Gone for years. Please read.


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies'

I have been around hair boards for over 15 years. I joined LHCF as a natrual progression in moving thru the boards. I grew my hair from nape to b/s. It was a long journey, but well worth it.

Then in 2004 I was diagnosed with a rare cancer. My ravished immune system kicked in as well as it could to protect my vital organs, leaving my hair and nails unprotected. You see your body realizes that you can live without hair and nails. So the body will put all it's effort toward saving your vital organs, thus trying to keep you alive. My hair fell out. I had 2 bald spots as large as the palm of your hand. I was crushed. I had to cut my hair down to less than half an inch. I wore scarves 24/7. I let no one see my hair. I take a bath with a scarf on. I wear a scarf even when I am at home alone. I stopped visiting LHCF.

But to my credit I did wash, condition, and oil my scalp weekly. Then I would put my scarf back on. I only skipped this when at times touching my scalp was much too painful due to inflamation.

Fast forward to 2008. What's this? Are my bald spots growing in? Is my hair growing back? But ...kinky hair, wire like hair, and hair so fine it feels like I have no hair at all. And all on my head. My doctors told me that they believed my hair would grow back. They said it would take years and that the texture would be mixed and even the color could be different.

What do I do now?

I remember growing up whenever I was in trouble or had a problem I went "home". So I went "home"---LHCF. For the past week I have been reading threads like a mad woman and absorbing information like a sponge.

From newbies to long lovely locks you are all my inspiration. I know my quest will be different from others. However, we are on the same journey--to healthy hair.

And I am glad to be "home".
God bless you sista! You're already ahead of the game because you were taking care of hair you didn't even have. Just keep on keeping on and it'll be flowing in no time. Take care and I pray God's continuous blessings over your life.
Last year this time I was in the same boat as you, after having chemo my hair texture changed and I had no idea what to do to take care of it. As your body rids itself of left over toxins you can expect your texture to continue to change. Rest assured you will figure out what your new hair likes and just think of all the fun you'll have reaching milestones again!! Luckily i only lost patches of hair but i still remember the feeling when i looked in the mirror one day and realised that my scalp was no longer visible. Enjoy your hair care journey and welcome back into the fold!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful comeback story.
I am glad that you have your health and now your hair back.
I pray for your continued healing.
Wow God is with you on your journey as well as all of us here...Welcome back! I'm elated to hear your hair is starting to grow in. ~Hugs~
I'm glad to read that things are better. Welcome home. I don't think I was here the last time you visited, nice to meet you :yep:
You're an inspiration! Welcome back, I have no doubt that with your spirit and inner strength that you'll get to your goal - long, healthy hair. Happy hair growing. :)

Thank you for your posts of inspiration and encouragement.

I am not out of the woods health wise. This cancer does not go into remission, it will continue thru it's stages.

It's so rare doctors still do not know everything about it.

But ya know something?

This cancer never met fletgee!
Welcome Home!!!!! Cancer is a beast and it seems like you are a strong fighter that is winning her battle. I work to raise awareness for early detection/screening for cancer with a non-profit organization. I have a dear friend that has been in remission for 11 years now and her hair texture totally changed after chemo left her with not so much as an eyelash. She has a lush, thick head of beautiful hair now and I am sure you will as well. Continue to stay strong and God bless you!!!:bighug:
Glad to have you back :bighug: If you grew your hair once, you can do it again. Wishing continued strength and blessings on both journeys.