Good heavens!!! What have I done?!?!

You poor thing! I completely sympathize with you as I went through the same thing months ago with the postpartem shedding ( still suffering with 2 bald spot in the front hairline though..). What you need to so in this case is get some deep conditioning creme ( Queen Helene- tea tree or any other deep conditioner by this name is good). Do not use shampoo for at least a month! ANd stick to simple styles, buns and maybe a two-strand if your hair is natural. If, not, a bun or a single braid might do. I hope this helps you out! And congratulations by the way.
I'm really sorry for your experience. Last year in Dec I started keeping the hair that broke off from my head and when I looked at it last month. I almost cried. If only that hair had stayed on my head! Anyway, I know what it feels like to see a ball of hair that belongs to your head, and that should be on your head, but for some reason isn't on your head. Thanks for sharing your experience because it has been a warning to us. We're here to support you as you recover.

A good lesson from this for all of us is that we should do strand tests whenever using a new product. That way if the product is bad, the whole head of hair isn't subjected to it.
Irresistible said:
Im so glad your hair is doing better, yours and SVT's and lovelyyardie's too, i almost tried the garlic shampoo recently on my daughters hair , im so glad i didnt. I got the pure tea instead which worked great on her hair , but left mine a tangled , dry , matted mess. i am not gonna go with the raves at all from now on, and ONLY stick with what i know already for both me and her. guess the means my pj'ism is cured now. lol....

btw Diva the baby is such a cutie and he does have gorgeous hair!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Irresistible... Girl, I'm glad neither you nor your daughter used it... Considering you're a feature of the month, that would have been total devastation

Yeah, Lil' Papa's quite the looker. As for his hair, I wonder if it was result of all of my vitamins....
nonie said:
Girls, I'm at a loss. But as I was telling Lovelyyardie, although I'm not a PJ, any time I've been at a risk of becoming one and trying out sth I heard raves about, the absence of a list of ingredients online has cured that touch of madness in a jiffy. I couldn't find a listing of the ingredients online no matter how hard I looked. Just sweet nothings about how well it works.
I notice they forgot to add the clause "May have the opposite effect on some heads."
Man, it's really bugging me that the explanation for this crazy shedding isn't obvious. Been racking my head all morning in vain...
And now I've come up with more questions... Why garlic? Does anyone know why garlic is supposed to help with shedding?
And does it depend on whether they used old garlic or fresh garlic?
Oh why oh why do I get myself into trying to solve weird puzzles when I know how hard it will be to quit?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nonie girl, it's all in the challenge... I get that way sometimes myself...
Leslie_C said:
Im soo sorry about what happened to your hair. If it makes u feel any better, I actually pulled about that much hair out of my head one day when I called myself drying my hair with a round brush.

I SHOULDVE known better, I DONT have skills when it comes to hair styling. I got the brush stuck in my hair and I was boo hooing and my boyfriend had to help me get it out, by cutting the hair bristles...but I still lost a handful of hair because I panicked and only tangled my hair more by trying to unwind it in every direction! NOW THAT was dumb!

Im so glad that your hair is better and that you are feeling better too, you are a good sport to be making jokes;)

Anyway, I was thinking maybe u could just get your hair pressed out with a flat iron for the 4th? It looks as good as a perm and should last through the humidity if its fresh. I have a friend who is transitioning and was having hers pressed occasionally, and just recently had the big chop! But before she cut off the relaxed part, the roots would get as straight as a perm. good luck!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Leslie C for your support
Actually, that was LovelyYardie that wanted to look cute for July 4th. I'm the woman that has gone up to 7 months without a touchup. I can put on a wig or phonypony with the drop of a dime!!!
Neroli said:
nonie said:
. . .although I'm not a PJ, any time I've been at a risk of becoming one and trying out sth I heard raves about, the absence of a list of ingredients online has cured that touch of madness in a jiffy.

[/ QUOTE ]

DITTO. With regard to shampoos, I don't even experiment anymore, I just stick with nexxus therappe. Below is a list of shampoo surfacants and their varying levels of harshness as well as a brief description of how to shampoo from the website I notice that this garlic 'poo has one of the harshest surfacants right at the top of the ingredients. I won't TOUCH 'poos with anything other than the very mild "Sodium Laureth Sulfate", I don't care how much others rave about a product, if it's got those other surfacants, I RUN. Same thing with leave-ins, if I find that the ingredients are loaded with 'cones, I just "say no" and keep my cash . . .

