
Well-Known Member

I always had the rinky dink $34 bonnet hair dryer. I stopped using it about 7 months ago because my rollersets were crap when I used it and I had to sit under it way too long.

7 months ago, I started looking for the Pibbs dryer--but at $200, I decided against it.

Yesterday I had a hair disaster due to a protein treatment and had to go to work the next morning. I normally air dry, but after the protein treatment--- my hair looked soooo horrible ---dry and crusty!!

After work, I purchased a professional hood dryer (not Pibbs brand, but Pro Tools). I washed with my moisturizing poo and did a deep treatment with my moist conditioner. I used Macherieamor's method of a soaking wet rollerset. I combined water, leave in and a bit of setting lotion in a spray bottle. But the bottom line is I sat under the professional hood dryer for 45 minutes.

I HAD PROFESSIONAL RESULTS. I combed the curls loose, added a bit of oil and then put my rollers back in. My friend encouraged me to take a pic right away. SO I took out 2 rollers to demonstrate--and I am currently 8 weeks post relaxer.

The pics are in my fotki (under Hair care, no password) I think a professional hair dryer is a MUST!!!
Your hair looks very nice, silky too. Was it?

I am with you on getting a professional dryer. A Pibbs is going to be my next big purchase. I can't wait to use it and have pretty rollersets this fall!:)
Beatutiful pictures! I'm looking into getting a new dryer. I'v had my old one for over 10years... I know. I'd like to try to roller set/Dominican blow out kinda thing...

Did you have a lot of space under dryer? Like w/this dryer have space for those Xtra large/Jumbo rollers?
Lotus said:
Beatutiful pictures! I'm looking into getting a new dryer. I'v had my old one for over 10years... I know. I'd like to try to roller set/Dominican blow out kinda thing...

Did you have a lot of space under dryer? Like w/this dryer have space for those Xtra large/Jumbo rollers?

well, my head is small and my hair is not that long, so I don't have any issues, but I believe there is a lot of room in it.
MizAvalon said:
Your hair looks very nice, silky too. Was it?

I am with you on getting a professional dryer. A Pibbs is going to be my next big purchase. I can't wait to use it and have pretty rollersets this fall!:)

it was so silky. i was jumping up and down.
bajanplums1 said:
I normally air dry, but after the protein treatment--- my hair looked soooo horrible ---dry and crusty!!
Can I ask: What protein treatment you used? Your results look great...I love my professional dryer though I'm told that it takes up too much power. :look:
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I am with you on this one.....this will be my next big hair/pj purchase in the coming months.

Way past due. I can do my hair when I'm good and gosh darn ready on my own time...and I can burn my own ears up in the privacy of my home..
I want one. A Pibbs though. I think when you get to a
certain lenght... those other ones just don't cut it anymore.
and I don't trust stylists anymore... so I'll be doing my own hair...
I just need to rationalize spending $300
so... when I go to a stylists it costs about $50... that means I can go
to the stylist 6 times or I could get the
Pibbs... hmmm...
I totally agree with you :yep: I bought a professional hooded dryer last yr and its one of the best investments Ive ever made. My sets turn out sooo much better since Ive been using mine. They are expensive, but worth every penny IMO.:)
Your hair is beautiful, btw how much did your professional dryer cost and where did you purchase it from?
I got the Pro tools hood dryer too!! It costed me $119 and it was worth every single damn penny and I am sitting under it right now as I type. Still going strong after 3 years.
SouthernTease said:
and I don't trust stylists anymore... so I'll be doing my own hair...
I just need to rationalize spending $300
so... when I go to a stylists it costs about $50... that means I can go
to the stylist 6 times or I could get the
Pibbs... hmmm...

Believe me, buying this saved me soo much more money. Before I used to pay about 20 bucks a week for a wash and set( this is before I found this site and was able to do my own hair) Now I can wash my hair as many times as I want during the week without having to dish out the $$$
Oh btw, I was wondering if you noticed the Pro Tools dryer was rather low and had to put books or a stand under it. Mine is and its my only complaint about it. I have this cardboard box I put so I can sit comfortably under it. Its sometimes hard to keep it in place because of its wheels. I was thinking about buying a little kiddie chair.

What temperature do you keep yours on? I noticed that it can get really hot and if I use the higher temps, it dries out my hair.
glossyxlipz said:
Oh btw, I was wondering if you noticed the Pro Tools dryer was rather low and had to put books or a stand under it. Mine is and its my only complaint about it. I have this cardboard box I put so I can sit comfortably under it. Its sometimes hard to keep it in place because of its wheels. I was thinking about buying a little kiddie chair.

What temperature do you keep yours on? I noticed that it can get really hot and if I use the higher temps, it dries out my hair.

how long does it take for your hair to dry? where did you find yours?
Letitia said:
how long does it take for your hair to dry? where did you find yours?

Since I dont want to use the higher takes me a good 1hr and a half. :nono: But the results are so good and I am sure it would take less time if I raised it.

I bought my at a BSS near my old apartment in NYC. I bought the floor display and I paid by cash so I was given a discount.
glossyxlipz said:
Since I dont want to use the higher takes me a good 1hr and a half. :nono: But the results are so good and I am sure it would take less time if I raised it.

I bought my at a BSS near my old apartment in NYC. I bought the floor display and I paid by cash so I was given a discount.

I will keep an eye out at my local BSS stores. Thanks.
I'm going to buy one after I finish growing my hair to MBL. Then I will move on to trying to style my hair. That's a whole new ball game. :cool:
Your hair looks very nice and it's growing out beautifully! I'm going to have to break down and get a Pibbs dryer or another professional dryer of some sort.
I totally agree. It was the best hair investment I've made too. Your hair looks very silky and healthy.
Professional dryers are sooooo worth every penny.

I hated cramming my head in that small Gold n hot dryer. Plus, I was soooo HOT under there:burn: I sit under my pibbs at 50 degrees and it feels like a spa in there. I can sit upright so I dont have a sore neck and I can wheel it all around the room so I can fold laundry, type on my comp, etc.
simply beautiful. Great progress. Your hair looks healthy and shiny. I am now off to the BSS to pick up teh same dryer. I saw the same one on sale on in L.I. for $129.
I've always been a Gold N Hot girl. lol But I am seriously looking into investing in a professional dryer. It is a must for the do it yourselfer. So where did you get yours and what was the price? I really do not want to pay a lot. Also how many watts are yours? BTW, you hair looks really nice and silky!
I am totally with you on the professional hood dryer. However, I am holding off until my hair is longer, for now my little one does the job but I know it will be more difficult down the road. I always keep an eye out on craigslist for salon's going out of business and selling their equipment. ;)
macherieamour said:
I hated cramming my head in that small Gold n hot dryer.

That is one of my biggest problems nowadays. I am becoming a regular rollersetter but sometimes, I end up airdrying (like yesterday) because I couldn't be bothered with wrestling a tabletop dryer....this Pibbs or any professional dryer has been on my short list for a I really need it.