For Those Needing a Henna Application Tutorial

I would love to try this, but I lack any kind of coordination and would get more henna on my walls than my head. Im wondering though, can this be done at a salon? Or maybe find an indian salon that could do this for me.

Food for thought.....:rolleyes:
I would love to try this, but I lack any kind of coordination and would get more henna on my walls than my head. Im wondering though, can this be done at a salon? Or maybe find an indian salon that could do this for me.

Food for thought.....:rolleyes:

I saw this posting on another board!, I'm thinking about going to see her since she has so many rave reviews.

Salon Cecilia -- Tamika

265 W 23rd St. 2nd Flr (917-916-3194)
"I got Tamika's information from this website. I went to her for a cut, henna color and blow out. I have 4A hair. I am coming out of Locks that I had for 7 years. My hair was to my waist and now it's a mini curly-fro. What I liked most was after she made my hair into the most perfect Afro ever, she asked was I comfortable with it. Because if I wasn't, she would have styled it differently. I really appreciated that because it is hard to go from long hair to short and then to try another new look... sometimes you are not really ready for your new ideas once you have to wear them. BUT, I was ready and got so many compliments on my FRO! Tamika is great! She also gave me tips on what to do when I wear it curly. " Fri. Oct 19th, 2007
That seems like a great way to apply henna and conditioner, instead of just slapping it on my head like I usually do :lol:
I tried Henna for the first time today. It was a good venture. Only next time I will use gloves, my hands are all orange. I love how my hair turned out I can't wait to do it again. I put it in like a relaxer, since I have always did my own relaxers it was simple for me. However it was not as creamy as I would have liked so I have to add something else to it to make it creamier so that I can smooth it a little more. She made it so simple its probably better if someone else can put it in for you to make sure it comes in easier.
Thanks for sharing- it was confirmation that everything I'm doing is right. However, I wouldn't think of adding eggs to my mix, I think that would be way too much protein b/c the henna is already protein based.
Just did my first henna today- wish I'd have seen the tutorial earlier. I started to do the four sections like in the tutorial, I do everything else (poo, DC, blow dry, moisturize,seal) in four sections anyway. But I just went from the back toward the front w/the henna. Next time I'll do the 4 sections and I know it will go alot quicker.

Thanks for the info.
I just put a Henna on my hair and I'm getting ready to wash it out. I used OO and 2 eggs like she said. I did have to mix the eggs in really well. Actually it's not really that messy, I put on an old shirt that I didn't care about, but didn't get any Henna on it. I'm going to use ORS for 30 minutes, then an oil rinse, a light wash, leave in conditioner, then wrap and let it airdry.
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