G Craig Lewis new blog about November Election

I was aware of that, but thanks for the civic lesson. :grin: Historically, the electoral college has sided with the voice of the people.

Voting is about being heard. Voting is about taking a stand and letting your positions be known and taking part in the electoral process. It's about being an American and taking pride that we have the freedom to voice our opinions both vocally and at the polls. I don't take it lightly and I don't take it for granted when today in 2008, in other countries people are intimidated at the polls and forced to vote for candidates because there are serious retributions if they don't. I try not to take my blessings for granted so I will take advantage of my blessing and I will vote. Again, that's just me.

I guess we are just both confused. Because by that statement you are saying voting is symbolic. It is hard to follow your logic. But like you said we all have different views. I respect that
When you speak the truth in love, your motivation is to help, not hurt. It is to correct and set on the right path.

Correction is a way of showing love, if it is motivated by love. I can tell my sister that the way she is living her life is not pleasing to God and that it will only bring her more pain and chaos. I can tell her that she is on a destructive path and that if she continues to sow destruction, she will reap destruction. I can tell her that God is waiting for her to turn to Him and will gladly accept her just as she is and He will make her life brand new. I can tell her that I love her enough to tell this to her because I want better for her and God desires for her to be the woman he created her to be. It's called compassion, a trait that Jesus had in abundance.

Or I can say, she is living a sinful life and will burn in hell if she doesn't repent for her wicked ways.

The former is truth in love providing correction, the latter is condemnation.

I strongly suggest you read the epistles of Paul, the letters that he wrote to the churches. He clearly stated that he loved them and wanted them to be the people of God that would please the Lord, but he did not spare their feelings or mince words. They are very good examples of truth in love.

I guess I just didn't see the love part of his blog. All I saw was condemnation.
I think both approaches are appropriate at different times and for different people. I know some that really need the strong condemning words to scare them straight. I personally need a softer touch to put me back in line. But I agree that the bottom line is the biblical truth absolutely needs to be told. I am concerned, disappointed, and discouraged, in the Body of Christ.
Thank you (esp. chrstndiva, saved06, & momi) for this informative discussion. I am loving the different points of view and learning.
I guess we are just both confused. Because by that statement you are saying voting is symbolic. It is hard to follow your logic. But like you said we all have different views. I respect that

I am beginning to think we don't speak the same language. LOL :grin:
I am saying this to you out of and for Respect and Love in Christ! Momi- So, Please no offense taken just MHO

Are you saying that John Mcshame is a better choice for Christians Voting:nono: I do not think so, IMHO. What I mean by change is Look at the way this country is going now. Do you think it will be any better:look:? Americans want CHANGE and I REFUSE to throw away my God Given Right(s) to vote. It is a shame however, God already knows who is the next President and it is done by His Will IMHO. All I truly see at times is negatives thrown at Obama one way or another. John Mcshame is so God- Given, Saving Saint and he is Not! Ok So look at Mcshames Voiting Record? Blood of innocent babies on your hands!
I am sorry what do you mean by this and So, You think John Mcsham is better he has blood on his hands as well!:perplexed IRAQ WAR
No, one is Crucifying you it is YHO! I cannot Judge you I am not God!
It is Free speech

This is Mcshames stance on Abortion

John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench. Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states

My question is to you

As Chirstians don't we have a right to CHOOSE! Don't we have FREE-WILL

IMHO I do not agree with abortion and that is between God and Me however, that is MY CHOICE and I cannot Infringe on another womens right to choose! I can help her if she needs help however, I cannot infringe my free-will just on that alone.

I can be here all day from Abortions to the War in Iraq and the treatment of AA in this country alone! I understand where you are comming from however, I am placing my faith and trust in God and I am voting and it will NOT BE FOR JOHN MCSHAME!

This is what worries me... just what type of change.

To be honest, I have not decided how I am going to vote. As a black woman, I am truly proud of what he has been able to accomplish. It is nice to see a black man with a strong family in the media which is opposite of what is generally shown... however based on his voting record I cannot vote for him.

I have done enough wrong in my past - I dont need the blood of innocent babies on my hands.

Did you know that he voted against the born alive victims act? This bill allows babies who are born from botched abortions to receive medical care. This troubles me... we need change, but I wonder if it is his type of change that we need?

Crucify me - I don't care.

