Get ends clipped before braids?


Hair product junkie reloaded!
My ends need a little cleaning up, though they are not in that bad of a shape.....should I get them clipped before I get braids in? I am getting them put in on the 27th and I figure maybe I will ask the stylist to clip the ends before she puts them in. I willhave already washed my hair before I get there....
Yeah girl, defintely. I'm gonna get my trimmed up before I proceed with my kinky twist. You don't wanna have already damaged ends in braids because when you take it down your hair will be fragile and might cause whole strands or more than the ends to come out. Take care of em now and they won't be a problem later
I'm the odd ball here, but I disagree. I think to a certain extent your ends can get raggedy in braids so I'd rather the already raggedy ends get more raggedy than let fresh ends get raggedy.
cutebajangirl said:
I'm the odd ball here, but I disagree. I think to a certain extent your ends can get raggedy in braids so I'd rather the already raggedy ends get more raggedy than let fresh ends get raggedy.

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Odd ball? We're all entitled to our own opinions
I think that would pose a henderance to the health of your ends, though. If you let your ends get too damaged couldn't they possibly split or cause damage further up maybe even as far as your root? I think your ends are 'ragedy' in braids because they are kind of smoothered for a long period of time. I'd rather have something temporarily ragedy looking than permanently damaged anyday. You can always revive your ends with a deep moisturizing condition treatment, though. Just my thoughts
I wish I had got my ends trimmed before I kept going from braids to braids
. I kept trying to hold onto length and when I finally took my hair down (for good) my stylist had to cut 3 inches off my right side because it was longer than my left side. Then I had to get the rest of my ends trimmed. I had so much hair that had to be cut and trimmed because I neglected to do so early on. IMO you really should get a trim, it will really benefit your hair and it will look nice and beautiful once you take your braids down. Plus, you won’t have to sacrifice any new length that you receive. HTH.
Okay, I will ge tthem trimmed them....I hope she dont charge aint like its THAT much work!! She's already taking me for 130 bucks! And my mom hates it uz she says that I need to save my money....which is true, but man I got to buy so much stuff!!! Thanks yall...this is the reason why I sucked it up and paid the 5 bucks
cutebajangirl said:
I'm the odd ball here, but I disagree. I think to a certain extent your ends can get raggedy in braids so I'd rather the already raggedy ends get more raggedy than let fresh ends get raggedy.

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I agree with you- plus, the ends lay better in the braids; when they are clipped those blunt ends just stick right out.
cutebajangirl said:
I'm the odd ball here, but I disagree. I think to a certain extent your ends can get raggedy in braids so I'd rather the already raggedy ends get more raggedy than let fresh ends get raggedy.

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ITA Most likely your ends will need a little fixer-up once you take out your braids so why trim twice if they're already in decent shape? I didn't trim before getting braids and my ends need trimming but they're not terrible. Now, lemme shut-up before I see little hairs on my shirt
mermaid said:
cutebajangirl said:
I'm the odd ball here, but I disagree. I think to a certain extent your ends can get raggedy in braids so I'd rather the already raggedy ends get more raggedy than let fresh ends get raggedy.

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I agree with you- plus, the ends lay better in the braids; when they are clipped those blunt ends just stick right out.

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Very true.