New Member
Hey work-posting twin! 
A lot of them asked if it was extensions, I said yes, just cuz I don't feel like explaining anything to them. See they know about extensions because of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton

A lot of them asked if it was extensions, I said yes, just cuz I don't feel like explaining anything to them. See they know about extensions because of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton

blkmaryland said:MsK.....Loookinnnggg GGOOOOODDDDDDDD!!!!!!In the case of the confused Blanco....She probably really thought that it was your real hair and you styled it differently. I remember one time I got a weave....I went from ear-bob to bra-strap.....several blancos commented on how I looked so different...asked if I had lost weight, was wearing something new, had on make-up.....I remember thinking that they can't be serious but......I guess that they really do not pay attention to us!!!!