It is neither safe nor wise to do anything against conscience. Here I stand I can do no other. God help me. Amen ( Martin Luther)
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Lord no! McCain no way! The blog talked about not voting for the lesser of two evils so to speak and to seek God in this time. He is saying that Obama is being used as a decoy to set the stage for the anti-christ. But he is also not endorsing McCain nor am I. I believe Obama will win, but I'm not sure of the long run outcome.
I am saying this to you out of and for Respect and Love in Christ! Momi- So, Please no offense taken just MHO

Are you saying that John Mcshame is a better choice for Christians Voting:nono: I do not think so, IMHO. What I mean by change is Look at the way this country is going now. Do you think it will be any better:look:? Americans want CHANGE and I REFUSE to throw away my God Given Right(s) to vote. It is a shame however, God already knows who is the next President and it is done by His Will IMHO. All I truly see at times is negatives thrown at Obama one way or another. John Mcshame is so God- Given, Saving Saint and he is Not! Ok So look at Mcshames Voiting Record? Blood of innocent babies on your hands!
I am sorry what do you mean by this and So, You think John Mcsham is better he has blood on his hands as well!:perplexed IRAQ WAR
No, one is Crucifying you it is YHO! I cannot Judge you I am not God!
It is Free speech

This is Mcshames stance on Abortion

John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench. Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states

My question is to you

As Chirstians don't we have a right to CHOOSE! Don't we have FREE-WILL

IMHO I do not agree with abortion and that is between God and Me however, that is MY CHOICE and I cannot Infringe on another womens right to choose! I can help her if she needs help however, I cannot infringe my free-will just on that alone.

I can be here all day from Abortions to the War in Iraq and the treatment of AA in this country alone! I understand where you are comming from however, I am placing my faith and trust in God and I am voting and it will NOT BE FOR JOHN MCSHAME!

Hi Highly Favored!

First of all, I would never refer to McCain or any other veteran as McShame. Regardless of how one may feel about him, he served our country and deserves honor. I come from a family of men who have served in the military and would be highly offended if they were referred to in that manner. There are many issues I have with Obama, but I would never call him something other than what his mama named him.

Regarding the vote: Absoultely - I am in no position to tell anyone how to vote. I have just made a decision myself, although I decided early in the primary that it would not be Obama. There are many things about his policy that trouble me - but that is for another post on another day :look:

Christians and any other American citizen for that matter have a right to choose and free-will - that is the beauty of a democratic government.

We have been taught to think that abortion is all about "a woman's choice". Who is choosing for the child. God calls life precious even before conception.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart... Jeremiah 1:5

You knit me together in my mother's womb...Psalm 139 13

It has nothing to do with a woman's choice. Generally speaking the choice the woman has is prior to conception. After conception it is a life.
If you were walking in Target and witnessed a mama beating her child's head in the ground would you stop and intervine? Of course you would (well I would anyway) because we are to protect our children... in and out of the womb. By the way - Obama supports even the most vile type of abortion - partial birth abortion. (This is where they deliver the baby feet first and suck the brains out). I really dont think he has a cruel heart, he has just probably been told the same lie the rest of us have.

I am no theologian nor prophet, but somehow I feel we have (the church) lost our way. We have got to seek deliverance from this "lukewarmness"
So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. Rev 3:16

My daily prayer is that I am found in The Lord's Will and be found worthy of Him when He returns.

I cannot tell anyone what to do - all I can suggest is that we all seek God and His will on each and every matter.

It is neither safe nor wise to do anything against conscience. Here I stand I can do no other. God help me. Amen ( Martin Luther)
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Hi Highly Favored!

First of all, I would never refer to McCain or any other veteran as McShame. Regardless of how one may feel about him, he served our country and deserves honor. I come from a family of men who have served in the military and would be highly offended if they were referred to in that manner. There are many issues I have with Obama, but I would never call him something other than what his mama named him.

Regarding the vote: Absoultely - I am in no position to tell anyone how to vote. I have just made a decision myself, although I decided early in the primary that it would not be Obama. There are many things about his policy that trouble me - but that is for another post on another day :look:

Christians and any other American citizen for that matter have a right to choose and free-will - that is the beauty of a democratic government.

We have been taught to think that abortion is all about "a woman's choice". Who is choosing for the child. God calls life precious even before conception.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart... Jeremiah 1:5

You knit me together in my mother's womb...Psalm 139 13

It has nothing to do with a woman's choice. Generally speaking the choice the woman has is prior to conception. After conception it is a life.
If you were walking in Target and witnessed a mama beating her child's head in the ground would you stop and intervine? Of course you would (well I would anyway) because we are to protect our children... in and out of the womb. By the way - Obama supports even the most vile type of abortion - partial birth abortion. (This is where they deliver the baby feet first and suck the brains out). I really dont think he has a cruel heart, he has just probably been told the same lie the rest of us have.

I am no theologian nor prophet, but somehow I feel we have (the church) lost our way. We have got to seek deliverance from this "lukewarmness"
So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. Rev 3:16

My daily prayer is that I am found in The Lord's Will and be found worthy of Him when He returns.

