Funny Hair Stories..


Well-Known Member
Let me start by saying, I love to help others with their mission for healthier hair and healthier living. With that being said... proceed...

Ok, so I wore my hair straight to work one day and one of my co-workers noticed that I have alot more length. She found out that I knew a lil sumthin sumthin about natural hair care so everyday she bombards me with 50-11 questions.... which is ok... unless I am on a conference call, or having a conversation with another co-worker..or overall busy doing work. These are usually the times she chooses to to ask her questions.

Well, one morning she came to my desk, sleep still in her eyes and e'rything, asking me about the amount of shed hair she is having. I told her how to tell if it is breakage or not. Then she said "Let me show you what I am talking about." I pause quietly, like "Okay." :look: Then she brings a small baggie over to my desk... with a ball of shed hair with lent and misc objects trapped in it.... :perplexed

I was so tripped out by this! LOL. I was like " brought a batch of shed hair to work for me to look at?" She was like "Yeah." Take in mind, we work in a professional office environment in which two desks over, our AVPs are seated, and our SVP sits in an office behind us.

A few weeks later, I saw her bring a bigger bag over to another woman's displaying another batch of shed hairs. We locked eyes and just laughed quietly.

Has anyone had anything like this happen to them since others have noticed your HHJ? Tell your stories.
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Ill, I wouldn't want to look at her linty hair in her bag. :nono: :)giggle:)

I would also tell her she can talk to me before work or after, during work I have a JOb to do, but I'd be happy to help you after hours or before work starts. That way you know when to expect the bag of hair.
Ill, I wouldn't want to look at her linty hair in her bag. :nono: :)giggle:)

I would also tell her she can talk to me before work or after, during work I have a JOb to do, but I'd be happy to help you after hours or before work starts. That way you know when to expect the bag of hair.

Right!! That is a gracious way to put it. I was so stunned. I was like :blush:
Sounds like she is very concerned about the amount of hair she is shedding. That's very strange to bring a bag of hair into the office . Help the sister out give her LHCF website information . She seems to be hungry for healthy hair information .

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Sounds like she is very concerned about the amount of hair she is shedding. That's very strange to bring a bag of hair into the office . Help the sister out give her LHCF website information . She seems to be hungry for healthy hair information .

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

I did give her the website! I also told her about BHM. I even gave her the number/website to a stylist 1/4 of a mile from our job that specializes in HH. Just seems like she ignores it! I even told her that she can lurk the forums if she can't pay right now. Youtube, Fotki, etc. All of that. I wrote down everything that I knew for her to do. I brought her some product one time. I have even recommended books. Maybe I am baiting her in with this info, but I do want to help her..however, I told her that she needs to do some research too. LOL...yet she still persists..

Oh.... then she says "Oh, I am from California, so what I do is grow my hair down to my tailbone then I do my Jada Pinkett.. I do my Jada Pinkett then cut it off and start over." I just stare... :rolleyes: Because I am like, well, if you can grow it to tailbone, you might need to help me. LOL.

Then she will say, I can't seem to get it to grow. I am so confused. LOL:spinning:

I did give her the website! I also told her about BHM. I even gave her the number/website to a stylist 1/4 of a mile from our job that specializes in HH. Just seems like she ignores it! I even told her that she can lurk the forums if she can't pay right now. Youtube, Fotki, etc. All of that. I wrote down everything that I knew for her to do. I brought her some product one time. I have even recommended books. Maybe I am baiting her in with this info, but I do want to help her..however, I told her that she needs to do some research too. LOL...yet she still persists..

Oh.... then she says "Oh, I am from California, so what I do is grow my hair down to my tailbone then I do my Jada Pinkett.. I do my Jada Pinkett then cut it off and start over." I just stare... :rolleyes: Because I am like, well, if you can grow it to tailbone, you might need to help me. LOL.

Then she will say, I can't seem to get it to grow. I am so confused. LOL:spinning:

Oh I see!
I agree she needs to do her research. I had a coworker like that.Now she is on you tube more then me.