Examples of surfactants that you might find on the ingredient list of your favorite shampoo are:

Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate - very harsh
Ammonium Laureth Sulfate- harsh
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) - still rather harsh
Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) - mild, great choice
TEA Lauryl Sulfate & TEA Laureth Sulfate- both are good choices

Truths about shampoos:

Almost all salon lines include products that fall short on advertised claims. For example, color-enhancing shampoos have not actually been shown to extend the life of hair dyes and formulations for UV protection are of little use.
It is only necessary to lather your hair once under normal conditions. Also, the amount of lather and foam generated by a shampoo does not affect its ability to clean hair.
Shampoos are good at cleaning hair. Any benefits beyond that are suspect, and many claims on the labels have no basis in fact.
In general, better formulated products have longer ingredient lists.
Baby shampoos are not designed for cleaning adult hair, especially when alot of styling products have been used.
The only part of the shampoo label that's regulated by the Food and Drug Administration is the list of ingredients. Manufacturers can and do make any claim they like on the unregulated portions of the label. Sometimes the hype has some merit and at others it has none.
Salon-brand shampoos don't necessarily outperform inexpensive store brands. For the most part the same ingredients are used in all products.
Beware of shampoos that claim to repair or nourish damaged hair. Hair is dead and it can't be repaired. Shampoo products can only provide temporary benefits to the look and feel of hair.
Shampoos that are 'all natural' or 'organic' are suspect in that many natural ingredients can't clean hair. The efficacy of organic plants, vitamins, etc. has never been proven. After all, hair is dead.
It's not necessary to stick with the same brand for all your hair needs.
Shampoos do not build up on hair or work differently on hair over time. Conditioning elements, styling products and chemical processes do build up, though, and sometimes a temporary change in shampoo brands will help.

How to Shampoo the Hair:
Wet the scalp and hair using warm or cool water (hot water can be drying to the hair and scalp). Apply a quarter sized amount of shampoo to palm and rub hands together to evenly distribute. Now apply shampoo to scalp by running the palms of the hands over your hair. Massage gently with your fingertips and then rinse thoroughly. It’s not necessary to repeat unless you have an oily scalp or have used some heavy duty hair pomeade-like products.

After rinsing, apply some conditioner in one hand and rub palms together to evenly distribute. Apply conditioner from the middle of the hair shaft down to ends. Avoid the scalp unless scalp is dry. Comb conditioner through hair to distribute product evenly. Leave conditioner on hair for a few seconds to help smooth the cuticle. Rinse thoroughly. Some people believe a cold water rinse is best and will add shine to the hair.

Shampooing frequency for normal hair depends on whether hair is curly or straight. Straight hair should be washed every day for a sleek, radiant look. Curly hair, however, becomes too dry and fly away if it’s washed too often, so it is better to shampoo and condition every other day. At a minimum, hair should be washed twice a week

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for this helpful info, Neroli... I'm going to check my shampoo bottle now. I use Keracare Hydrating/Detangling shampoo as well as Pantene Relaxed and Naturals. I never had a problem.
What I could have done with that harsh shampoo if I wanted to be cheap and save my $2.99, would be to use it as a household cleaner or maybe even to bathe my underarms and legs... or other places where I had unwanted hair....
Bklynqueen said:
You poor thing! I completely sympathize with you as I went through the same thing months ago with the postpartem shedding ( still suffering with 2 bald spot in the front hairline though..). What you need to so in this case is get some deep conditioning creme ( Queen Helene- tea tree or any other deep conditioner by this name is good). Do not use shampoo for at least a month! ANd stick to simple styles, buns and maybe a two-strand if your hair is natural. If, not, a bun or a single braid might do. I hope this helps you out! And congratulations by the way.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Bklynqueen... I can live with the two thin spots in my hairline as ten years ago I had the same problem after having my daughter. At the time, I didn't know it was associated with postpartum shedding and attributed it to stress, as that happens when I'm stressed as well. I only realized this after reading Phillip Kingsley's Hair Bible and it had a pic of a white woman's hairline looking the same as mine and said it was due to postpartum shedding. That's when I was like, "AH-HA!!!"
The good thing is that it's only a matter of time before it grows back. I'm starting up my Surge usage again, so we'll see if that helps.
jla said:
I'm really sorry for your experience. Last year in Dec I started keeping the hair that broke off from my head and when I looked at it last month. I almost cried. If only that hair had stayed on my head! Anyway, I know what it feels like to see a ball of hair that belongs to your head, and that should be on your head, but for some reason isn't on your head. Thanks for sharing your experience because it has been a warning to us. We're here to support you as you recover.