I cannot tell anyone what to do - all I can suggest is that we all seek God and His will on each and every matter.

It is neither safe nor wise to do anything against conscience. Here I stand I can do no other. God help me. Amen ( Martin Luther)

Again I am going to say This is in Christ Love Please take No Offense

I do not like nor care for John Mcshame War Veteran or Not!

My father and my 2 grandfathers are war veterns and heros too Purple Hearts Matter of Fact and all Three of Them made me feel Very Blessed and Honorable and I have so many wonderful stories and memories from them about the wars they served
Father Marines Vietnam
GrandFather Army WWII
GrandFather Navy WWII
All Had very Honorable and Military Funerals Paid for by this goverment and all! So, yes I too have a Rich family Histroy in the Military.

I understand where you are comming from about John Mcsham a lot of AA people who I speak to served in the war are voting for him just b/c of that reason.

Now, you disagree with Obama on his voting record that is your choice and I am not telling you how to vote or choose. I am not voting for John Mcshame,I do not like nor respect him at all for my personal reasons just like you do not like Obama for his voting record " and you do not want blood of inncocent on your hands".

All, I will say and leave you with this

God had Already knows who will win the Election Whether Mcshame or Obama it is in God's hands and I must respect that. I am voting I am blessed to have that right to vote and I am going to exercise it for myself. I check the voting records of both canidates and All I can tell you is that The American People want Change/ However, It is in God's hands and I am going to leave it as such.

Stay Blessed!
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Okay HighlyFavored:

It woud be nice to have this conversation over a cup of coffee at Panera. I think we both could be more transparent :yep:

Take Care!
Just wanted to clarify Obama's stance on abortion. I hear his voting record misquoted most often. I must say I don't share some of his views, but if you are going to debate someone's record, it should be correct.

I live in Illinois and he does not support partial birth abortion. He voted "Present" which is the same as "No" against banning partial birth abortions in the state of Illinois. He has stated then and now that he did so because 1) There was nothing about allowing the health of the mother to be considered in the decistion 2) The same legislation also defined life as a fetus in the same bill which would have banned all abortion in the state of Illinois.

Just thought I'd clarify.
G Craig Lewis is a man who has gotten famous making slanderous and outrageous statements about others.

Please take anything he says or writes with a grain of salt.

Let's do our responsibility as Christians and keep praying...no matter who wins and no matter what happens. We must trust the Lord and His plan. After all, He surely is in control.

Proverbs 21:1
The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will (KJV).

I will pray above all that the Lord's will is done in this nation and earth.
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Just wanted to clarify Obama's stance on abortion. I hear his voting record misquoted most often. I must say I don't share some of his views, but if you are going to debate someone's record, it should be correct.

I live in Illinois and he does not support partial birth abortion. He voted "Present" which is the same as "No" against banning partial birth abortions in the state of Illinois. He has stated then and now that he did so because 1) There was nothing about allowing the health of the mother to be considered in the decistion 2) The same legislation also defined life as a fetus in the same bill which would have banned all abortion in the state of Illinois.

Just thought I'd clarify.

Actually diva - his record on abortion is 100% clear. Your facts are incorrect. Even NARAL gives him a 100% score on his stance concerning abortion.

Here you go... this is his vote on the born alive babies act link ..

A simple google search should yield all the information you need on this subject - if you care to look.

Actually diva - his record on abortion is 100% clear. Your facts are incorrect. Even NARAL gives him a 100% score on his stance concerning abortion.

Here you go... this is his vote on the born alive babies act link ..

A simple google search should yield all the information you need on this subject - if you care to look.


With all due respect, my facts are not incorrect. You can check the Illinois State Senate voting records if you like. The bill that you listed (1662) is not about partial birth abortion which I clearly stated that I was addressing in my post. Please read my post again in case you missed it. He voted present on the legislation for partial birth abortion (bills SB230 and HB382). The bill was passed but not before the Governor vetoed the part about the fetus and this was adopted by the senate to amend he bill. Let's try to stay on topic.

By the way NARAL voted him 100% on abortion for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. FYI.

When I first heard the statements that you made (long before from someone else), I checked them out for myself from the state of Illinois senate bill voting records. You can read them if you like, I did. I prefer not to rely on second sources, things get lost in translation. I go to the source and invite you to do the same.

By the way, I am able to disagree with someone on an issue while still recognizing the facts. I'm just wired that way. I don't agree with all of Obama's votes on this issue, but I never allow that to cloud the facts.

