Found!! new tea for hair growth- for those...


who hate to take pills, i found this on, i was looking for some hair products for a good buy and found this tea. it's called "hair renewing tea." i've been drinking it for about a month and i've seen some growth. i measured my new growth (transitioning) and i got about 1/2 an inch this month, that may not seem like alot to some of you, but for those of us that are having a hard time growing our hair, i thought someone might want to try it. i'm going to use it for a little longer to see how much growth i get overall. let me know if anyone here tries it and share your results. i'll post pics soon.
hairlover said:
who hate to take pills, i found this on, i was looking for some hair products for a good buy and found this tea. it's called "hair renewing tea." i've been drinking it for about a month and i've seen some growth. i measured my new growth (transitioning) and i got about 1/2 an inch this month, that may not seem like alot to some of you, but for those of us that are having a hard time growing our hair, i thought someone might want to try it. i'm going to use it for a little longer to see how much growth i get overall. let me know if anyone here tries it and share your results. i'll post pics soon.

wow,congrats on your growth hairlover. I've been on ebay WAY TOO much lately.;)
Hi Hairlover, What are the ingredients in this tea?

the ingredients are: lalang grass rhizome, jobstears seed, polygonatum sibiricum red, and black sesame. it is a chinese herbal tea.forgot to mention, i read a magazine( can't remember which one) where someone drank this tea and got between 3/4"-1" per month, i haven't been drinking it long enough to see how much growth i actually get, but we'll see.
hope this helps.
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Thank you for the info!! How much did you pay for it and what does it taste like?
i drink one tea bag twice a day, it cost like $15 on ebay which is kinda expensive but i'm willing to see how much more growth iget over the next month. my hair was brastrap length, then i trimmed about 1 1/2 inches of split ends off and it seemed like it wasn't growing back. so i started drinking the tea and got some growth, i'm sure more growth will come the longer you drink it. it's all natural.
Black sesames are supposed to encourage hair growth. I remember on the other hair board they had a recipe that encouraged hair growth and it was called "Black sesame soup". I never made it, but this tea might do the same thing. I am willing to try it! Thanks hairlover
fancypants007 said:
Black sesames are supposed to encourage hair growth. I remember on the other hair board they had a recipe that encouraged hair growth and it was called "Black sesame soup". I never made it, but this tea might do the same thing. I am willing to try it! Thanks hairlover
you're welcome:D
I found this recipe on a website that I just forgot the name of...sorry.

Improve rough skin and keep hair in good health

Black sesame 6g, green tea 3g.
Decoct sesame seeds with tea for 10 minutes.

Now, if I could just find some black sesame seeds....I'm going to Wild Oats this weekend, I'll look for it there.
fancypants007 said:
Black sesames are supposed to encourage hair growth. I remember on the other hair board they had a recipe that encouraged hair growth and it was called "Black sesame soup". I never made it, but this tea might do the same thing. I am willing to try it! Thanks hairlover

[FONT=&quot]Found info on the soup and it's benefits. The recipe seems easy. I found it on hairboutique:[/FONT]

Eat Your Way To Great Hair

In her book Helen provides five different Chinese soup recipes for growing great hair. She explains that the Chinese believe that soup is the first step to robust health.
The good news is that the soups are very tasty. The bad news is that they must be made fresh.
I have personally tried some of the soups in Helen's book and found that I enjoyed the Black Sesame Seed Soup the best. As Helen points out, it is on the sweet side and can be eaten as a snack or even for dessert.
Long term consumption of the Chinese Black Sesame Seed Soup helps to beautify the scalp and the hair and also provides benefits to the skin.
The recipe is easy to make but I must remind you that the ingredients must be purchased fresh from your nearest Chinese grocer.
Hair Growing Soup Ingredients

  • 1 cup of uncooked long-grain white rice
  • 1 cup of black sesame seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar, or to your own tastes