A good lesson from this for all of us is that we should do strand tests whenever using a new product. That way if the product is bad, the whole head of hair isn't subjected to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

The strand test is a good idea... sometimes when we hear the board rave how good an item works in treating a particular hair problem, we figure that there couldn't possibly be any adverse affects on our hair...

Honey, this has been a wake up call. My hair has been doing so well, sometimes I'd get the idea that my hair is invincible... WAKE UP!!! is what my hair is telling me. My hair wants to be left alone and subjected to the things thar I always use faithfully. "Hair, I hear you loud and clear!!!!"
Wow....I've tried the shampoo and found that it is very drying and doesn't really stop shedding for me but nothing this drastic. I'm sorry this happened to you.
Actually the same thing happened to me. The difference is that I was already shedding so I took the hairballs and tangles to mean that the shampoo hadn't gotton a chance to work yet. I think I used it 2x more before I forgot about it since I am a PJ. So anyway I am off to throw it away.
AJamericanDiva said:
Thanks for the support and for checking in. I've wondered why I haven't heard anyone else have any complaints....

[/ QUOTE ]

Poor things are probably too traumatized to even log in.

I'm sorry you had this experience AJdiva....

I recommend Nutrine Garlic highly for shedding, but I always do so with a disclaimer because it's a VERY harsh shampoo. It can work wonders on some heads, and on others it can be a disaster....

It's become (to my dismay) a common recommendation on the board now for shedding because it's worked well for so many, but it's not the kind of thing you should just use will nilly. It's just one of those things can be a godsend or a nightmare (sort of like Aphoghee IMO) and should only be used if nothing else works.....

And it should always be followed by a moisturizing shammpoo and a conditioner with a LOT of slip (inordinate amounts...Pantene or Humecto level slip) to avoid the tangling you experienced. I know you won't use it again (and I don't blame you) but I wanted to post this for those who may decide to try it anyway. It must be used with care, and the manufacturers instructions aren't nearly explicit enough about that.

I also prefer it for use for seasonal shedding, rather than hormonal based shedding. I didn't, for example, using when I was shedding from coming off BC......I just knew it wouldn't work. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I wish I had known you were going to use it so I could give you the benefit of those precautions...


Glad it's better though.
cutebajangirl said:
Actually the same thing happened to me. The difference is that I was already shedding so I took the hairballs and tangles to mean that the shampoo hadn't gotton a chance to work yet. I think I used it 2x more before I forgot about it since I am a PJ. So anyway I am off to throw it away.

[/ QUOTE ]

Throw it away, Girl!!! THROW IT AWAY!!!!
SVT said:
AJamericanDiva said:
Thanks for the support and for checking in. I've wondered why I haven't heard anyone else have any complaints....

[/ QUOTE ]

Poor things are probably too traumatized to even log in.


[/ QUOTE ]

Poor things...
Tracy said:
I'm sorry you had this experience AJdiva....

I recommend Nutrine Garlic highly for shedding, but I always do so with a disclaimer because it's a VERY harsh shampoo. It can work wonders on some heads, and on others it can be a disaster....

It's become (to my dismay) a common recommendation on the board now for shedding because it's worked well for so many, but it's not the kind of thing you should just use will nilly. It's just one of those things can be a godsend or a nightmare (sort of like Aphoghee IMO) and should only be used if nothing else works.....

And it should always be followed by a moisturizing shammpoo and a conditioner with a LOT of slip (inordinate amounts...Pantene or Humecto level slip) to avoid the tangling you experienced. I know you won't use it again (and I don't blame you) but I wanted to post this for those who may decide to try it anyway. It must be used with care, and the manufacturers instructions aren't nearly explicit enough about that.

I also prefer it for use for seasonal shedding, rather than hormonal based shedding. I didn't, for example, using when I was shedding from coming off BC......I just knew it wouldn't work. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I wish I had known you were going to use it so I could give you the benefit of those precautions...


Glad it's better though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, Tracy girl! Wish I knew sooner... the funny thing is that I wasn't even shedding yet. I was trying to use it as a preventative measure. I don't even think it was the tangles that took my hair out. My hair just plum out jumped off of my scalp... all the white bulbs were on the ends. Something really didn't agree with me.
Tracy said:
These smilies are hysterical AJD!!!!!

You have me in stiches over here....

[/ QUOTE ]

Miss Tracy, stressing over it will only make balder... so anything for a laugh!!!!!!!

Gotta be on the lookout and protect anyone else that may fall victim to that Nutrine