I apologize if you took any offense, but I can't help it if you don't like the facts.
With all due respect, my facts are not incorrect. You can check the Illinois State Senate voting records if you like. The bill that you listed (1662) is not about partial birth abortion which I clearly stated that I was addressing in my post. Please read my post again in case you missed it. He voted present on the legislation for partial birth abortion (bills SB230 and HB382). The bill was passed but not before the Governor vetoed the part about the fetus and this was adopted by the senate to amend he bill. Let's try to stay on topic.

By the way NARAL voted him 100% on abortion for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. FYI.

When I first heard the statements that you made (long before from someone else), I checked them out for myself from the state of Illinois senate bill voting records. You can read them if you like, I did. I prefer not to rely on second sources, things get lost in translation. I go to the source and invite you to do the same.

By the way, I am able to disagree with someone on an issue while still recognizing the facts. I'm just wired that way. I don't agree with all of Obama's votes on this issue, but I never allow that to cloud the facts.

I apologize if you took any offense, but I can't help it if you don't like the facts.

@ christndiva -
Why would you think I was offended? I am not sure if there was anything in my previous post(s) that made you think that.

Some issues are up for dispute - but where Obama stands on abortion is not. Surely you are not disputing that? He, his campaign, and his website have made that abundantly clear.

Also, I am not sure why you felt it relevant to note what yeras NARAL has given him 100% - is it to note that 08 is not listed?

The issue here is not whether Obama has a pro-abortion platform - the issue is should it matter to us as individuals and as representatives of Christ.

This is a Christian form and the OP posted this topic for discussion. I hope it does not appear by the tone of my posts that I am being argumentative. For sure non-Christians visit this forum and that is the last thing they need to witness...
It seems that some have a problem with his delivery - but is there anything in his posts that you feel does not line up with the word of God?

Just curious...
G Craig Lewis is a man who has gotten famous making slanderous and outrageous statements about others.

Please take anything he says or writes with a grain of salt.

Let's do our responsibility as Christians and keep praying...no matter who wins and no matter what happens. We must trust the Lord and His plan. After all, He surely is in control.

Proverbs 21:1
The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will (KJV).

I will pray above all that the Lord's will is done in this nation and earth.

What has he said that has been proven to be an untruth?

Yes, I will be praying this as well...
What another prophet is saying:

A Prophetic Warning
Homer Owen & Steve Foss
Oct 30, 2008

I am forwarding the following prophetic warning to all of my list in hopes that we will join our hearts with the heart of the God of all mercy. May God truly have mercy on us in these days.
Homer and Ruby

