From Bald to Bodacious 3yrs and 9mos 4b natural!

MissAlinaRose,Thanks a lot for the tutorial. It looks very simple and straightforward. I'm gonna try it next weekend with Tallah Wajjid (sp) curly curl cream and let you know how it works out :)
WOW. Your hair is so beautiful. And your twistouts are fabulous. I am in awe. I can;t get mine to come out right for anything. Wonderful progress.
I'm back. Your hair....your hair.
My answers in red
Do you take vitamins? No, too forgetful

Do you use henna? Nope, too messy

Wigs? Nah, too hot and I get itchy fast

Weaves? Not for me

Law of Attraction? ??

Prayer? Every second of the day

I love the bigness of your hair Thank you!

Your hair looks beautiful in every pic. Some of y'all just have hair that grows, whereas I've been struggling with my hair all of my life. One day I'll get there (crosses fingers)

I appreciate your comment. I would like to say that although my hair grows I have never seen its potential, and for that I have too struggled with hair all my life. I can just remember as a child thinking that black girl+SL hair=normal and that anything longer was an anomaly or weave.

My hair was always on the floor, my shirt, in the sink and it was embarrassing at times. Plus people tried to make me feel bad about it saying "ooh I remember when you were a kid and you just had BAD hair chile oooh" or "you needed that perm!" and then people erupted in laughter. Yeah, I internalized that stuff. But I'm very grateful that things turned around through research and experiments.

I really want people, especially those who have felt like I have, (ashamed, discouraged, skeptical, etc.) to know that it can happen. It just take time, patience, and a little tlc. But it's possible.

I am sure you will reach all of your goals.:yep:



Green smoothies?

High protein intake?

Breast milk conditioner?

4 Leaf clover?

Whale sperm?

Wait a minute, you didn't know??

Massage this into your scalp 3 times a day and you'll be fairytale length by Saturday.

Thanks for sharing. You had some good tips and advice; and I enjoyed reading about your hair journey. I have been around here for a while (since 2005), but I am just starting to take advice and try new things out that I have shut out for years. I thought I knew it all, but I found you CAN learn something new. One question, you mention oil rinsing in your FAQ's and said you would explain how you do it in "natural hair 101", but there is no mention of oil rinsing there. It is my fav hair subject, so could you elaborate?

Oh yes oil rinsing. I haven't had a chance to completely update things but I'll put it there soon. I have a ton to write lol. I've heard of oil rinsing around Fotki and the boards. I'm sure you all are very familiar. Oil rinsing was one of the things that I tried that initially worked for me. I had dryness issues, or what we like to call the "thirsty 'fro." I wanted to have the subject on my site as another option for people who have problems with their dry hair.

However, I must say I stopped doing it. I would pack on that olive oil so much in my head that when I rinsed it out to apply the conditioner I would darn near break my neck with all the slipping and sliding! After that I got rid of all the pre-poo, oil rinse, hair treatment, etc. because for me I just wanted to simply wash, condition, and style like I used to do when I was relaxed. I didn't have all the extra steps and for me it works.

But, that doesn't mean that other people can not benefit from it so I decided to mention it (and will soon write it thoroughly for those who are unfamiliar with said process).

arrrggh! i just looked at your fotki again-omg your hair. it's the stuff dreams are made of. i just love people who do lots of different styles!!
do you put rollers or something on the ends of your twists? they're so pretty and thick!

Omgoodness hey Fotkian! I remember you from when I first tried to straighten my hair and it was a disaster because I tried to straighten a 'fro on 300 degrees. Why didn't ya'll tell me that 300 degrees is just not where it's at for the thick and textured?! LOL:lol:

As far as the twists, I don't use perming rods for regular two-strand twists.

You are just about there! Great progress. You have a beautifully documented and successful hair journey. Congratulations to you!

:notworthy The Hair Goddess. Wow. I am honored!! Thank you for those kind words.

Your hair is absolutely stunning! Thank you so much for paying it forward, by sharing your experiences, pics and reggies in this thread, as well as, on your blog and Fotki. Your progress gives hope that anyone can reach great lengths with time and patience.


No problem and thank you for being a part of the wonderful LHCF experience. Helping each other is such a golden virtue and without the assistance of others I'll probably still be crying in a shower with a comb stuck in my head, held by some wrinkly fingers, freezing my tail off because the hot water done turned cold!! :lachen: (True story ya'll)

@MissAlinaRose I know i posted already but i have to say again your hair is so gorgeous. I keep coming back just to look at it:lick:. i pray that god blesses me with hair that awesome, its been my dream since forever.your official one of my hair idols!! :fan:

Thank you and I know your goals will come to fruition!

@MissAlinaRose,Thanks a lot for the tutorial. It looks very simple and straightforward. I'm gonna try it next weekend with Tallah Wajjid (sp) curly curl cream and let you know how it works out :)

Please do!!


@MissAlinaRose i've subscribed to your blog. I may be a relaxed head but I'm an equal opportunity stalker

Thank you so much! I appreciate that
MissAlinaRose what is your shrinkage like, if you don't mind me asking? Do you have to stretch your hair in braids to show length on your twistouts? How do you handle the shrinkage?? In your blog you mention a hair spritz, how do you spritz without your hair shrinking back up? Btw I couldn't visit the fotki (it always compromises my virus/firewal system)
@MissAlinaRose what is your shrinkage like, if you don't mind me asking? Do you have to stretch your hair in braids to show length on your twistouts? How do you handle the shrinkage?? In your blog you mention a hair spritz, how do you spritz without your hair shrinking back up? Btw I couldn't visit the fotki (it always compromises my virus/firewal system)

If I don't braid my twists my hair is about neck length. My shrinkage is about 75% or so.

I'm not sure which part you are referring to in regards to the spritzing part, but during the week I don't add anything to my styled hair. I just braid it up at night. If I were to lightly spritz my twist out for added moisture before braiding it up, shrinkage would not take affect because the braids help with elongation.

Now spritzing my hair in braids is a different story because the braids are going to show length regardless.
I am loving that Pantene condish for curly hair. I cowashed with it last night and it gave my hair slip and softness. I can't stop touching my hair.
Another proof in the pudding post that keeping it simple is the key to success!! You and your hair are beautiful :)