Got a crush?


Well-Known Member
Have you ever had a crush on a guy and you ended up dating and or together? In other words did you have interest first? If so how did you proceed from there? I'm asking to get some perspective, because there has been many a time I have had a crush and nothing came of it........................NOT ANYMORE :grin:

Just wanna hear some success stories for encouragement.
DH was my 18 year old crush (he had a crush from when I was 16 apparently) we got together when I was 19 on and off till abt twenty-one. I went about my life and he kept mooning. He chased me down at twenty-six and we got married at twenty-nine (my age)-we went through a lot together during the period which I kow made us stronger so it wasn't all fun and games.

Most of my bfs beforehand were crushes. I'm goal oriented:look: I tended to lose interest once I got them though...
DH was my 18 year old crush (he had a crush from when I was 16 apparently) we got together when I was 19 on and off till abt twenty-one. I went about my life and he kept mooning. He chased me down at twenty-six and we got married at twenty-nine (my age)-we went through a lot together during the period which I kow made us stronger so it wasn't all fun and games.

Most of my bfs beforehand were crushes. I'm goal oriented:look: I tended to lose interest once I got them though...

So how did you get them? Did you flirt and then they pursued you? Or did you flirt, made your interest known and then they pursued you? or did you kinda pursue?
I made them notice me. Basically I made sure I looked hawt whenever I knew they (or their friends would be around) then (I'm finding this hard to explain:lol:) I happened to always be in their eye line (but not seeming to pay direct attention to them-believe me I knew where they were everytime lol) if they manage to catch my eye I gave an absent, but friendly smile and continued chatting/laughing/dancing with my girl (never more than one friend around me guys find a bunch of girls intimidating).

They usually approached me. I never approached them though I've "bumped into" one or two, and I don't call men so if you want to get with me you call me. I don't know if any of this makes sense but that's what I did. They all swore they had to chase me down (yeah right:rolleyes:) the amount of preparation (and outfits) that went into some of those "encounters":lachen:till today DH swears I was so hard to get and he had to do all the work:yawn:
I made them notice me. Basically I made sure I looked hawt whenever I knew they (or their friends would be around) then (I'm finding this hard to explain:lol:) I happened to always be in their eye line (but not seeming to pay direct attention to them-believe me I knew where they were everytime lol) if they manage to catch my eye I gave an absent, but friendly smile and continued chatting/laughing/dancing with my girl (never more than one friend around me guys find a bunch of girls intimidating).

They usually approached me. I never approached them though I've "bumped into" one or two, and I don't call men so if you want to get with me you call me. I don't know if any of this makes sense but that's what I did. They all swore they had to chase me down (yeah right:rolleyes:) the amount of preparation (and outfits) that went into some of those "encounters":lachen:till today DH swears I was so hard to get and he had to do all the work:yawn:

I like this alot!!!!! I think this is what i'll do.
I'll have to keep this in mind for the future lol.

I made them notice me. Basically I made sure I looked hawt whenever I knew they (or their friends would be around) then (I'm finding this hard to explain:lol:) I happened to always be in their eye line (but not seeming to pay direct attention to them-believe me I knew where they were everytime lol) if they manage to catch my eye I gave an absent, but friendly smile and continued chatting/laughing/dancing with my girl (never more than one friend around me guys find a bunch of girls intimidating).

They usually approached me. I never approached them though I've "bumped into" one or two, and I don't call men so if you want to get with me you call me. I don't know if any of this makes sense but that's what I did. They all swore they had to chase me down (yeah right:rolleyes:) the amount of preparation (and outfits) that went into some of those "encounters":lachen:till today DH swears I was so hard to get and he had to do all the work:yawn:
I have a crush on my best friend. :) He's an amazing guy and has helped me through some of the hardest events of my life. We dance around flirtation, finish each others sentences, crack each other up and such. close but quite because that would be icky and incestuous. lol. We were talking about relationships (not with each other) and he said "You know, we'd make a great couple...but if we ever broke up, I think we're strong enough to always be as close as we are now no matter what, right?"

Unfortunately, I don't ever want to lose him as a friend because I DON'T think we'd go back to business as usual. I just couldn't lose that!! it remains an unspoken but most likely realized crush...:) Plus it's major long distance anyway, we don't see each other enough to even have a viable relationship dice (he's Australian)