A Prophetic Warning from Pastor Steve Foss Sat, 25 Oct 2008
I am writing to you today an urgent message concerning the coming American election. God has released me to share with you a powerful prophecy He gave me eight years ago. I have shared this prophecy in a number of public meetings, but I have never published it for all our friends and partners.
In January of 2000 God gave me an incredible insight into what was about to happen in the coming elections in America over the next decade.
I am not using this e-mail to tell you, who are citizens of America, who to vote for. However, you need to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. Never in my 22 years of ministry have I seen such a spirit of delusion released upon our country.
In January of 2000, while the Republican nomination for president was far from being decided, God spoke to me that George W. Bush would be the president of the United States.
He told me it would be the hardest fought election in American history. I'm sure we can all remember the incredible battle that took place in Florida. He told me that President Bush would be elected to two terms. He told me that during Bush's term there would be a season of unprecedented economic prosperity.
Now despite what the media has said, the economic wealth created during the last eight years was unprecedented. I know the media and one of the political parties has been trying to paint the last eight years as the worst economic time in American history, but it is absolutely untrue. If you look at the wealth created, there were more millionaires created in the last eight years than any time in history.
Multitudes of people were able to sell real estate before the housing market collapse, and received incredible transfers of wealth. I could spend hours showing documentation of the wealth created, but suffice it to say, the evidence is there.
God then said to me, "At the end of President Bush's second term there would be an economic collapse." As everyone in the world knows, we have just faced the greatest economic threat since 1929 and the Great Depression. I will speak a little more about the present economic situation a
little later in this message.
Every detail that God gave me has come to pass exactly as He said. Now there is one more important thing that God spoke to me. This is the purpose and the reason I am writing this e-mail today. God spoke to me that after George W. Bush, America would elect its most ungodly president ever.
I'm going to say that again. God spoke to me that after George W. Bush, America would elect its most ungodly president ever.
As of the writing of this e-mail we are now less than two weeks away from voting for our next president. At this time the polls are strongly showing that the Democratic nominee for president will easily win the White House.
Now in 2006 I began to ask the Lord, "Is that guaranteed to happen in 2008?" He spoke to me very clearly and gave me the key words to what I believe holds this election in the balance right now. He gave me these key words that can forever change what is about to happen in America.
He said, "It depends on the Christians."
I am not going to endorse a candidate, nor am I telling anyone who to vote for. I am simply sharing what God has shown me.
I had a vision earlier this year. I saw Barack Obama in this vision. He was speaking to a large crowd and being broadcast on television. He was speaking incredible words of unity, peace, and bringing all sides together; the words were elegant, the words were comforting, and the words were inspiring.
But while he was speaking I saw all a powerful spirit of violence coming out of his spirit feeding into the spirits of those that were hearing him. That spirit of violence was directed at anybody who opposed what he was saying. Those who heard his words and received it had the spirit of violence being implanted inside of them. It was a rage like I have not seen before.
It was the rage that would be unleashed against those who oppose and stand in the way of Barack Obama's agenda. We are already seeing the beginnings of this spirit manifested here in America. The vicious attacks against Sarah Palin have been unlike anything we have ever seen before. The sheer hate for this woman from people who knew nothing about her, and who claim to stand up and protect the little people, and women, has been shocking.
We now see it with Joe the plumber. These people who are under the influence of this demon spirit of rage desire to completely destroy this man because he dared to question Barack Obama. In fact it wasn't just the question; it was because Barack Obama revealed his true agenda that Joe the plumber became a threat. So the supporters of Barack Obama who had been fed and affected by the spirit of violence went into full swing to destroy a fellow citizen; the very kind of person that Barack Obama has been speaking about in his eloquent speeches, saying how he is the only candidate fighting for them.
I want to put this deep in your spirit. I am speaking as a prophet. The words I'm about to tell you are "thus saith the Lord". If Barack Obama is elected, the attacks against free speech, against those who believe differently than he does, and the systematic use of the government and laws to silence the voice of fundamental Christians will be unlike anything ever seen in this nation before.
I have talked to many Christians, including pastors, not only here in the United States but around the world, who strongly support Barack Obama. Many of them are angry with the Republicans, and understandably so. Others are inspired by the thought of electing America's first African American president, while others believe Barack Obama to be a Christian who is very concerned with the poor and needy. I am not going to address any of the many concerns about Barack Obama and his form of Christianity. I am only speaking the words of thus saith the Lord, and you have to decide what you're going to do with it.
But I want to remind you, every word God has spoken to me over the last eight years and every word which I have prophesied about the American government and the elections has come to pass.
God does not give this prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
God said that the 2008 election is in the hands of the Christians. Just like when God spoke to Jonah about the judgment coming to Nineveh, when the Ninevites repented God withheld judgment; the same can happen in this election. Even though God spoke that America would elect its most ungodly president, He has given us the ability to stay this judgment.
Now you may be asking, "Are you saying that Barack Obama, if elected, would be America's most ungodly president ever?" Yes!
Now I'm not telling you who to vote for. Some people want an ungodly president. That's their choice. I have watched throughout the world, Christians support political leaders who are blatantly ungodly. So again, this is the people's choice.
I believe if the Christians will pray, repent, and hear the voice of God, a miracle can happen on Election Day. This nation lies in the hands of the Christians. Will we humble ourselves before God and pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done? Or will we allow our emotions, our
feelings, our angers, our greed, our race, the opinions of the media, our fears, to dictate to us and affect who we vote for? If you allow these things to affect you, whether you vote for Republican or Democrat, you are not being led by the Spirit.
We must spend time in deep intercessory prayer and cry out for God's mercy upon America. For all our friends who are not in the United States, if Christianity comes under the assaults that it would under a government controlled by Barack Obama and the Liberal Democrats, it will have horrible negative effects on the Gospel throughout the world.
All truth is parallel. People say when America catches a cold, the world suffers a flu. This present financial crisis is proof of that. When America is moral and bows its knee to God, it has incredible positive spiritual impact around the world. However, we have seen over the last several decades, when America becomes more immoral that too affects the world.
We need all the Christians around the world to pray for revival to come to America, and for God to have mercy and spare us from this judgment.
Finally, a brief word about the financial crisis. This is not the end time financial crisis. It is very serious, and it is shaking the foundations of the world's economic system. But we will come out of this, and there will be a time again of incredible wealth creation. However, the cracks in the financial system will not be healed. The door has been opened and the way is being made for a one world government system to overtake the world's economics.
The world will falsely look at this situation and say that when the governments individually, and with some unified coordination, jumped in to rescue the world, that it prevented a worldwide depression. In the future, when the true end time financial collapse takes place, it will be very easy for the nations of the world and the peoples of those nations to allow a new worldwide governing body to come to the rescue. Understand that everything that is happening has a significant spiritual purpose.
So don't panic by what you see happening today, but take this as a spiritual warning from God. Prepare yourself. Get out of debt. Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in regards to how you handle money. Let God position you to handle the future complete economic collapse and the overtaking of the world's economic system.
Please pray for America. May God have mercy on us all.
Your friend,
Steve Foss

Steve Foss Ministries
P.O. Box 1592
Keller, TX 76244
What has he said that has been proven to be an untruth?

