forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length bob


Well-Known Member
Hey yall,

I have been on this board for a long time. I love this board. But I have decided that the quest for longer hair isn't for me right now. I miss having daily style and I'm tired of spending hours doing my hair.

I was happiest with my hair when it was cut into a chin length layered bob. I have decided to get my hair cut into a neck length layered bob so that I can have style everyday. I have the face for it. And when I want length I will just go get a weave.

My life is getting busier by the day and I need something that works with that. My hair at BSL isn't working for me. Anybody with me or at least thinking about the same thing?
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

You know what...I totally feel you.

Now my cut wasn't as drastic as yours will be, but I had layers cut into my hair. I still maintained lots of length.

I just got soooooo tired of not having a style. A single length, flat hairstyle is just not for me. I need layers, feathers, bounce, and swing for me to feel stylish.

You have to do what will ultimately make you happy so good luck and make sure you post pictures.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

Heck no, I want BSL hair, so donate your hair to me.

Why not get a short weave or wig? Please post pics of your new do.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

Good luck! I know it'll be pretty.

If anything, I said the other day, I'm ok with my MBL hair and wouldn't mind if it doesn't grow longer. I would cut to BSL, but never any shorter. I love the length too much. It's too versatile. I love the attention it brings, and the feeling of it blowing in the wind or flapping on my back.

What do you mean the shorter cut will be easier to style? There are all kinds of things that you could do with BSL hair. If you wanted it shorter, you could just 'wear a weave'.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

Good luck! I know it'll be pretty.

If anything, I said the other day, I'm ok with my MBL hair and wouldn't mind if it doesn't grow longer. I would cut to BSL, but never any shorter. I love the length too much. It's too versatile. I love the attention it brings, and the feeling of it blowing in the wind or flapping on my back.

What do you mean the shorter cut will be easier to style? There are all kinds of things that you could do with BSL hair. If you wanted it shorter, you could just 'wear a weave'.

Ediese I'm going to say something real controversial here. If I had your natural hair, I'd probably grow it down to my butt :lachen:I love your hair. My natural hair is very course and would only afro. I don't want that. My relaxed hair is very thick and takes me hours to do. I get tired of that. When it is shorter it takes a lot less time, I can use way more heat on it b/c I'm not worried about retaining length. Also, since my hair is thick, I'm able to get a lot of versatility b/c my roots lift. I can push and shape my hair into any look that I want. It's a win win for me.

Half wigs are cool to me but I'm not so comfortable with sew ins. I get tired of them. I want to rock my real hair.

I'm never happy with my hair when I wear it down anyway. And when I rollerset it takes me forever. I only wear it down for a couple of days and then pull it back. I'm tired of that. I'm in a bun right now and I hate them. Short hair is so much more carefree for me. I don't have to worry about preserving the ends. I can do what I want with it. That is what I need in my life right now.

I've been thinking of cutting it for over a year. Now I'm ready. I want a simple do for my wedding also and medium length hair will be perfect for it. I just want loose curls pulled back or something similar to that. Nothing complicated.
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Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

Heck no, I want BSL hair, so donate your hair to me.

Why not get a short weave or wig? Please post pics of your new do.

I just want it to be my real hair. I'll make sure to post pics :grin:
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I have a cute, short bob wig for the days I want short hair. After 1 minute I rip it off and I'm happy my hair is long LOL

BTW I find that short hair requires more maintenance
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I have a cute, short bob wig for the days I want short hair. After 1 minute I rip it off and I'm happy my hair is long LOL

BTW I find that short hair requires more maintenance

I feel you. It wasn't that way for me when my hair was shorter. It was the opposite. My shorter hair was so carefree. I loved it and I've missed it for a while now.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I have a cute, short bob wig for the days I want short hair. After 1 minute I rip it off and I'm happy my hair is long LOL

BTW I find that short hair requires more maintenance

Yup. Especially in the summer. On the other hand, those fresh ends are soooo nice. I'm DYING for a cut but I may wait until late fall when I'm not sweating all the time.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

As long as you're happy that's all that matters. :yep:

Sometimes I dream about chopping mine off and sporting my TWA again.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I cut mine to a chin length bob - more to get rid of layers. I love the length and my styling options, but I'm moving on and letting it grow. You are right though, after the bob its Bun City. I'm sure it will look fabulous on you with thick precision cut ends. Oh so nice!
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

Ediese I'm going to say something real controversial here. If I had your natural hair, I'd probably grow it down to my butt :lachen:I love your hair. My natural hair is very course and would only afro. I don't want that. My relaxed hair is very thick and takes me hours to do. I get tired of that. When it is shorter it takes a lot less time, I can use way more heat on it b/c I'm not worried about retaining length. Also, since my hair is thick, I'm able to get a lot of versatility b/c my roots lift. I can push and shape my hair into any look that I want. It's a win win for me.

