Going to a new stylist; how to say no?


Well-Known Member
Okay, I am going to a new stylist and I know that I am not going to want a trim and to my belief I don't need one. Can you ladies help me out with how to say no politely if the stylist tries to trim my hair?

Please dont pick up your sckissors and go any where near MY hair, lol

You have the please working for you for the politeness right in the beginning!

Just kidding, im sure the other ladies will help, but I would learn to do it myself, thats what I am planning to do, because stylist dont listen at all! and before you know it, your hair is falling all over the floor and theres nothing you can do...
Hi Pretty!

I noticed that since Im older, I am more up front and straight up about the way I feel now. I am not rude or mean, but I believe in making eye contact and getting to the bottom line. I suggest either of the two approaches.

"Hi Ms. Stylist (Insert correct name),
Im here for a wash and blow dry set--whatever whatever. I "Do Not" want a trim at all."
(If she tries to suggest a trim anyway, you can use rebuttals such as you actually just had a trim or you use practice healthy hair care at home and trim on an "as needed" bases.)


"I have a serious serious scissor phobia. I don't like for people to come near me with scissors. I warned my last stylist, but she didn't listen. I was looking in the mirror and saw her come near my head with scissors. I started trembling and kicking and screaming and punching! Turns out-- she thought I was playing. "

I would go with suggestion one, but the other one is alright too.

HTH :)
I don't know about polite, but....

1. You have to be firm
2. You have to pay attention

You can't get too relaxed in the chair because then you won't even notice when the stylist does a snip-snip or two "just so it can lay better." :rolleyes:

Honestly, you have to be down right rude to protect your hair at times. Her feelings may be hurt for a second, but I promise you she will quickly move on to the next client. If you let her snip, then it will take weeks, if not months for your hair to grow back. After I found out that my hair only grows 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch a month, I don't worry about being polite anymore. Good luck & post pics!
I had to do this when I tried a new salon last month. She said I needed at least two inches off...I most certainly did not. She kept telling me that and I kept politely telling her no thanks. Eventually I got irritated and told her "What I need is a stylist that listens to her customers and doesn't shove her professional opinion down their throats. I don't want a trim. Hear me?"

We sat there in silence the rest of the time, but she didn't cut my hair. Mission accomplished...but I'm not going back to her.
Well, just say "Yes I am here for..., but I don't want my ends trimmed, I would rather do it myself." Short and sweet :)
what the other ladies are saying in on point. be firm and say no, i do not need a trim.

if they try to push you, get out of the chair. the customer is always right.
Just tell herno. I went through this with a stylist of 10 plus years.It was hard because i didn'twant to be rude. I told her I'm not ready and she tried to insist.My sis was there with me and she wastalking mess too so that made it doubly hard but I didn't get atrim. she said the usual "your ends are raggedy, they are uneven." I know they are uneven but i don't care right now. My hair grows slower in certain parts.I care about splits.
Stand up and go to the mirror...look at yourself straight in the eyes and repeat very firmly after me:


It's quite liberating. No need for explanations. You can add a "thank you" after the "No" if you prefer. You don't need to raise your voice and there is no need for drama. You can just say your "No" firmly and look at your stylist straight in the eyes when you do it: "No"

I believe in you, believe in yourself and believe in the right you have to honor and protect yourself, firmly.... unequivocally.

Stand up and go to the mirror...look at yourself straight in the eyes and repeat very firmly after me:


It's quite liberating. No need for explanations. You can add a "thank you" after the "No" if you prefer. You don't need to raise your voice and there is no need for drama. You can just say your "No" firmly and look at your stylist straight in the eyes when you do it: "No"


ITA. The less you explain after a "no" the better

Plus, if she insists, just get up and leave. You don't need to be bullied.
I would JUST SAY NO TRIM or dont worry about it am going to roller set and wear curls LOLO i get a trim once a year when i come out of braids.i wont get one until next year
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I had to do this when I tried a new salon last month. She said I needed at least two inches off...I most certainly did not. She kept telling me that and I kept politely telling her no thanks. Eventually I got irritated and told her "What I need is a stylist that listens to her customers and doesn't shove her professional opinion down their throats. I don't want a trim. Hear me?"

We sat there in silence the rest of the time, but she didn't cut my hair. Mission accomplished...but I'm not going back to her.

That was great lol
You can be polite, yet firm and say "no thanks." If she pressures you, just don't go back. I used to feel intimidated and let stylists do whatever, but the longterm results of that was necklength hair. If you focus on your goals, it will become easier and easier to say no.
I hardly go to the salon, but when I do I just say NO. If they insist I smile and say NO.

But if you're feeling bad or want to avoid karate chopping somebody in the neck *LOL* then do what I do:

Stylist: Would you like me to trim off your ends
Me: No thank you
Stylist: You really should
Me: I already cut my hair 4 weeks ago so I'm not due for another trim yet
After that they usually don't ask me again. They probably think I'm lying, but can't prove it. Ha!

I'm lying my butt off of course. I haven't trimmed my hair in almost 2 years LOL
Hi Pretty!

I noticed that since Im older, I am more up front and straight up about the way I feel now. I am not rude or mean, but I believe in making eye contact and getting to the bottom line. I suggest either of the two approaches.

"Hi Ms. Stylist (Insert correct name),
Im here for a wash and blow dry set--whatever whatever. I "Do Not" want a trim at all."
(If she tries to suggest a trim anyway, you can use rebuttals such as you actually just had a trim or you use practice healthy hair care at home and trim on an "as needed" bases.)


"I have a serious serious scissor phobia. I don't like for people to come near me with scissors. I warned my last stylist, but she didn't listen. I was looking in the mirror and saw her come near my head with scissors. I started trembling and kicking and screaming and punching! Turns out-- she thought I was playing. "

I would go with suggestion one, but the other one is alright too.

HTH :)

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Good one!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

I find if you are timid they will try to pressure you into trimming.
It is possible to be direct and not rude.

Personally I did have a bad experience (went in for a trim left with 4 inches less hair and looking like a poodle ).

I bought a really good pair of scissors and trimmed my own hair only as needed.

Come to think of it was not until I stopped allowing "stylists" to trim my hair that I went past Bra Strap Length.
Like this:
NO--thats in english OR,
NO--thats in french OR,
NO--thats in spanish OR,
NO--thats in african OR,
:nono:--thats in sign language and OR for the hearing impaired. HTH :yep:
I am going to a stylist for a relaxer today for the first time since March 2004 (I self tex-laxed 8 weeks ago). The rules I am setting up when I first shake her hand are: 1) no direct heat - no blow dryer, no curling iron, only under the dryer and 2) no trim

I HATE curling irons and the smell of burnt hair. I DETEST it more than anything.
I agree with the others about being firm. I went to a new stylist and she was great, however, she insisted that I get my hair blown. After standing my ground she let it go. She also trimmed my hair and I watched her like a hawk. Every few minutes she would show me how much she trimmed. Any stylist that wants repeated business should be willing to accomodate their clients wishes and not back talk them