God is soo good


Well-Known Member
If I never see another miracle again in my life, the miracle I saw God work in electing the first black president is enough I need. I'm elated - like that feeling after you have been slain by the Holy Ghost.

Thank you Jesus!
yes, girl. He is sooooo amazing. No words can really describe...when I think of all he's done and who he is ...it's awesome. I feel so sad for people who don't know him and get to experience having a relationship with him, serving him, walking with him. They don't know what they are missing...obviously or they would seek him. I'll just pray for them though
Now we need to pray for him as the president. He is inheriting some serious problems that will take a long time to resolve. I'm concerned people thought he would change the world overnight. So pray for the people's understanding and patience.
Now we need to pray for him as the president. He is inheriting some serious problems that will take a long time to resolve. I'm concerned people thought he would change the world overnight. So pray for the people's understanding and patience.

AMEN, I stand in agreement with you!
I agree. I am going to get my friends together at least once a week so we can pray for him, those around him and his counsel.