Good heavens!!! What have I done?!?!


Well-Known Member
Oh, my fellow sisters... my heart is so heavy and if someone so much as says "Boo!" I'm going to be in tears.
In my attempt to stay ahead of the postpartum shedding thing, I decided to take some hairclub advice to try the Nutrine Garlic shampoo. Mind you, I haven't experienced any real noticeable shedding yet, other than a slight receding of the hairline in the temple area.(Will post pic in my hair album-see link in my signature.) I kinda expected this as this very thing happened with me when I had my daughter. This I could live with, as long as I wasn't compromising length and overall appearance of thickness (I don't want long thin looking hair...). Well, today I thought I would give myself a wash and set. I already had magnetic rollers, but needed clips, so I went to the BSS and bought the Nutrine and the roller clips. I came home, combed out my hair with a big tooth comb and then shampooed with the Nutrine. Mind you, hardly any hair came out after the pre-shampoo detangling comb out. After shampooing my hair felt rough... that was very unusual for me as I never felt my hair feel that way after using my Pantene Relaxed and Naturals or Keracare Hydrating Detangling shampoos. I also noticed more shedding than usual, but figured it was OK. Mind you, I combed out my hair prior to shampooing and hardly anything came out. I put in my Keracare conditioner and felt "lumps" in my hair... I was like "WHAT!!! TANGLES!!!!" I do not get tangles when I shampoo so I was quite frightened by this. I took my time working in the Humecto and gently combed the hair from end to root to remove the tangles. I noticed that still more hair was coming out. I decided to re-shampoo my hair with Keracare to get out any trace of that blasted shampoo and then slathered my hair with Pantene Relaxed and Naturals conditioner. The comb was able to slip through it, but hair was falling out like rain. I started bawling in the shower... not all my hard work down the drain!!! There's a picture of the massive clump of hair that I gathered up after all was said and done in my hair album. It was devastating to me as I shed a small amount of hair after each shampoo session...not this "mass" that looks like the amount I'd get after at least 7-8 shampoo sessions combined. It may not look like a lot in the picture, but trust me, it is. It is a thick ball of hair. I've decided against any wetsetting tonight. It'll be lubed up, bunned and left alone. Any other suggestions? I may do a conditioning wash everyday this week to make sure all traces of that Nutrine shampoo is out. I didn't use any other new products, that's why I am surmising the Nutrine was the cause. I never had this happen before.
Yes definetely stop using that shampoo. I am using biotin shampoo right now and it is I think similar to the Nutrine shampoo. I can feel how hard/strong my hair can get after using it . What I do is follow up with Therappe or Botanoil shampoo and deep deep condition. Right now let your hair rest in a bun for the week and I am sure it will recover very soon .. I now how you feel.
I've been feeling the same all this week-end because my hair just refuse to show lenght whatever I do....
That's heartbreaking. I'm boo-hooing with you. I've been trying to stretch my relaxer and have been shedding/breaking alot also. I'm only six weeks post relaxer, but I normally relax every 4 weeks, it seems these two extra weeks are costing me more than I was prepared to give. Thanks for the heads - up. I will not be buying any Garlic Shampoo. By the way, what's your hairtype? Your hair looks similiar to mine, but it's hard to tell sometimes from the pictures.
cowgirl said:
That's heartbreaking. I'm boo-hooing with you. I've been trying to stretch my relaxer and have been shedding/breaking alot also. I'm only six weeks post relaxer, but I normally relax every 4 weeks, it seems these two extra weeks are costing me more than I was prepared to give. Thanks for the heads - up. I will not be buying any Garlic Shampoo. By the way, what's your hairtype? Your hair looks similiar to mine, but it's hard to tell sometimes from the pictures.

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Hey, Cowgirl...
Hey, Cowgirl! What part of Texas are you in? I used to live in Dallas. My parents are still there and I visit from time to time. I'm a 4a/4b. I know for a fact that this was shedding, because I went back to examine my "hairball" and can see the lil' white bulbs at the end of the strands. Now this is really frightening.
NEVER AGAIN!!!! I will just stick with either my Keracare or my Pantene!!!
I am so sorry to hear and see that tragedy. Stay focused. Maybe a deep conditioner and a bun may do the trick. Try no to put too much tension on your edges while in the bun.
Oh yeah, cowgirl! Forgot to add... I went 7 months between the last relaxer and even then didn't get this amount of shedding that I experienced!!!
Girls, thanks for the sympathy... even though you may not be able to suggest anything, sometimes knowing that someone understands what your going thru can help. I may very well just leave my hair alone for the week and see how it goes. I will follow up.
Reginia said:
I am so sorry to hear and see that tragedy. Stay focused. Maybe a deep conditioner and a bun may do the trick. Try no to put too much tension on your edges while in the bun.

