I recently learned about Nettle tea (Stinging Nettle) and how drinking it promotes hair growth along with many other benefits. Also, making the tea and using it as a rinse will do the same thing. So far, I've been just drinking it and has a pretty mild taste.
Here are some of the vitamins and minerals Nettle tea has:
folic acid,
vitamins C, K , E, A, B2
There is a lot of info about Nettle tea and hair on the Web too:
"Nettle has purifying properties and acts as an astringent that helps speed the metabolism and circulation. Nettle has been documented for its use in treating coughs, tuberculosis, arthritis and in stimulating hair growth. "
What teas are you drinking (or rinsing with) for your hair growth and health?
*takes another sip of Nettle tea*