Yes, I will be praying this as well...

Everything he has said is backed up by the word of God. I wish we had more leaders in the body who will speak the truth. This is why the church is suffering and we are not as powerful as we could be.
@ christndiva -
Why would you think I was offended? I am not sure if there was anything in my previous post(s) that made you think that.

Some issues are up for dispute - but where Obama stands on abortion is not. Surely you are not disputing that? He, his campaign, and his website have made that abundantly clear.

Also, I am not sure why you felt it relevant to note what yeras NARAL has given him 100% - is it to note that 08 is not listed?

The issue here is not whether Obama has a pro-abortion platform - the issue is should it matter to us as individuals and as representatives of Christ.

This is a Christian form and the OP posted this topic for discussion. I hope it does not appear by the tone of my posts that I am being argumentative. For sure non-Christians visit this forum and that is the last thing they need to witness...

You appeared to be offended because you responded emotionally to a fact check. To be honest with you, I don't see why you needed to respond to my post in the first place. I was making a correction as a matter of record and accuracy, not supporting the decision or disagreeing with it.

You read more in my post than what was there, A factual check straight from the Senate minutes of the meeting. I was clarifying the actual vote that was in question. I don't see why bringing the facts of the vote would cause an issue with you. I was not engaging in a discussion on the morals or ethics of abortion. I already know where I stand and don't feel I need to discuss it.

You were the one who brought that up and you ended up attacking me when I just posted what was in the actual minutes of the vote. Please read the posts more carefully before you respond. And you are correct that this discussion no longer needs to continue.

Have a blessed day.
You appeared to be offended because you responded emotionally to a fact check. To be honest with you, I don't see why you needed to respond to my post in the first place. I was making a correction as a matter of record and accuracy, not supporting the decision or disagreeing with it.

You read more in my post than what was there, A factual check straight from the Senate minutes of the meeting. I was clarifying the actual vote that was in question. I don't see why bringing the facts of the vote would cause an issue with you. I was not engaging in a discussion on the morals or ethics of abortion. I already know where I stand and don't feel I need to discuss it.

You were the one who brought that up and you ended up attacking me when I just posted what was in the actual minutes of the vote. Please read the posts more carefully before you respond. And you are correct that this discussion no longer needs to continue.

Have a blessed day.

Thank you all for your comments. No need to continue on this.
I posted a new letter from another prophet. Please comment thanks.
Let me just comment in the prophet info posted above. The only rage I see has been from those on the McCain/Palin side. At their rally people are shouting, "kill him, terrorist and n*gger." An Obama supporter was shot for wearing an Obama shirt. They just arrested 2 men for plotting to kill Obama and other blacks. A McCain worker, lied and said someone robbed her and carved a B on her face. At an Obama rally, folks had their tires slashed.

Palin is being attacked just like any other politician. She is a liar and has been proven to be one. Joe the Plumber, his first name is not Joe, and he is not a plumber. But yet he allows himself to be called that and is now on the trail with McCain/Palin, hired a publicist, and has deals in the work. He was not some regular citizen asking questions, he was a plant, plain and simple. So he is a liar as well. The only side I see spouting hate, spreading lies, and inciting rage is the McCain side so the prophet misses with all of that.

He isn't the only one that has received visions about the economic situation but that has very little to do with Obama and more to do with us as americans and christians in general not being good stewards. It's amazing how folks want to tie all of this on one man who happens to be black. Now I am the last one to pull the race card but I wasn't surprised to see the Ross guy was white. An objective person would be able to see the flaws on both sides and not be so one sided like the info posted above was. Like I said I have yet to see the rage mentioned from the Obama side but McCain and Palin sure have shown enough of it in the past couple of weeks. That alone doesn't add up to what he is saying. Tis all. Q
Let me just comment in the prophet info posted above. The only rage I see has been from those on the McCain/Palin side. At their rally people are shouting, "kill him, terrorist and n*gger." An Obama supporter was shot for wearing an Obama shirt. They just arrested 2 men for plotting to kill Obama and other blacks. A McCain worker, lied and said someone robbed her and carved a B on her face. At an Obama rally, folks had their tires slashed.

