For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your secrets

Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I think last year (2006) i got around 5", or close anyway.

No big secret. :spinning::spinning: Buns, buns, buns....... and minimal combing!!!! :yep:
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I think last year (2006) i got around 5", or close anyway.

No big secret. :spinning::spinning: Buns, buns, buns....... and minimal combing!!!! :yep:

I agree with Kinikakes that buns and protective styles are the best thing. I combed faithfully many times a day and still retained a good amount of length.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I think last year (2006) i got around 5", or close anyway.

No big secret. :spinning::spinning: Buns, buns, buns....... and minimal combing!!!! :yep:

Exactly. Take care of your ends with whatever method you like and you retain your length.

It's actually very easy once you get your method down. :)
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

Exactly. Take care of your ends with whatever method you like and you retain your length.

It's actually very easy once you get your method down. :)

Yup!!! Thats it in a nutsheezy! :yep:
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

Any product recs. for retaining length?
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I concur with the ladies. I have natural hair but I have had to change my attitude and understanding of having long hair with regards to understanding my ends.

I have to protect them like a jealous lover, a gangsta holding on to her territory, a Mother protecting her young, etc. You get my drift!:lachen:

If you don't have ends there is NO hair! So at all cost take care of your ends they are the longest, oldest and deadest part of the hair and in my opinion the laziest!

Remember there is no length unless you keep the ends taken care of, hide them, baby them, feed them, moisturize them, use tender loving care!

Until I adopted that attitude my ends retaliated and I kept short hair. This is the longest natural hair I have ever had since I was in kindergarten. That was a very very looooooooong time ago.

Best wishes to you and your journey of maintaining length. Remember it isn't the growing hair that is difficult it is keeping length that is the real challenge.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

cosigning in full!

I concur with the ladies. I have natural hair but I have had to change my attitude and understanding of having long hair with regards to understanding my ends.

I have to protect them like a jealous lover, a gangsta holding on to her territory, a Mother protecting her young, etc. You get my drift!:lachen:

If you don't have ends there is NO hair! So at all cost take care of your ends they are the longest, oldest and deadest part of the hair and in my opinion the laziest!

Remember there is no length unless you keep the ends taken care of, hide them, baby them, feed them, moisturize them, use tender loving care!

Until I adopted that attitude my ends retaliated and I kept short hair. This is the longest natural hair I have ever had since I was in kindergarten. That was a very very looooooooong time ago.

Best wishes to you and your journey of maintaining length. Remember it isn't the growing hair that is difficult it is keeping length that is the real challenge.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

Any product recs. for retaining length?

For me it is MOISTURE! My ends must stay moist or wet or something on them almost ALL the time.

I spray my hair with a homemade spritz and pay particular attention to the ends. Since I am natural I must deal with detangling and making sure I don't pull my hair too much at the ends. I will use oils to seal the moisture also.

I like the Indian type oils and powders and I use Qhemets heavy cream. I am waiting to try the Red Palm Butter to see if that will also assist in keeping my ends from tangling up.

Here is my daily spritz recipe that I use every single day sometimes I use it more or less just depends on the day, if I am in a rush or a mood or what ever. Remember my hair is totally natural but this keeps it moist, nourished and so far maintaining length.

Home Made Leave-in
Cheapie Conditioner - Suave, Vo5, etc.
Amla Oil
Jojoba Oil
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera Juice
Infusium 23
Curl Activator
Peppermint Oil

1 Part of everything with the exception of curl activator and conditioner those I put in as 3-4 parts. The peppermint oil I will put in about 10 -12 drops to every 8 oz that I make.

You can consider the parts as ounces.

Use your descretion on the oils and the other items. Use what works for you. If the Infusium does not work for you then take it out. I have at times added a detangler as well as other oils.

Please feel free to use as is or make adjustments or whatever you feel.

The other item as the lady states is protective styling. I try not to manipulate my ends if at all possible.

Enjoy the journey of maintaining length.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I agree with what has been said here. I retain by wearing my hair up nearly every day. Sometimes it's a bun. Sometimes I just clip it up. But whatever I do, my ends are protected.

I use a seamless comb to detangle, which I do very frequently or my hair gets too many knots which equals damage when I am trying to comb them out. Ideally, I detangle every day on wet hair full of conditioner.

I also don't trim. I know many people don't advocate that, but it works for me. I will do S&D occasionally, but I rarely find any splits.

The only other thing I can say is that I try to keep my ends moisturized, but at the same time, I avoid using too much product.

Keep it simple. Keep it protected. :yep:
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I love this thread! Tell me more...:grin:
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

This was my first year doing so. I just left my hair alone. I wash and DC once a week and wear protective styles. I've had 1 trim this year.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

How long is your hair now?

IDK... I haven't had it straightened since April. It was neck length then. If I'm not shoulder length by now I'm pretty close. When I BCed around this time last year I had 2 inches of hair.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I really don't know exactly how many inches I gained, but I know I went from neck length to half way between APL and BSL in one year. I have to cosign with the others cause I wore my hair in a bun for practically the whole year, give or take a couple of days. I also never blow dried my hair after I started (Jan 06) and I flat ironed maybe 4 times on low heat. Also developing and maintaining a strict regimen helped me retain length. I started keeping track of when I was due for a touch-up, trim, henna, protein, etc. so that I wouldn't miss any important treatment. A few weeks past my protein date or 12-week trim can make all the difference in my hair and cause a huge setback. I just had to really learn my hair.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I normally get 6 or so inches a year. I do trim my hair, but only when I feel like I need it. The thing that keeps my length is in my motto, "treat it like fine silk..."

