For those who condition wash


If you condition wash your hair, do you also deep conditioner in the same washing?

What is your routine like?
I co-wash two times a week and deep condition on one of the days (usually on the weekend) for about 25 to 40 minutes.
I co-wash daily EXCEPT for when I'm moved to deep condition, usually just Sundays (so once a week-- but I'd like to do it Wednesdays too).

Anyway, on that day, I DO NOT CW. I shampoo really well, do a protein treatment, and then a deep moisturizing conditioner under a heat cap.

I only deep condition clean hair -- can't stand the thought of "baking in" dirt or residue with my heat cap. Since CW's don't clean, I dont' understand the logic in doing them on DC days.
alona said:
If you condition wash your hair, do you also deep conditioner in the same washing?

What is your routine like?

I'm sorta backwards :lol: , I mix cholesterol & hot six oil heat it in the microwave, I apply that to 'dirty' hair let it sit for 2-3 hrs (pre poo) then I condition wash while showering. I do that once a week. I DC after shampooing weekly.
i only deep condition after i shampoo -> once a week. i condition wash every day or every other day with a cheapo conditioner though.
I cowash every other day. I deep condition on Sundays after mixing lemon juice w/conditioner. I do need to shampoo at least twice a month to remove buildup but I havent found the right one. SLSs seem to irritate my scalp now and I havent found to right poo. The Curly Girl book by Lorraine Massey is who invented the cowash regimen.hth
I cowash only, and I co wash at the same time - and with the same stuff - that I use to DC.

What I usually do, is put straight con in my hair, let it sit for about 15 minutes, rub my scalp good, then mix up my DC stuff, and plop that on top, and let the whole mess sit for as long as I want - usually overnight. The next morning, I rinse everything out - and I have clean AND conditioned hair. I haven't used shampoo in months - can't imagine starting to use it again.
I cowash 1x week and shampoo on Saturdays. I've tried an occasional DC after cowashing, but from now on I think I'll stick to doing it only after a shampoo.
I co-wash daily or everyother day when my hair is out, and twice a week when it is in braids/twists/cornrows. I onlt DC when I've washed my hair.
I CW about once a week. I use a light conditioner for the "wash," usually VO5 kiwi lime. After I rinse that out I apply something more moisturizing (Silicon Mix, Elucence MB and Biolage UHB are my favs), put on my shower cap and let that marinate for about 15 minutes while I shave, pumice, shower, etc. The steam from the shower works it in pretty well. Right before I get out, I take off the cap and wash out the 2nd conditioner. Before I started using something moisturizing as a second step CWing always left my hair a tangled mess.
I cowash everyday of the week (except for the weeks that I have my hair flaironed). I deep condition when I feel like it - which means I don't do it enough. I don't really have a dc routine.
I deep condition daily or everyother day. I deep condition on one of my cowash days. I usally co wash then dc for like 20 minutes. I dont use alot of products in my hair. just a creamy leave in as a moisturizer and a oil to seal. So I dont feel that my hair is dirty. I shampoo on the weekends and do a hot oil treament. I clarify about twice a month. My hair loves this routine. hth