Genetics and Hair Length


Professional PJ
How do you figure out how long your growth cycle is?

I went back to the bookstore and purchased Hair Rules by Anthony Dickey. There's a Q&A with a dermatologist and she says on page 135 (I'm paraphrasing): "Proper diet and care will permit a waoman to grow her hair longer. But genetics determine whether "longer" is to the shoulders or to the waistline."


My natural hair was a little past my shoulders when I was a child. When it was pressed it reached my armpits. But I want my hair to be longer than this... I always thought that with proper care, it was possible to grow your hair to your ankles if you wanted to.

She also says the longer your growth cycle, the longer your hair can become.
That is true in my opinion.

However, on average hair grows 6 inches a year.(I didn't think it was a true figure until my hair is actually doing better than this). The average growth cycle is 3 years, so scientifically, this adds up to 18 inches(which is waistlength in my case.)

The way I see it, not everyone's hair can grow upto waistlength but the chance of it doing so is very high.

Secondly not everyone wants hair that long, so the chances of attaining a goal above waistlength is even higher.

I think the onus is on you as an individual to simply take care of your hair and you will not only have healthy hair but the longest hair of your life.
Eighteen inches on you is waistlength? How tall are you? I am barely five feet and 18 inches on me is a little passed mid back.