For those that use heat for deep conditioning......

What do you use for your deep conditioning treatments?

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For the ladies that use a heat cap...such as gold n you put on a plastic cap then put your heat cap on top? or do you use it without a plastic cap?
I just bought mine, I need info please.
For the ladies that use a heat cap...such as gold n you put on a plastic cap then put your heat cap on top? or do you use it without a plastic cap?
I just bought mine, I need info please.

You haven to use a plastic cap - I use a plastic cap and put a face towel on top - just in case it gets too hot - never go under the cap without anything on your hair

Using a steamer to DC is the best way to do it imo. You really have to experience it to appreciate the benefits.
I need more information regarding the steamer. Can it be bought at any beauty supply store or ordered on line?:drunk: Which brand is the best?

Apologies, I totally missed this!

I bought mine online, but I live in the UK, so you will obviously need to use different suppliers. I'm sure the bigger BSS will carry steamers, but you'd need to check. I'm not sure about brands as such, but essentially you just need a steamer that pumps out steam, and one whereby you have different options on the heat control. It doesn't need to be a fancy top of the range one, which is just as well, because they aren't cheap!
I have a heat cap and sometimes it doesn't get warm enough, I have been DC'ing without heat for a while now :-(

I have a small portable dome dryer, maybe I'll start DC'ing with it once a week and the other time, without heat.

Thanks for this thread! Now I'll get back to DC'in with heat :-)
Well my method is not in the poll. I do overnight deep conditioning. I use Silk Elements Mega Cholesterol my hair loves it! It makes my hair so soft.
Do you sit under a hair dryer or do you use a heat cap? I sit under my hooded dryer everytime I D/C which is 2 times per week.

Do you feel that one gives you better results than the other (i.e. more moisture or hair is much softer) I wouldn't know about a heating cap since I've never tried one. I would imagine that there probably isn't much difference.

Do deep condition for the same amount of time regardless of which in you use? Yes.
I have a hair steamer. I apply my conditioner, detangle then sit under the steamer for 20-30 minutes. Beats the hair dryer and plastic cap, and heating caps.
I use a heat cap, because the noise of a dryer gives me a headache. When I use the heat cap, I put 2 plastic caps and a skull cap on to really keep the moisture in. If I'm dc'ing without heat, I pretty much do the same thing and add a scarf. On the days that I dc without heat I leave the conditioner on for a few hours or overnight, but when I use heat then I condition for 45 min to 1 hr.
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:ohwell: I don't do either. My body is heat sensitive. I position my conditioned hair into a ponytail, place it into a sandwich bag, secure with stocking then wrap hot towels around it. My scalp and body are heat sensitive. :blush:
I use the soft bonnet that attaches to the hand held dryer... I can recline with it quite comfortably and that's why I use it instead of the hood dryer that's in my closet lol.

I have also had a heat cap in the past and I would say they work the same as far as great results but the heat cap took more time than I actually have for that one step.

The dryer I just sit under it for 10-20 minutes and I'm done and happy about it. The heat cap gave the same results but it took an hour to achieve.

I've always often thought about getting a steamer though...
I use my Mastex Heat Cap for all of my Deep Conditioners for at least 30 minutes to an hour. The feel of that baking heat is extremely therapeutic and feels much more moisturizing than the drier w/direct heat. I have the Steamer too, but haven't used it yet.
:gorgeous:Well Ladies: I just used my Steamer today for the 1st time. And I know it wasn't an option..... and I voted "Heat Cap" but I think I am a convert. I'm in:iloveyou:
what about a plastic cap and hot wet towels and sitting under a hood dryer.. i suppose its the same as a steamer??

a steamer isnt in my budget right now

what about a plastic cap and hot wet towels and sitting under a hood dryer.. i suppose its the same as a steamer??

a steamer isnt in my budget right now

I've done this before.I It helps trap the steam into the plastic cap.Works well for me so I won't be purchasing a steamer anytime soon.
I'd like to share my (unusual) way of DCing using heat:

Each time I go swimming (2-3 times per week), I use a Nexus shampoo designed to get chlorine out of my hair. Of course, it contains sulfates/is stripping. Hence, I DC each time. I'm from the old school and feel like it's not really DC-ing without heat. But I'm pressed for time in the mornings after swimming, and just don't typically have the time/patience to sit under a dryer. So I came up with an 'invention':

1) I purchased a 'Turbie Twist' (TT) towel head wrap online for ~ $8.00 with shipping (found out though, that my local beauty store had an offshoot):

2) I then purchased five of the new reusable heat packs from REI for ~ $5.00 each.

3) Next, I bought a four inch wide strip of fabric from Joann's Fabric for less than $1.00.

4) I measured the heat packs, and cut the fabric a little bigger such that I could make 'pockets' to hold them in place inside the TT.

5) I then hand sewed the five 'pockets' into the inside of the TT in a configuration that covered the major areas of my head.

6) I later used the left-over fabric to cut it up to the same pocket size, and sewed them over the same pockets (the packs got too hot against my scalp in the thinner haired areas of my head).

So basically, I swim, then bathe/wash my hair/dress. I then put in the DC, put on a plastic DC cap, and then a hair bonnet (for added heat protection). Next, I activate the heat packs (they're 130 degrees fahrenheit/a little under the hottest temp of faucet water which is 140 degrees). I then place the heat packs into their pockets in the TT, and secure them closed using safety pins. I then put it on, and cover it all with a 90's-Erykah Badu-esque headwrap (using various cloth 'fillings' underneath to give it descent shape/height):

Even b4 I used this method, I typically DC'd for no more than 30 minutes. This works well for me because by the time I walk to my car and drive home, ~ that amount of time has passed. Therefore, all I have to do when I get home is rinse my hair in the sink and dry/style it. For those who DC for longer periods of time, the heat packs are still warm after 30 minutes. But I haven't timed exactly when they start cooling off too much to be useful...

The technique has worked fairly well so far. Only problem is you have to be VERY careful with the heat packs. Two of mine went haywire and I'll have to replace them. Basically, I think that I need to literally follow the directions when reactivating them in boiling water (10 minutes). They state on the packets that you should cover them with cloth when placing them in the water. I've been too lazy to make more hand-sewn pockets for boiling. But I'll have to start. I'll also purchase a plastic case/mini-lunchbox-type thing to protect them from accidental punctures.

Sorry about the length of this message. But I'm hoping that this technique could prove useful for those who swim OR are pressed for time and thus sometimes need/want to go out and run errands etc. while they DC at the same time...HTH!