Don't use anything harsh or drying, don't comb or brush hair roughly or with ragged instruments. Use only quality or hair safe ornaments in your hair.

I don't blowdry, hot comb, or flat iron, except on the extremely special occasion.

Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I normally get 6 or so inches a year. I do trim my hair, but only when I feel like I need it. The thing that keeps my length is in my motto, "treat it like fine silk..."

Don't use anything harsh or drying, don't comb or brush hair roughly or with ragged instruments. Use only quality or hair safe ornaments in your hair.

I don't blowdry, hot comb, or flat iron, except on the extremely special occasion.


Omigosh! Girl where you been??? Softresses is back, Softresses is back!!!!:hugxplode:
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

Omigosh! Girl where you been??? Softresses is back, Softresses is back!!!!:hugxplode:

Aww, you're so sweet,:kissing4: I have to go out of town a lot and don't get to post for days sometimes, I miss you ladies when I dont get to be here though.

Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

Aww, you're so sweet,:kissing4: I have to go out of town a lot and don't get to post for days sometimes, I miss you ladies when I dont get to be here though.


Well I'm so happy to see you back. Lord knows crying on your shoulder helped me get to where I am today!:flowers:

ETA: Sorry, didn't mean to get OT!
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

Bunning, using a wide-tooth comb, tying it up at night, and adding moisture. More importantly, I leave it alone--not too much manipulation during the week.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

Well I'm so happy to see you back. Lord knows crying on your shoulder helped me get to where I am today!:flowers:

ETA: Sorry, didn't mean to get OT!

I am glad I could help, your hair looks great! Check your pm box, and thanks for the pretty flowers:grin:

Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec



Bumbing....for responses. Thanks for sharing this info ladies~
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I normally get 6 or so inches a year. I do trim my hair, but only when I feel like I need it. The thing that keeps my length is in my motto, "treat it like fine silk..."

Don't use anything harsh or drying, don't comb or brush hair roughly or with ragged instruments. Use only quality or hair safe ornaments in your hair.

I don't blowdry, hot comb, or flat iron, except on the extremely special occasion.


Girl I just went into your great saved tips section and I think my hair diary document is SMOKING from all of the info I copied from there! whew! :blush:There were some very good tips in there. My goodness! I think my diary is mad at me now!:lachen:

That is another thing I would add for those of you trying to obtain length keep a diary, ledger, list, book, journal, whatever you want to call it to track your progress and what you are doing. I started keeping one back in Dec 05 and I am amazed at not only how my hair has grown but my attitude and thoughts about my hair. As you can see I also keep notes, tips and advice from others in there also. I now have about 300 pages of everything in there now.

This is also a good way for you to help others so that you can send to them good advice about how to grow 5 inches or more a year! :grin:

Each one teach one I always say!
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Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

Almost daily cowashes, regular protein treatments, rare heat use, and wearing my hair up.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

Keeping my hair braided w/out having extra hair added, regular deep conditioning, moisterizing hair/scalp, and trimming dead ends gave me the best results out of everything I've ever tried.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I think the thing that helped me was moisturizing like crazy and not cutting my hair (sometimes every week or 2) because it wasn't perfectly blunt like i wanted it to be.
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

I got 6" after 2-3 trims and went from eye/ear length to collarbone length

My big ones were
-Do my own hair 100% of the time
-Protective styling/leaving alone
-Being very gentle with it
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

  • Avoid excessive heat like the KKK.
  • Protective styles (I'm a bun and cornrow wearing fool)
  • Moisturize your situation (I use Dove moisture and a little bit of coconut oil on my ends every night)
  • Trim when necessary (I go through my hair and snip the individual splits ends I see. When my end of the year relaxer rolls around, I get trim (1/2 - 1 inch) to clean up my ends.
  • May or may not be a benefit but I stretch my relaxers for about 5-months.
  • Be gentle when you comb, especially if you have a forest worth of new growth.
After BB8 ends, I will retire my picture of Nick and post photos (cause I know y'all want the pudding :lol:).
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

Sticking with schedule for con washing, deep con with heat, and moisturizing my ends! When I stuck to the basics and left my hair alone, it THRIVED - this meant baggie whole head, no combing or checking the length dailyfor me.:rolleyes:
Re: For the ladies that retained 5 inches of hair or more in a year... share your sec

A couple of ladies mention no or minimal heat - I do think that is important as part of keeping your ends as strong and moisturized as possible. My big sis advocates not putting shampoo on the ends - the suds created will wash them without the potentially drying effect of a direct application of shampoo.

No (or very little heat)
Schedule a good care regime and stick to it
Keep ends moisturized and sealed
Wear hair up (unless DH has arranged a special night out and insists)
Be careful when you sleep (my scarf and cap always come off, but my trusty satin pillow case is right there)

I love the advice I have received and adopted from the ladies here. Pre-LHCF, I would comb my hair, and my back would be covered with little chips of hair. Now, that just never happens - it is very exciting to see not only the new growth at the top, but see the ends staying where they belong.