Instead my Italian, male co-worker said," Why did you do that to your hair? What are those extensions?" :eek: I smiled, and gave him the explanation of why I chose to put the braids in my hair in the first place. Which was to avoid wash and go's during these colder months. He said, "so you're not going to wash your hair now?" Of course I am just not every morning. He said he preferred my TWA. He thought that black women with their natural hair was absolutely "HOT" So here we are mid morning and I'm thinking about how my black man loves the braids and my white co-workers are looking at me like :look:. I like them, and like I said, I paid $$$$ for a goal of keeping them in til the new year and I will do that for as long as I can. It's just hilarious how "they" respond better to our naturalness then "we" do. Unfortunately including myself in this "we". Although I love the texture of my hair, I feel more beautiful and comfortable with my long flowing hair as opposed to my TWA. So under the guise of my braids, i'm back to prancing around and thinking I'm the ish! Sorry so long and scattered, but I had to share:)
That's funny. My husband is Italian and he has seen my hair straight and now natural and he said that he loves it better natural. He said that it makes me look different than other women and that he loves to touch my hair now. :p

That was a surprise to me because I thought that most men love long hair. But, when I questioned him about it, he went and asked some men at work and some friends what they thought and they all said...."they love women who wear their hair natural without chemicals in it." Well, you know I almost hit the floor with that one!!! :lol:

Well, never know!
i have 3 black women coworkers who are married to white men. two of them have natural hair and the other looks to have a relaxer. we were all talking about relationships and stuff and the 2 ladies with the natural hair stated that their hubsands absolutely loved their hair natural. their husbands thought that it gave them a "sexy and exotic" look. they both said that when they dated black men they got a lot of flack about growing their hair out, getting a long weave or putting a relaxer in it.
I even noticed that when i wore my hair natural, i got sooooooo many compliments from my white co-workers and associates but my black associates and even family members didn't compliment me as much. they asked me why do you want to go natural? even my mom was like "girl when are you gonna slap a perm in that head." i was so tired of her bugging me about it. I had decided to relax my hair because it was easier for me to maintain and now it is just the opposite. when i wear my hair down with my relaxer i get compliments all of the time from black people saying how long and pretty it is but my white associates and friends didn't really comment too much and when they did they stated how it looked better very interesting
godsflowerrr said:
i have 3 black women coworkers who are married to white men. two of them have natural hair and the other looks to have a relaxer. we were all talking about relationships and stuff and the 2 ladies with the natural hair stated that their hubsands absolutely loved their hair natural. their husbands thought that it gave them a "sexy and exotic" look. they both said that when they dated black men they got a lot of flack about growing their hair out, getting a long weave or putting a relaxer in it.
I even noticed that when i wore my hair natural, i got sooooooo many compliments from my white co-workers and associates but my black associates and even family members didn't compliment me as much. they asked me why do you want to go natural? even my mom was like "girl when are you gonna slap a perm in that head." i was so tired of her bugging me about it. I had decided to relax my hair because it was easier for me to maintain and now it is just the opposite. when i wear my hair down with my relaxer i get compliments all of the time from black people saying how long and pretty it is but my white associates and friends didn't really comment too much and when they did they stated how it looked better very interesting

It is interesting, isn't it? I for one love my hair natural. I think that when it gets to the length I'm shooting for, I will love even more.
My SO is also a different race..I think they like naturals more because it makes u unique..They are so used to seeing long,straight hair that its just common to them......
This is the same thing that happen in that movie "Something New". Perhaps we are our own worst enemy when it comes to our own natural hair. Why is that I wonder?
Yep...this is common. When my sister married her husband (white) his request was No weave, no straightening, etc. He wanted her to look the same way she looked everyday. He loves the shoulder length locs she now has. I've never gotten a negative response about my natural hair from whites. When my 2 year old wore her huge fro, it was always non-Blacks who would absolutely ADORE her. A few Black folks liked it too, but I also got a lot of "when you gonna do her hair"s.

I have a lot of theories as to why this is the case, but I'm in a rush. Bottomline, pick what YOU like and you'll be cool.


Where are the pics????? :)

It's weird because I get compliments from both black and white men on my hair when it's natural and straight, but I notice white men only compliment my hair when it's natural.
I have slowly been transitioning into loving my natural texture, its almost like I had conditioned myself into feeling like my hair only looked good when it was straight. But more and more I want to keep my hair natural
My fiancée told me he likes it better natural because it makes me look unique, but I get more attention from black men in public if I have my hair straightened and down.

So I think black men can appreciate it, but like us they are conditioned as well. I also notice that older women are usually the WORST when it comes to thinking your hair should be straight.
COULD it be that white people when they bought us here were JEALOUSE over our hair? and the white woman cann't stand it? think about it whenever most of the people wear their hair natuarl they are OOO and AA all over it.. but because we have bbe comformed into believeing its "bad hair" that in a way we lost our extoic looks to "comform" to other peoples standerns when in fact they are jealouse over it???

hey just THOEry.. no throwing bricks at me cause i know lotta you people got white momma or daddas or somthing to that exent
Dannygirl said:
COULD it be that white people when they bought us here were JEALOUSE over our hair? and the white woman cann't stand it? think about it whenever most of the people wear their hair natuarl they are OOO and AA all over it.. but because we have bbe comformed into believeing its "bad hair" that in a way we lost our extoic looks to "comform" to other peoples standerns when in fact they are jealouse over it???

hey just THOEry.. no throwing bricks at me cause i know lotta you people got white momma or daddas or somthing to that exent
I don't know about jealousy, perhaps envy though. Our hair is the most versatile hair in the world and is something admired by all. Whites in this country (esp. males) have always set the beauty standards for women, which I see is now changing in favor of a more ethnic look.
patient1 said:
Yep...this is common. When my sister married her husband (white) his request was No weave, no straightening, etc. He wanted her to look the same way she looked everyday. He loves the shoulder length locs she now has. I've never gotten a negative response about my natural hair from whites. When my 2 year old wore her huge fro, it was always non-Blacks who would absolutely ADORE her. A few Black folks liked it too, but I also got a lot of "when you gonna do her hair"s.

I have a lot of theories as to why this is the case, but I'm in a rush. Bottomline, pick what YOU like and you'll be cool.


Where are the pics????? :)


I totally agree with this statement... Wear your hair how you want to...

Anyway, my hubby is Black-- but NOT American. He liked my hair natural and did not want me to perm it. I did it anyway because I feel like it's easier for me to care for it that way. It was taking me longer to take care of my natural texture, and with small children I needed something quicker.

SO my choices were: 1) cut my hair off and keep it natural OR 2) keep it long and get a relaxer. I wanted to keep my length so I got a perm.

One of my Jamaican friends was not happy when I told her I what I was going to do.... Another of my friends, a Black Panamanian, says she'll be natural until she dies...

Anyway-- I posted just to say that maybe the people with the most issue with natual hair are black AMERICANS. Not just Blacks in general... I found that people from the Carribean and Africa are more receptive to natural hair textures.
My hubby is white and he likes my hair straight even though it was curly when we were dating and got engaged. When I wash and go he says oh you left it frizzy?