Getting over the "fear"


New Member
Alright ya'll, so I am going to confess something.
I am getting scared of doing my hair.

Now to preface this, lemme just say I was a beast to my hair last year (only washing every 2 weeks, flat ironing 2-3 times a week, protein conditioner every 2 weeks (no dc) color and heat and heat and no moisture and miraculously, I still went from TWA (relaxed) to albeit really damaged, grazing SL between Feb-Dec...which is pretty decent.

Now that I am natural, and doing my hair and its healthy...I am so scared that if I over manipulate it its gonna start to break off and it wont grow. I don't know hair withstood a lot more than that and still grew really well. So I don't know why I have this fear now.

Has anyone experienced this? How did you get over your fear?

All this came about because I am trying to figure out if shingling my hair 2-3 times a week is too much manipulation...I am really hoping my hair will blossom natural but....for some reason this angst has rooted itself in me. HELP!
Sometimes I'm afraid to switch hair styles because I'm afraid that as soon as I change it or try the new style, it won't work for some reason, especially while it's short. Then I'd have to walk around with crazy hair until I could get it done properly. :spinning:

Then, I realized that my hair is growing, it isn't breaking like it used to, and the styles looked great once I actually did them. I was like "well, allll riiigghhhtt!!!! :grin:"
I don't know anything about shingling, but if you keep your moisture/protein balance aka elasticity in check, you should not have to worry about breakage.

Why were you doing a protein conditioner every two weeks?

Cause I didn't know there was a difference between a moisture conditioner and a protein conditioner. So I used Redkin Extreme Repair everytime I washed my hair because it was breaking haha... This was wayyyy before I joined LHCF.
Dont be scurred:) just like MileHighDiva, said, keep ur moisture & protein in check and you should be fine. I used to be scarred to wear my hair out too. Now I'm like who cares. If it's gonna grow it will grow. Maybe start off wearing or trying out a new style every so often so you can see how you hair likes it. I decided to only PS once a week. Start enjoying ur curls!
I have this fear as well, especially when you hear people talking about setbacks. So far, my regimen has been to DC overnight on Friday, cowash Saturday morning, slather on a leave-in, and air dry overnight (in bands). And then I style (either twist or braid) on Sunday. I wear my hair in that style Monday-Thursday and wear a twist- or braid-out on Friday. So my loose hair only sees the light of day once a week, but that's enough for me for now, because I don't feel my hair is at the length where it's super flattering on my face. I'm APL.

I'm too scared to try a WNG, but that's mostly because I think it will "change" on me when I'm out of the house and it's too late to fix! LOL

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