Going Blonde For Him?

I was thinking of hi-lites like this..


The first time I saw this pic on the Curve website I was in awe, I think it's pretty..and she manages to still look classy. I was trying to broaden the scope of the question by asking if anyone had ever dyed their hair for a man. I am not that naive to do it just for a man, but I have been saying for years (even on this site) that I miss my lighter colored hair.

My hair has been jet black for over 4 years now and I am kind of needing change. I like to enjoy my hair, I'm not going to be bunning or protective styling to reach waistlength in record time. I don't mind taking risks because I know I have the tools and knowledge to get my hair back to a healthy state if something happens. The fact that my SO liked my hair lighter does give me a little more push to do it...oh well.

i think you struck a nerve when you said that you would change your hair because your SO wanted it and not you. I think your LHCF sisats know how long it took to get your healthy locks and were just being supportive that it also came with some esteem. But honestly sweety if it were my husband, maybe I would consider getting some extension pieces if I were thinking about it in the first place but def nothing permanent. I guess since its just an SO it doesn't carry much weight and it does seem like two extremes...