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I stay away from tension when bunning... most times I don't even do a bun but instead pin my hair up with my ends tucked in with 1-2 hairpins.
Wow, that's unusual. I would have to agree with you on the shampoo, something in that bottle did not agree with your hair. You have already come up with the best solution "go back to what you know works". And let the hair rest this week. Oh, I'm in Hot/Humid/Houston.

Off subject: I like the 3P Motto in your signature. Why, you ask? Because my "motto" is very similiar. In fact, I have named my new ranch P3 (Prayer, Patience, Persistance). And also because my last name starts with P and I'm the 3rd child.
cowgirl said:
Wow, that's unusual. I would have to agree with you on the shampoo, something in that bottle did not agree with your hair. You have already come up with the best solution "go back to what you know works". And let the hair rest this week. Oh, I'm in Hot/Humid/Houston.

Off subject: I like the 3P Motto in your signature. Why, you ask? Because my "motto" is very similiar. In fact, I have named my new ranch P3 (Prayer, Patience, Persistance). And also because my last name starts with P and I'm the 3rd child.

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Hmmmm... a ranch, huh? Very interesting. I'm with you on the Prayer, Patience and Persistance... <headed to trash/compactor room to throw the Nutrine down the chute>.
Diva Im sorry this happened to you!
I don't have any advice but I've definately had wash days that produced clumps like that. On more than one occasion. try not to stress over it too much as the extra stress won't be good for your hair either. Thankfully it was a correctable mistake and hopefully won't be repeated.
Well Diva, all I can say is that I have been where you are now. I had the same shedding in the SAME place you are having it. It will grow back, I promise.

As far as the shampoo... girl trach it. Sometimes it's better to stick with the products that we know will work instead of venturing into something new. Especially now (after birth)

Good luck sweetie and kiss Horace for me --- such a cutie!

godzooki said:
Diva Im sorry this happened to you!
I don't have any advice but I've definately had wash days that produced clumps like that. On more than one occasion. try not to stress over it too much as the extra stress won't be good for your hair either. Thankfully it was a correctable mistake and hopefully won't be repeated.

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Thanks, Godzooki... the frightening thing for me is that I haven't had any tangles in the longest time... Only used to get that a couple of times when I'd take out my weave and Lord knows I haven't worn a weave in AGES!!!
I've learned a lesson the hard way for sure....
keylargo said:
AjamericanDiva, how are you holding up? Any updates?

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I wore my hair in a bun today after applying Surge and S-Curl. I'm sure I'll snap back. I'm paranoid about any traces of the shampoo being in my hair, so I plan to shampoo again today with John Freida Relax Total Clarity Shampoo, Surge, "re-lube" and leave it alone.
ms_jennifer said:
I hope everything works out with your hair. what a beautiful little boy you have!

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Thanks, Ms Jennifer!!!
leejure said:
Well Diva, all I can say is that I have been where you are now. I had the same shedding in the SAME place you are having it. It will grow back, I promise.

As far as the shampoo... girl trach it. Sometimes it's better to stick with the products that we know will work instead of venturing into something new. Especially now (after birth)

Good luck sweetie and kiss Horace for me --- such a cutie!


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Hey, Lee!
Girl, I am not even concerned with my receding area as much as I was concerned with the shedding. Most say that this is probably postpartum shedding, but I am disagreeing only because when I combed my hair out prior to shampooing very little hair came out. Furthermore, I would see shed hair whenever I comb my hair, etc, and not one massive fall after shampooing. You better believe that I chucked that shampoo... the hair lost wasn't worth the $2.99.
What makes it so ironic is that supposedly it was recommended to stop excessive shedding. While I wasn't experiencing any shedding prior to using the shampoo, I figured postpartum shedding would be around the corner so I would start using the shampoo to stay ahead of the game. Now look what I done did!!!

