From Bald to Bodacious 3yrs and 9mos 4b natural!


New Member

First and foremost I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude
to all of the lovely and helpful ladies who have been the source
of my natural journey. I discovered LHCF a few years ago through
the many natural women on Fotki. Now, I am coming out of the
shadows of lurkdom to help others like many who have assisted me in all
of my frustrations, triumphs, disappointments, failed and successful experiments as a cottony, coarse, thick strand natural.

So I know how it goes down here. It is pic reveal season and
I have some photos to share of my progress!

December 2007 was my last relaxer. My hair was thin, I had ugly
split ends, I was barely shoulder length (a length I had been
practically all my life), and I knew nothing about hair care. Why people thought my hair was long is beyond me.

I had my head shaved on March 8, 2008

Medium sized twists on a TWA, November 11, 2008

Small braids with shrunken ends, June 12, 2009

Fro (after all that protective styling), November 18, 2009

Twist out, March 12, 2010

Blow out, January 1, 2011

Stretched twist out, October 3, 2011

Straightened hair, November 5, 2011

I can't put everything in one post, but I do have a Fotki with a slew of pics.
Early on in my research I didn't have fun with
my hair because I was convinced that I needed
to protective style 100% of the time, look at heat
as the devil and only use natural products. I don't
think that way at all anymore and I’m enjoying my
hair a lot more.

My hair regimen is simple as pie and was a
modification of a regimen from a Fotkian name
Yassylane. It goes as follows:
Wash, condition, moisturize, twist, un-twist
for a twist out. I do this once a week which
means I practically wear my hair out every single day.

For more of my hair journey you can read it in full here.
Thanks for reading and let me know if you have any questions!
beautiful and very inspiring

I love your hair and I love the mini braids and your twistout
You saved me the from harrassing you with a PM :grin: just saw your hair in another thread....GORGEOUS! Fabulous growth too!

Do you ever use protein treatments?
Your hair is so pretty that it makes no sense! I can only hope that my hair is ur length in 8 months (that would make me 3 yrs & 9 months post relaxer!
Your relaxed hair was long. Your pics demonstrate that protective styling works. Thanks for sharing. :)
Such Nice Hair!!!!!! So pretty and Thick!!!! When did you start to wear twist outs and use the method that you mentioned?
Girl you better work! I saw that last pic and literally said wow. I'm coming around on two years so I'll be protective styling like a fool until I get to my third year! I LOVE the mini braids :lovedrool:
I've been looking for some new hair journeys and this is it!! Your progress is amazing! All that beautiful hair in 3 years! Wow! Thanks for the inspiration. Since this is my second time around I'm always looking, searching, trying to make sure I don't make the same mistakes I made last time.

Off to stalk your Fotki now. :grin:
You saved me the from harrassing you with a PM :grin: just saw your hair in another thread....GORGEOUS! Fabulous growth too!

Do you ever use protein treatments?

Thank you so much!

As far as protein treatments, no ma'am I haven't used any. I'm not sure how my hair would respond to a real protein treatment, and I'm scared to find out. I remember using a product with protein one time and my hair looked and felt like tumbleweed!! lol