Half wigs are cool to me but I'm not so comfortable with sew ins. I get tired of them. I want to rock my real hair.

I'm never happy with my hair when I wear it down anyway. And when I rollerset it takes me forever. I only wear it down for a couple of days and then pull it back. I'm tired of that. I'm in a bun right now and I hate them. Short hair is so much more carefree for me. I don't have to worry about preserving the ends. I can do what I want with it. That is what I need in my life right now.

I've been thinking of cutting it for over a year. Now I'm ready. I want a simple do for my wedding also and medium length hair will be perfect for it. I just want loose curls pulled back or something similar to that. Nothing complicated.

:lachen:Yeah girl, you know better than saying something like that here. lol

I think I already said it, but wanted to say congrats on your upcoming nuptials again anyway! :)
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I'm sure it'll look nice. I cut from APL to a chin length bob and I love it.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

:lachen:Yeah girl, you know better than saying something like that here. lol

I think I already said it, but wanted to say congrats on your upcoming nuptials again anyway! :)

Yes the po pos are gonna come up in here and get me :lachen:And thank you :)
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I understand how you feel. I love carefree styles. I know it will look great on you!:yep:
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I have a cute, short bob wig for the days I want short hair. After 1 minute I rip it off and I'm happy my hair is long LOL

BTW I find that short hair requires more maintenance

ITA. when my hair was relaxed i cut it an ear length bob. on humid days when my hair would forget it was relaxed and fro up i couldn't put it into my trusty bun or pony. now that my hair is natural i have come to terms with the fact that i will never cut my hair short even though i LOOOVE the look of some short styles. i went so far as to pay $100 for a custom rihanna cut wig last summer. everyone thought i cut my hair. that reminds me i need to dust that thing off since it's summer again :cool2:

ETA: Btw, I'm not trying to be discouraging. Just sharing my history with short bobs. Go for it! When you feel good about your hair it adds that much more to your overall confidence. Post pics.
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Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I wanna see pics! I love SL bobs there so purty.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I say go for it. I cut my hair 2 yrs ago into a short above the ear style. i loved it. I don't regret it at all. Now i'm focused on growing my hair long. you got to do what makes you happy and congrats.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I can see where you're coming from OP and I just started this hair growing journey. :nono:

Babying my ends is like a full time job! You gotta worry about porosity and moisture and protein balance, and sulfates and cones and blah blah blah. :spinning:

I don't know how some ladies are keeping their routines simple cuz my 4a nest should have it's own drama on tv. Every week it's some new issue to overcome. :wallbash:

I like how you describe that new look. It sounds fabulous and very freeing. :grin:
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I'm sure it will look nice. Can't wait to see the pics.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I've been thinking of doing the same thing, but I'm still on the fence. I think you should do what is best for you and what makes you happy and confident in yourself.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

Ediese I'm going to say something real controversial here. If I had your natural hair, I'd probably grow it down to my butt :lachen:I love your hair. My natural hair is very course and would only afro. I don't want that.

I am so glad you said this! Good luck with your BIG CHOP!!! haha
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b


I love Bobs!:love:

They are so many variations and you have 'enough' hair to come up with a unique cut. :yep:

I love a well put together Bob w/Blunt Cut Ends. Actually, that's my Personal Hair Goal.

A Healthy, Chin Length Blunt-Cut/Razor Cut Bob!:drool:

Best Wishes on Your New Summer Look!:congrats:
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

Go for it..its just hair and it will grow back :clap:
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I can't wait to see pics. It's all about doing what works for you! Being a slave to your hair isn't worth it. Life is too short.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I have a cute, short bob wig for the days I want short hair. After 1 minute I rip it off and I'm happy my hair is long LOL

BTW I find that short hair requires more maintenance

I totally agree, and wigs are a great way to temporarily change. I usually put one on when I'm tempted to color my hair.
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

Definitely understand where you're coming from OP. I was thinking of doing the same thing earlier this week. I experimented with a faux bob to see how I would look, and it wasn't too bad. But I think I'll give it another couple of months before I make a decision. Only you know how you truly feel about your hair and what makes you comfortable and happy. I say go for it. As someone said, it's just hair, it'll grow back. Can't wait to see pics though!!!
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I feel you Joyful! I have gradually been trimming more and more each time I trim. I like the length, but I'm not even sporting it these days and yes the hours spent on my hair is getting old. Hmmm... the bob bandwagon :scratchch
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I'll say go for it. You took time to think about it and you're set. Short styles can be very classy and versatile.

The key in a hair journey, as I'm concerned, is about knowing/listening to our hair, know how to take care of it and most important...ENJOY IT.

So get yourself ready for your nuptials and Congrats!!!
Re: forget length i'm going for style...made an appt. to cut my hair to med. length b

I feel u girl. Not having to worry about retention all the time does lift weight off your shoulders.

I say go for it! (And post pics)