I'll pass on an extra special kiss from Auntie Lee to Lil' Papa. Do the same for me with CJ as well!!!
You poor thing that tangle looks atrocious! Just wanted to sympathize- that hairline will grow back in no time mine was a full inch further back than yours is, hopefully that Surge will make it recover even faster. For both myself and 2 friends who had major postpartum shedding Surge halted it in its tracks so that should be enough to keep the shedding at bay. Your little boy looks like a living doll what a precious baby!
Divastate said:
You poor thing that tangle looks atrocious! Just wanted to sympathize- that hairline will grow back in no time mine was a full inch further back than yours is, hopefully that Surge will make it recover even faster. For both myself and 2 friends who had major postpartum shedding Surge halted it in its tracks so that should be enough to keep the shedding at bay. Your little boy looks like a living doll what a precious baby!

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Girl, that wasn't the tangle in the picture, thank God, but the lost hair.... I haven't been Surging on a regular basis because I would comb my hair about every 3-4 days. I now plan to resume the Surging on a daily basis. First of all I got a big ole forehead so I don't need my hairline to recede on top of that. Other than that, I wasn't experiencing any real shedding until I used the stupid shampoo. I will definitely just stick with the Surge and other tried and trues.... Thanks for your support.

...and yes, Lil' Papa is quite a treasure.
alliyah4eva203 said:
hairlove said:
I don't have any suggestions but I hope it gets better.

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See <teary-eyed... must be the hormones>
that's why I love this board... encouragement alone is enough to make you start feeling better. Thanks, alliyah4eva203!
Awww....(((AJD))) probably don't want to look at that darn shampoo
but would you be so kind as to list the ingredients? Also may I ask what you had on your hair prior to washing what your leave in is?

Now I sound like I'll be able to add the answers up and come up with an explanation, don't I?
Well don't be fooled; I probably won't, but the following words had me thinking perhaps it's all in the chemistry...
Some herbs are antagonist to one another's therapeutic actions. An example of this is Garlic which is a Vasodilator (opens blood vessels) and Lemon Juice which is a Vasoconstrictor. Mix the two together without their family and chaos may reign, while the body sorts the incoming chemical messages out.

[/ QUOTE ]Source:

Seeing that made me think that garlic shampoo works a little like a clarifying shampoo since they are contrasting it with lemon juice which would work like ACV (by closing cuticles)...Meaning that garlic shampoo opens up hair cuticles...hence the tangles. So if your hair didn't have build-up...then the garlic shampoo just stripped your hair so much that the cuticles were exposed and "freed" such that they hooked against each other. This is where you sorta have to weigh the pros and cons of whatever treatment you go for: While the garlic would've probably made your blood vessels in your scalp dilate and thus bring more blood to the follicles hence more nourishment (I'm guessing that's the secret to its use as a hairloss treatment), it has the downside of also being a clarifying shampoo so that it affects your hair strands in a totally different way. So although this shampoo might be good for your scalp, it may be a little hard on your hair if your hair isn't in need of clarifying. I might be way off the mark...but that's all I could come up with.

Considering that tangles usually come from cuticles being raised and uncoated, I am guessing any acidic shampoo and conditioner...will help reverse your experience. Then perhaps what you should do from now on to help with shedding is use oil massages on your scalp a pre-shampoo or night treatment...or just use Surge. And let your shampoo of choice be the shampoo that helps give your hair slip; not one meant for hairloss. If you must use a hairloss shampoo...use it on your scalp only...the way some pple use one shampoo for scalp and one for hair. IMHO, any shampoo that helps with shedding is supposed to work on your scalp where the shedding occurs; not on the hair itself.

OK, I'm gonna stop now before I really get carried away and drag you all along with me.
, I'm so sorry that this happened to you, furthermore this is so weird since the EXACT same thing happened to me. I had no real shedding but I'm 11 weeks post relaxer and figured I would use the Nutrine for my last wash before my relaxer scheduled for this coming Friday to prevent sheddin. So last Friday, I used it and the exact same thing happened down to the ROUGH feeling hair AND the shedding (although it wasnt as extreme as your case but still severe enough). Well I put some AO GPB and Nacidit Olive Oil conditioner on and airdried my hair, so I think the Nutrine residue is still in my hair and ever since Friday it's been shedding a bit (not a whole lot but more than usual). Anyways my predicament is that I AM scheduled for a relaxer on Friday so I cant wash it today and do that on Friday. So to you AJD, and anyone else, do you think I should just wash it and not relax or go ahead with my relaxer (I wanted to look good for the 4th of July)? Thanks for any help and so sorry that you had this experience, my shedding wasnt as bad but I'm still really upset so I can only imagine what you are feeling
Hope you and I both get things under control
nonie said:
Awww....(((AJD))) probably don't want to look at that darn shampoo
but would you be so kind as to list the ingredients? Also may I ask what you had on your hair prior to washing what your leave in is?

