Gave Myself an UN Wanted Trim....PICS


New Member
Well I finished my hair for my trip....I leave tonight , early morning what-ever.....I gave myself a trim....I didn't want to but I did....I really didn't want to :nono:....I cut off about a 1/2 inch....I feel like I lost progress but OH Well....Trying not to be upset !!!

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When I read the title of your thread, I gasped, 'cause you're one of my faves.
But that pic is gorgeous. I love healthy thick ends.
Have a safe trip. Enjoy yourself, ma!
Why didn't you want to trim? And why did you decide to?

Well didn't want to trim because I didn't want to lose length...I feel like mbl is so far away.....I decided to trim because I usually dust and I just had to many split ends for that....Even though I want to reach my goals I don't want raggedy looking ends...So I choose health over length...I think I lost a couple months progress ...
Well didn't want to trim because I didn't want to lose length...I feel like mbl is so far away.....I decided to trim because I usually dust and I just had to many split ends for that....Even though I want to reach my goals I don't want raggedy looking ends...So I choose health over length...I think I lost a couple months progress ...

Awww. You will have it back in no time! :yep:
Traycee!!! First the gum and now this!!! :lachen:

You're so pretty, and your hair still looks great :yep: Have fun on your trip!
Your hair is still long and ends look healthier. Beautiful hair.
My hair thrives on cuts- it comes in even better.
I truly wish I could trim my own hair- could you post some tips please because my hair is somewhat layered too... :yep:
Girl its only half an inch. It doesn't take away from you (your very beautiful by the way!) or your beautiful hair. I hope you enjoy your trip :grin:.
Your hair really looks great! Did you trim a 1/2 inch from the bottom layers of your hair and several inches in other areas?
Well didn't want to trim because I didn't want to lose length...I feel like mbl is so far away.....I decided to trim because I usually dust and I just had to many split ends for that....Even though I want to reach my goals I don't want raggedy looking ends...So I choose health over length...I think I lost a couple months progress ...

Girl, better that, than to lose more from splitting further up the shaft! You look gorgeous and you will have it back in no time! I made the mistake of not trimming my split ends and I ended up having more cut off! I want to cry when I think of that! UGH!!
its still so very pretty. healthy hair is what we all want healthy hair and length. your hair is gorgeous :yep:
Looks very good! I hate trims sometimes too, but we have to have 'em when we have to have 'em. Hope your having fun on your trip.