Give It To Me Straight Ladies.....Updates


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies. I know I said when my hair was butchered a few months ago that I wouldn't show any updated pictures until I was WL, but I've been so pleased with my hair lately that I thought it would be nice to update.

After th original butcher job I had to have an additional inch chopped because every end split after that "trim". My hair is thriving now, but the stylist said I still need an extra inch or so off. So what length am I and do you think I can make WL by my 2 year LHCF anniversary in Feb of 2010?
Beautiful Hair :love:! I'd say that you are solidly past MBL but a couple of inches away from WSL.....just a little. You should definitely be there by the end of December if not sooner :yep:
Yes I think you will make waist length by 2/2010. Your longest layer is mid back length.

BTW - Your hair is long and pretty and I like your color.
Love the color. Looks like MBL and only a few inches from WL..Nice and healthy!
Your hair is so beautiful :drool: think you’re a little past MBL. I’m so happy for you that you’re pleased with your hair now after the unfortunate incident and I think you will definitely make your goal of WL by February 2010.
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Thanks ladies. I'm definitely gonna try for it now. I was ready to give it up. I relaxed 2 weeks ago. I think I'm going to try to do bunning and stretching until Dec. so I can be surprised by the growth.