Now I sound like I'll be able to add the answers up and come up with an explanation, don't I?
Well don't be fooled; I probably won't, but the following words had me thinking perhaps it's all in the chemistry...
Some herbs are antagonist to one another's therapeutic actions. An example of this is Garlic which is a Vasodilator (opens blood vessels) and Lemon Juice which is a Vasoconstrictor. Mix the two together without their family and chaos may reign, while the body sorts the incoming chemical messages out.

[/ QUOTE ]Source:

Seeing that made me think that garlic shampoo works a little like a clarifying shampoo since they are contrasting it with lemon juice which would work like ACV (by closing cuticles)...Meaning that garlic shampoo opens up hair cuticles...hence the tangles. So if your hair didn't have build-up...then the garlic shampoo just stripped your hair so much that the cuticles were exposed and "freed" such that they hooked against each other. This is where you sorta have to weigh the pros and cons of whatever treatment you go for: While the garlic would've probably made your blood vessels in your scalp dilate and thus bring more blood to the follicles hence more nourishment (I'm guessing that's the secret to its use as a hairloss treatment), it has the downside of also being a clarifying shampoo so that it affects your hair strands in a totally different way. So although this shampoo might be good for your scalp, it may be a little hard on your hair if your hair isn't in need of clarifying. I might be way off the mark...but that's all I could come up with.

Considering that tangles usually come from cuticles being raised and uncoated, I am guessing any acidic shampoo and conditioner...will help reverse your experience. Then perhaps what you should do from now on to help with shedding is use oil massages on your scalp a pre-shampoo or night treatment...or just use Surge. And let your shampoo of choice be the shampoo that helps give your hair slip; not one meant for hairloss. If you must use a hairloss shampoo...use it on your scalp only...the way some pple use one shampoo for scalp and one for hair. IMHO, any shampoo that helps with shedding is supposed to work on your scalp where the shedding occurs; not on the hair itself.

OK, I'm gonna stop now before I really get carried away and drag you all along with me.

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Thanks, Nonie for trying to get things worked out. The tangles were one problem and I was able to get rid of them... it was the shedding that was frightening... long strands of my hair was coming out like crazy. I saved the ball of hair and there are a lot of white tips on the ends. I guess my hair strands rather commit "suicide" by jumping off my head rather than putting up with that Nutrine.
<yes, I'm trying to laugh.> I've long since tossed that bottle so I can't even tell you what's in there.... Thanks again!!!
lovelyyardie said:
, I'm so sorry that this happened to you, furthermore this is so weird since the EXACT same thing happened to me. I had no real shedding but I'm 11 weeks post relaxer and figured I would use the Nutrine for my last wash before my relaxer scheduled for this coming Friday to prevent sheddin. So last Friday, I used it and the exact same thing happened down to the ROUGH feeling hair AND the shedding (although it wasnt as extreme as your case but still severe enough). Well I put some AO GPB and Nacidit Olive Oil conditioner on and airdried my hair, so I think the Nutrine residue is still in my hair and ever since Friday it's been shedding a bit (not a whole lot but more than usual). Anyways my predicament is that I AM scheduled for a relaxer on Friday so I cant wash it today and do that on Friday. So to you AJD, and anyone else, do you think I should just wash it and not relax or go ahead with my relaxer (I wanted to look good for the 4th of July)? Thanks for any help and so sorry that you had this experience, my shedding wasnt as bad but I'm still really upset so I can only imagine what you are feeling
Hope you and I both get things under control

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My girl... I would say wait to relax. I couldn't see myself getting a relaxer with big time shedding going on.
I would shampoo again and try to get things under control rather than submit it to more trauma with the relaxer. I plan to use a clarifying shampoo tonight to ensure that all residue of that shampoo is out of my hair. I'm sorry this happened to you as well and it is an awful feeling, isn't it?