Wash and drain the rice and the sesame seeds in separate containers. Stir-fry the sesames seeds in a dry skillet over low heat for approximately 5 minutes or until the heat releases their fragrance. Be careful to not let them burn.
Grind the rice and toasted seeds with 1/4 cup of water in a blender or food processor. Note: I personally prefer to use Spring water with my soup. However, use whatever water that you prefer.
Pour the mixture plus an additional 1 3/4 cups of water into a medium-sized saucepan. Cook over medium heat for approximately 10 minutes, stirring often to avoid burning. Add sugar as desired to taste.
curlfriend said:
Hey Hairlover what else are you taking besides the tea? Vitamins, MTG, oils, etc.
i had to stop taking all of the vitamins because i just found out that i'm pregnant, so i drink the tea and i use mtg, wgo, and surge mixed together (just started using this mix last week.)
hope this helps. i use suave biobasics and suave humectant shampoos and conditioners. they do wonders for my hair. ( i also use suave tropical coconut shampoo and conditioner) and organic root stimulator olive oil.
I found a site where the tea is sold:
It is #7 there. The ingredients are interesting. Job's tears is Chinese pearl barley, and is also supposed to have some anti-cancer properties. Laland Grass Rhizome is a Chinese herb, I am not sure if there is a western equivalent. Black Sesame seeds is supposed to be good for the blood deficiencies and for greying hair. Polygonatum sibiricum Red is another Chinese herb, grown mostly in the Siberian region, and I am not sure there is a Western equivalent. I'll be going to school for the winter recess, and I'll ask my teachers about this tea.
hairlover said:
i had to stop taking all of the vitamins because i just found out that i'm pregnant, so i drink the tea and i use mtg, wgo, and surge mixed together (just started using this mix last week.)
hope this helps. i use suave biobasics and suave humectant shampoos and conditioners. they do wonders for my hair. ( i also use suave tropical coconut shampoo and conditioner) and organic root stimulator olive oil.

thanks that help a lot.

But how can you be sure that it's the tea and not the mtg, wgo, surge combo or the vitamin that you just stopped taking. Have you trying just drinking the tea alone for like a month or 2.
curlfriend said:
thanks that help a lot.

But how can you be sure that it's the tea and not the mtg, wgo, surge combo or the vitamin that you just stopped taking. Have you trying just drinking the tea alone for like a month or 2.
Good question.
curlfriend said:
thanks that help a lot.

But how can you be sure that it's the tea and not the mtg, wgo, surge combo or the vitamin that you just stopped taking. Have you trying just drinking the tea alone for like a month or 2.

i just started using the mtg, wgo, surge mix about a week or two ago, i stopped taking all of the vitamins about 3 months ago, so all i've been taking is the tea.
hope that helps.
I just discovered the wonderful world of hot tea. Until recently I deplored iced tea...I'd rather drink water than iced tea. Just can't get used to the taste. However, I LOVE the different variations of green tea (green tea with orange, honey-lemon ginseng green tea, etc) as well as other herbal teas. I drink hot tea (usually green tea which is supposedly really good for you) a couple times a week. I will look into this tea. Thanks for the post. The ingredients are interesting. I'm on a no soft drink diet (trying to quit drinking them altogether) juice, water, and hot tea is were its at.

The tea sounds nice enough, and thanks for posting the ingredients. I'll go and take a look on Ebay and see if I can find it....if not, I'll try my local chinese herbal shop. If I could drink this tea and eat the soup recipe posted, it would be great because I've been slacking off all my vitamins for a good while now.

Have you asked your Doc if it's ok to drink the tea with a little one on the way?

Congratulations BTW.:)
"Have you asked your Doc if it's ok to drink the tea with a little one on the way?"

I was thinking the same thing.
tal said:
"Have you asked your Doc if it's ok to drink the tea with a little one on the way?"

I was thinking the same thing.
she said that it was okay because it's all natural, thank you for asking.
vevster said:
Hairlover, it could be the pregnancy that is making your hair grow.

my hair usually starts breaking before it starts growing when i'm pregnant. i'm having faith in the tea. my hair hasn't broken off at all since i started drinking it, and i have gotten alot less shedding than before, (i'm transitioning so i've had alot of shedding)
hairlover said:
i just started using the mtg, wgo, surge mix about a week or two ago, i stopped taking all of the vitamins about 3 months ago, so all i've been taking is the tea.
hope that helps.

Thanks that helps a lot. This tea sounds good I might try it out.
hairlover said:
who hate to take pills, i found this on, i was looking for some hair products for a good buy and found this tea. it's called "hair renewing tea." i've been drinking it for about a month and i've seen some growth. i measured my new growth (transitioning) and i got about 1/2 an inch this month, that may not seem like alot to some of you, but for those of us that are having a hard time growing our hair, i thought someone might want to try it. i'm going to use it for a little longer to see how much growth i get overall. let me know if anyone here tries it and share your results. i'll post pics soon.
Hi hairlover,
Would you mind giving a full list of the ingredients? It continues with and so on: On the website, it just says:

This tea, made of Lalang Grass Rhizome, Jobstears Seed, Polygonatum sibiricum Red, Black sesame, and so on, can promote hair growth, prevent hair loss and has the function of hair care.

Pack: 2g x 30 bags for one box

60 boxes for one carton
