Futurebiotics Growth Aid: How has it worked for your hair growth


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I would like to include another hair growth aid to my reggie to help with my hair growth. I am currently taking Seven Seas Cod Live Oil pills as one of my growth aid and i was thinking about adding Futurebiotics and Biotin.

Now after reading a couple of threads about how Biotin causes break-outs etc, i am NOT going to add that one to my reggie.

My questions to you ladies is how has Futrebiotics worked for your hair growth? How long have you been taking this growth aid? ETC..

Please feel free to add any addtional helpful info.
Hey Ladies,

I would like to include another hair growth aid to my reggie to help with my hair growth. I am currently taking Seven Seas Cod Live Oil pills as one of my growth aid and i was thinking about adding Futurebiotics and Biotin.

Now after reading a couple of threads about how Biotin causes break-outs etc, i am NOT going to add that one to my reggie.

My questions to you ladies is how has Futrebiotics worked for your hair growth? How long have you been taking this growth aid? ETC..

Please feel free to add any addtional helpful info.

Hey trinistar & welcome!!!

Well the cod liver oil pills arent really a growth aid, and not nesscarily the futurebiotics.

To make sure your hair is growing healthy and having everything it needs, some people recomend:

Taking 2 multivitamins a day-----That could be a regular multivitamin, and a hair/skin/nail vitamin. That way your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs, AND your supplying your hair with everything so that you can get your normal amount of growth each month.

Also an oil, enough protin, enough water---make sure you dont have any iron problems, all your calcium and vitamin D...and if you can a pretty good diet.

THEN everything else would be a growth aid. :look:
That would be like extra biotin, msm, Vitamin B ect.

I've never tried futurebiotics for growth, or just for a hair/skin/nail vitamin though because the ignredients look like they can be found in any ole plain vitamin.

GNC Ultranourish is a really good hair/skin/nail vitamin that alot of people take, it has msm and amino acids plus l-cystiene....it has biotin also in different amounts because they have a regualr and a more poten formula. Never has given me breakouts though

I just started Futurebiotics Nail Hair Skin vitamins about 3 weeks ago - I can't see any immediate results with my hair - but my nails have taken on new life (very strong, growing like crazy and white tips). So I'll have to let you know about the hair part - the jury is still out. No difference in skin that I notice - but thank goodness no break-outs - that's a definite no no under any circumstance.
hi :hiya:

I have taken futurebionics for a year now and they have increased my growth substantially also I have noticed my strands are thicker and I only noticed a few extra pimples and at the time when I started I hardly ever drank water I read in a thread that the reason you don't break out when taking biotin has to do with taking a b-complex vitamin along with it and in futurebionic's case it contains the b-complex along with biotin