Garlic Supplments- How many Mg a day to stop shedding??


Well-Known Member
I ordered a bottle of Mega Tek and I plan to start using it next week :grin:. I wanted to get a head start on my garlic supplments but I just wanted to know how many milligrams should I take a day?

Ladies who use the supplments, how much do you take a day?
I want to know if taking to much mg is too much, I just started using odorless garlic pills from GNC and I take 2000mg. Once in the morning and once at night
Please one of our Garlic pill poppin, megatek using vets chime in....because I am about to weave my hair up for the next 6-8 months and I will be using megatek *and GARLIC SUPPS*!
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I take garlic oil supps they're 500 mg per capsule. I take two, and it's helped greatly with shedding.
Actually I currently take 2400mg a day & it didn't help a whole heck of a lot. I didn't up the dose because I figured why not just back off the MT/OCT for a few days.... since this is whats (causing) the shedding, from protein overload. I just backed off for a few days & did an Ayurvedic tea rinse of Amla, Bhringarj, and Brahmi. It stopped my shedding in it's tracks!!!:yep: Justkiya just posted this in another thread, back off the protein & up the moisture. This is what works for me. I think some ladies are continuing to use the MT/OCT thru severe shedding while waiting for the garlic to kick in when what they really need to do is back away for a bit , then resume. Lol this is my story and I'm sticking to it.
My garlic supps come in 400mg tabs so I take four of them once a week then one a day for the rest of the week and my shedding has decreased dramatically.
The shedding I had before MT was significantly reduced by taking 2500mg of garlic per day. Nature Made Odor Control Garlic tablets.
However I overdid it with the MT and my hair was coming out in gobs. I have since stopped temporarily. DCing and the garlic have helped me get the shedding in check again.
Basically if you shed with MT the solution is to stop, reasses how you are using it, and adjust your regimine until you don't shed.
Actually I currently take 2400mg a day & it didn't help a whole heck of a lot. I didn't up the dose because I figured why not just back off the MT/OCT for a few days.... since this is whats (causing) the shedding, from protein overload. I just backed off for a few days & did an Ayurvedic tea rinse of Amla, Bhringarj, and Brahmi. It stopped my shedding in it's tracks!!!:yep: Justkiya just posted this in another thread, back off the protein & up the moisture. This is what works for me. I think some ladies are continuing to use the MT/OCT thru severe shedding while waiting for the garlic to kick in when what they really need to do is back away for a bit , then resume. Lol this is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Can you please provide some info on the Ayurvedic tea rinse of Alma, bhringarj and Brahmi, where do you buy these products? How do you use them?