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Oh I see!
I agree she needs to do her research. I had a coworker like that.Now she is on you tube more then me.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Right.. Maybe I will just keep up the suggestions. I mean, if she stopped by maybe once a day, that would be cool, but I get at lease 5 stops a day (My cube is on the corner so she notices me every time!)
Here's mine and it's a :nono:

After I went natural, I decided I could get a straight weave with hair left out. :look: I've never had a sew in so I thought i could just flat iron my 4 inch leave out hair and it would blend perfectly with some 1B virgin remy. *cough*

First, the base was braided hella tight, to the point where I had a headache the rest of the night. This was after getting the braider to redo a portion. Anywho, I got home and proceded to flat iron my leave out hair. No blowdry to stretch, no nothing. I just thought I could flat iron it and that was it.

After it wouldn't lay down, I put a water-based gel on it. WTH was I thinking...instant reversion. I said "the hell with it" and threw on a do-rag. I thought it ould magically lay down overnight.

I get to work the next day, head still throbbing, 12 inch remy down my back and reverting hair sitting smack in the front of my head. By 1 pm that joint reverted ALL THE WAY. Ya'll, I was walking through my corporate office with BSL straight weave and a damn puff sitting above my forehead looking a PLUM FOOL.

Oh wait, I forgot to mention that it was picture day at work. Yes, my foolishness it documented somewhere. AND my boss decided we needed to walk to 10 different floors to do an inventory. EVERYBODY was looking at me crazy. When we were walking around, I caught a glimpse of a shadow on the reverted puff grew a shadow. At that point, I said oh well and laughed at myself.

Worst hair day ever.
Here's mine and it's a :nono:

After I went natural, I decided I could get a straight weave with hair left out. :look: I've never had a sew in so I thought i could just flat iron my 4 inch leave out hair and it would blend perfectly with some 1B virgin remy. *cough*

First, the base was braided hella tight, to the point where I had a headache the rest of the night. This was after getting the braider to redo a portion. Anywho, I got home and proceded to flat iron my leave out hair. No blowdry to stretch, no nothing. I just thought I could flat iron it and that was it.

After it wouldn't lay down, I put a water-based gel on it. WTH was I thinking...instant reversion. I said "the hell with it" and threw on a do-rag. I thought it ould magically lay down overnight.

I get to work the next day, head still throbbing, 12 inch remy down my back and reverting hair sitting smack in the front of my head. By 1 pm that joint reverted ALL THE WAY. Ya'll, I was walking through my corporate office with BSL straight weave and a damn puff sitting above my forehead looking a PLUM FOOL.

Oh wait, I forgot to mention that it was picture day at work. Yes, my foolishness it documented somewhere. AND my boss decided we needed to walk to 10 different floors to do an inventory. EVERYBODY was looking at me crazy. When we were walking around, I caught a glimpse of a shadow on the reverted puff grew a shadow. At that point, I said oh well and laughed at myself.

Worst hair day ever.

Wow. Lesson Learned lol
When I first met my boyfriend (husband now), I had interlocks (or tree braids). After a couple of weeks, they got loose. One night during a date, my boyfriend was like, "your shoe is untied" and bent down to tie my shoe. He picked up one of my braids!!!!! I was so embarrased. He just handed it to me with this weird look on his face. Thank goodness, he just tried to brush it off and not laugh in my face to embarass me.
Here's mine and it's a :nono:

After I went natural, I decided I could get a straight weave with hair left out. :look: I've never had a sew in so I thought i could just flat iron my 4 inch leave out hair and it would blend perfectly with some 1B virgin remy. *cough*

First, the base was braided hella tight, to the point where I had a headache the rest of the night. This was after getting the braider to redo a portion. Anywho, I got home and proceded to flat iron my leave out hair. No blowdry to stretch, no nothing. I just thought I could flat iron it and that was it.

After it wouldn't lay down, I put a water-based gel on it. WTH was I thinking...instant reversion. I said "the hell with it" and threw on a do-rag. I thought it ould magically lay down overnight.

I get to work the next day, head still throbbing, 12 inch remy down my back and reverting hair sitting smack in the front of my head. By 1 pm that joint reverted ALL THE WAY. Ya'll, I was walking through my corporate office with BSL straight weave and a damn puff sitting above my forehead looking a PLUM FOOL.

Oh wait, I forgot to mention that it was picture day at work. Yes, my foolishness it documented somewhere. AND my boss decided we needed to walk to 10 different floors to do an inventory. EVERYBODY was looking at me crazy. When we were walking around, I caught a glimpse of a shadow on the reverted puff grew a shadow. At that point, I said oh well and laughed at myself.

Worst hair day ever.

Ouch!! LOL. I have been there girl!! that is not what's up.