Funny Thing Happened To Me Today


Well-Known Member
I wanted to share this funny story with you guys. I met up with my sister to drop off some food (yummy roti!).

This is the conversation that we had.

Her: Wow I really like your bun.
Me: Thanks.
Her: It's really big. You know the only thing though is that you might want to buy one that's wavy like your hair.
Me: :perplexed Huh?
Her: The bun is nice, but you should buy one that matches your hair more.
Me: :lachen::lachen:What are you talking about this is my hair! See!! (turned around and started to take the pin out)
Her: :ohwell::lachen::lachen:OH! I thought it was one of those fake buns because it's so big and it's not the same texture.

**The top of my hair has more relaxed ends than the rest of my hair. When I wear a bun, more of the straight pieces are always on the top of my bun so it looks a little off. I see how she could be confused. That was SO funny though!:lachen::lachen:
Wow, that is so awesome! I know your heart was just pounding with joy as you released all that magnificent hair!!
I wanted to share this funny story with you guys. I met up with my sister to drop off some food (yummy roti!).

This is the conversation that we had.

Her: Wow I really like your bun.
Me: Thanks.
Her: It's really big. You know the only thing though is that you might want to buy one that's wavy like your hair.
Me: :perplexed Huh?
Her: The bun is nice, but you should buy one that matches your hair more.
Me: :lachen::lachen:What are you talking about this is my hair! See!! (turned around and started to take the pin out)
Her: :ohwell::lachen::lachen:OH! I thought it was one of those fake buns because it's so big and it's not the same texture.

**The top of my hair has more relaxed ends than the rest of my hair. When I wear a bun, more of the straight pieces are always on the top of my bun so it looks a little off. I see how she could be confused. That was SO funny though!:lachen::lachen:

AWWWWSOME!!!! I love it!!!!!:yep:
that's funny! about a year ago I was wearing a half wig and my sister was surprised that the front was actually my own bangs and not a track piece glued in. She even felt it lol and then she told me my hair had grown.