Palin is being attacked just like any other politician. She is a liar and has been proven to be one. Joe the Plumber, his first name is not Joe, and he is not a plumber. But yet he allows himself to be called that and is now on the trail with McCain/Palin, hired a publicist, and has deals in the work. He was not some regular citizen asking questions, he was a plant, plain and simple. So he is a liar as well. The only side I see spouting hate, spreading lies, and inciting rage is the McCain side so the prophet misses with all of that.

He isn't the only one that has received visions about the economic situation but that has very little to do with Obama and more to do with us as americans and christians in general not being good stewards. It's amazing how folks want to tie all of this on one man who happens to be black. Now I am the last one to pull the race card but I wasn't surprised to see the Ross guy was white. An objective person would be able to see the flaws on both sides and not be so one sided like the info posted above was. Like I said I have yet to see the rage mentioned from the Obama side but McCain and Palin sure have shown enough of it in the past couple of weeks. That alone doesn't add up to what he is saying. Tis all. Q

Yes, I think both sides need to be seen and represented. The best candidate is probably the least popular one on the ballot:lachen: Good points!
Yes, I think both sides need to be seen and represented. The best candidate is probably the least popular one on the ballot:lachen: Good points!

I agree and I have said before for me, it is picking the lesser of 2 devils. I wasn't on the Obama team from jump. It took awhile for me to get there. But I am all for him and I am also a christian and a minister. I took a good hard look at the total picture and the stuff I have seen from McCain/Palin as of late has sickened me. I've lost a lot of respect for John McCain because it appears he just wants to win and doesn't care how it happens even if it means lying, preventing folks from voting and inciting hate. That is not of God. :nono: Q
The one thing that this man 'Lewis' doesn't see is that God is using President Barack Obama to His glory.

Be it Republican or Democrat, abortion is not changing. If so, it would have in the last 8 years of Bush.

Homosexuality is not overtaking the Church. Not on my watch!

Why on earth would no one not see the demonic spirit which lies in McCain and Palin? The Republicans are out to extnguish Black America. The RED flags are up and waving, waiting to wipe Black off of the color pallet of this country.

How dare any Chrisitian sit back and be intimidated and ruled by fear. If you want to vote for Presiden Obama than do so and don't allow anyone to keep you back. Do NOT sit home and not vote.

Didn't satan himself use these same tactics against Jesus, when he came from the 40 days / 40 nights in the wilderness?

Come on Ladies. Get you loins girded about with truth. Speak it out loud, "... get thee behind me satan'. Get out there and vote. Out of all of our candidates, President Obama is the only one who has truly acknowledged the Lord Jesus Christ and he MEANS it!

Look at him. He represents a strong Black family, not ashamed to call on God as his God.

Do you know that the only reason homosexuals are in the Church is because they have not had a strong Black man to identify with growing up? That spirit of homosexuality has been able to enter in by way of male absence. And yes, it happens to girls too. Girls need their fathers.

To have a Black family --- ALL BROWN Tones as the top leaders in this country is truly a gift from God. For it will lead others to follow as the right example. For far too long we have had whites in charge and they were the ones with 'stability' over our families.

God begins with the family. He did so with Adam and Eve...'Family'.

President Obama has all that this country needs for God to work with to get it straight.

Ladies we're not voting Black, we're voting for us. We are allowing God to change the mess that this country has made. And it takes each of us one button at a time to press on November 4 to make it a reality.

It's the devil who's fighting this, not God. Sin and corruption comes from lack of conviction and stability. Conviction and stability comes from a stable home.

Vote Black and don't look back. It's not worth it having our lives ending up as a pillar of salt. We're entering into our promised land filled with milk and honey. The caanites, the republicans are being cast out.
I'm just bringing in different "prophet" perspectives. My pastor is saying that Obama is not saved now but when he gets into the White House God is going to change him. :spinning: All we can do is pray, watch, and vote if you so choose. Thanks everyone. This is a very interesting time in our generation.
I agree and I have said before for me, it is picking the lesser of 2 devils. I wasn't on the Obama team from jump. It took awhile for me to get there. But I am all for him and I am also a christian and a minister. I took a good hard look at the total picture and the stuff I have seen from McCain/Palin as of late has sickened me. I've lost a lot of respect for John McCain because it appears he just wants to win and doesn't care how it happens even if it means lying, preventing folks from voting and inciting hate. That is not of God. :nono: Q
:amen: This is so true, Lady 'Q' :yep:
Aren't prophecies supposed to be revealed BEFORE they have come to pass?:ohwell:

It's amazing that all of these"Christian" preachers are coming out with this doom and gloom when we have a black man running for President. Coincidence? I think not!!!!!

