Glycerin-Free Moisture Products


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone!!

Currently I'm transitioning with weaves and it seems that I CANNOT keep my hair underneath moisturized!! I had no problem this summer when I was using S-curl, SSF but lately, in NYC it's been BITTER cold. I'm guessing it's the glycerin bc I took down my install and ahve been using glycerin-free products. I've been spritzing with QP H-Two and sealing w Jane Carter Leave-in.

Does anyone have any product recommendations on a moisturizer that does NOT have glycerin?

Note: I tried searching on but it doesn't allow you to search by glycerin free prods. Also, I would like to use this on my hair in AND out of the weaves.Thank you!!
Kinky Curly Knot Today is cone and glycerin free. IMO, it is worth the 12 bucks.

ETA:Ingredients: organic Mango fruit extract, organic slipper elm, organic marshmallow root, organic lemongrass, cetyl alcohol, behentrimonium methosulfate, citric acid, phenoxyethanol and natural fragrance.
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Shea butter is awesome! I second kinky curly knot today, but I find with the winter, i need something heavier- elasta qp mango butter works great. I've heard great things about Qhemet Burdock root butter cream also. HTH.
Great topic OP. My hair has been fighting back (very dry) lately when I use products with glycerin.
Thank you Kacie! Is this a liquid? Can I use this for my hair under weave as well?


The Knot Today is a cream. As far as liquids maybe try rosewater (it's very moisturizing) or Shescentit Moisture Mist (on my wishlist).
Giovanni Direct Leave In is glycerin free. It has protein, but it's really moisturizing. The consistency is lightweight, like a light body lotion. HTH!
wait...I need to reread threads!! I thought glycerin was GOOD for your hair?!?

I could be very wrong, but I thought glycerin in the winter can rob your hair of moisture while using it in the summer/humid areas can help keep your hair moisturized.
I could be very wrong, but I thought glycerin in the winter can rob your hair of moisture while using it in the summer/humid areas can help keep your hair moisturized.

WOW!!! Glad I saw this before I made my leave in mix! It worked so well in the summer...didnt think it could have an alternate affect during the winter!
wait...I need to reread threads!! I thought glycerin was GOOD for your hair?!?

If you live in a humid area glycerin draws moisture from the air and puts into your hair so that's really, however, when it's cold, glycerin takes the moisture from your hair and puts it in the air. so glycerin is a no no for some people in winter.
see what works for you! hope that helps!
Great thread! I need to check my moisture ingredients cause I've had a problem with moisture this winter. Thanx!
Kinky Curly Knot Today is cone and glycerin free. IMO, it is worth the 12 bucks.

ETA:Ingredients: organic Mango fruit extract, organic slipper elm, organic marshmallow root, organic lemongrass, cetyl alcohol, behentrimonium methosulfate, citric acid, phenoxyethanol and natural fragrance.

Where can I find Kinky Curly Knot Today? Does it smell good?
Where can I find Kinky Curly Knot Today? Does it smell good?

I know you can get it at Whole Foods or online.

Anyone know of any other good moisturizers that do not contain glycerin? I used Parnevu T-Tree Growth Creme and it does not contain any glycerin. It's a good moisturizer but it does not play well with ecostyler gel.
Great thread! It's been between -5 and 10 degrees here and my hair feels like a bag of straw. It's too darn cold to do my regular co-wash regimen. And when I do it's way more tangled than normal.

I go through this every winter. I really should get my winter regimen together.
To answer my own question which may have been mentioned already, Elasta QP mango moisturizer is really good and it does not contain glycerin. I was surprised to find it at my local BBS.