Weave Horror Stories!! :nono:

I just posted this in another thread, just yesterday, not saying this is the reason, but it is definately a possibility:

Ok, sounds like to me, that your hair may be too fragile to have the tension of a sew-in, like myself. No matter what I do, how well I take care of it, I lose way too much hair, and thats with, braids, sometimes pontails even. You may just have to refrain from styles that cause tension, because altho your hair is braided up and tucked away, it's still being tugged on underneath, subsequently, breaking and popping your hair in the meantime. The last sew-in I had, before I started my HHJ, gave me the worst set-back, the entire braid that was across the front of my head, no longer existed, the entire braid was gone, it was like 1/8th of an inch of hair in its place, all the way across the perimeter. With that being said, commence to pampering, PSing and balancing your Protein and Moisture, I'm sure you'll be back in no time. I'm sorry your going thru this, butjust remember we all can't do the same things to our hair, each head is a case by case situation.

I copied and pasted it, but heres the thread, it seems as if she had a similar situation:


I am also like this I lose way too much hair after taking out braids. I wish I could text someone who could post the pic of my hair loss. I put a Aussie 3 minute conditioner by it and it was above the conditioner and wide in the sink :(

I do check and 95% of this hair is SHED hair (didn't see any breakage but I am sure some was there) I agree my scalp may not like any heavy tension. I did braid lighter and it was slightly better but still an unbelievable amount of hair. :(

I am shocked I still have hair.