Where were their warnings and Words from the Lord before we elected the worst and dumbest POTUS eight years ago???????? The one who CAUSED all of this mess!!!!!!! I sho' nuff would have appreciated the,"The Lord spke to me and warned that if we don't knock on some doors and get more folks to vote we will be stuck with an idiot that would send our sons and daughters off to a senseless war so he and his croonies could get rich off of it" prophecy!!!!!!!!!! I would have personally knocked on a thousand doors and registered folks myself!!!

May the Lord repay each and everyone of them PUBLICLY for their prophecies:nono:
The one thing that this man 'Lewis' doesn't see is that God is using President Barack Obama to His glory.

Be it Republican or Democrat, abortion is not changing. If so, it would have in the last 8 years of Bush.

Homosexuality is not overtaking the Church. Not on my watch!

Why on earth would no one not see the demonic spirit which lies in McCain and Palin? The Republicans are out to extnguish Black America. The RED flags are up and waving, waiting to wipe Black off of the color pallet of this country.

How dare any Chrisitian sit back and be intimidated and ruled by fear. If you want to vote for Presiden Obama than do so and don't allow anyone to keep you back. Do NOT sit home and not vote.

Didn't satan himself use these same tactics against Jesus, when he came from the 40 days / 40 nights in the wilderness?

Come on Ladies. Get you loins girded about with truth. Speak it out loud, "... get thee behind me satan'. Get out there and vote. Out of all of our candidates, President Obama is the only one who has truly acknowledged the Lord Jesus Christ and he MEANS it!

Look at him. He represents a strong Black family, not ashamed to call on God as his God.

Do you know that the only reason homosexuals are in the Church is because they have not had a strong Black man to identify with growing up? That spirit of homosexuality has been able to enter in by way of male absence. And yes, it happens to girls too. Girls need their fathers.

To have a Black family --- ALL BROWN Tones as the top leaders in this country is truly a gift from God. For it will lead others to follow as the right example. For far too long we have had whites in charge and they were the ones with 'stability' over our families.

God begins with the family. He did so with Adam and Eve...'Family'.

President Obama has all that this country needs for God to work with to get it straight.

Ladies we're not voting Black, we're voting for us. We are allowing God to change the mess that this country has made. And it takes each of us one button at a time to press on November 4 to make it a reality.

It's the devil who's fighting this, not God. Sin and corruption comes from lack of conviction and stability. Conviction and stability comes from a stable home.

Vote Black and don't look back. It's not worth it having our lives ending up as a pillar of salt. We're entering into our promised land filled with milk and honey. The caanites, the republicans are being cast out.


You have made some good points. I haven't changed my mind on where I stand, but I appreciate your point of view.
I just do not see how Obama is qualified to be the President of the United States, community organizer? little time in the senate, That's all its takes, oh and change. Without going into everthing, i don't see it, Joe biden said it when running... U mean in 2008 u have the morning after pill, condoms, birth control pills and you STILL want to give any woman the legal right to abort a baby in america, outside of rape/incest. 1970/2008 things have changed...so what is the real reason you still support abortion? " I'm clinging to my Bible, as long as live Joker!"
I just do not see how Obama is qualified to be the President of the United States, community organizer? little time in the senate, That's all its takes, oh and change. Without going into everthing, i don't see it, Joe biden said it when running... U mean in 2008 u have the morning after pill, condoms, birth control pills and you STILL want to give any woman the legal right to abort a baby in america, outside of rape/incest. 1970/2008 things have changed...so what is the real reason you still support abortion? " I'm clinging to my Bible, as long as live Joker!"

You do realize that if McCain is elected and dies during his presidency(which is a very big possibility) that SARAH PALIN WOULD BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES RIGHT?????????????:grin: At least Obama has Biden, what does McCain have? A twit who doesn't even know what her own job as VP would entail !!!!!:grin:

Now McCain I can deal with. He's not going to do anything but the same ole crap Bush does as he has been doing since Bush humiliated him AND his "Black out of wedlock" daughter:rolleyes: causing him to lose the nomination but I digress. But Sarah Palin? The chick who has insulted every Muslim in the world by not so subtly associating their names with terrorism? Sarah gets in there as VP expect worse than Sept.11.

Don't be fooled Roe vs.Wade will NEVER be reversed. If neither Reagan or either of the Bush's couldn't do it John McSame sure can't.

I really wish Christians would stop harping on that:spinning: Oh and gay unions.:grin: We need to clean our OWN house before we even begin to worry about what the world does. Let's deal with OUR premarital/extramarital sex issues and out of wedlock pregnancies, gay choir directors and "Ministers" of Music first THEN we can confront the unsaved on their mess :drunk: