For The First Time Ever!


New Member
I've noticed that many of us on this journey to grow out our hair, are doing so successfully, for the first time in our lives, myself included. With that being said, finish the above sentence and share your stories!

This is meant to be a fun and inspirational thread, so all stories and pitchas are welcome!

1. For the first time ever, I can wear a presentable ponytail using just my own hair. (Same goes for mini-twists and small box braids) :grin:

2. For the first time ever I can let my family and friends touch my hair without me feeling self conscious or worrying that they'll snag a track. :lol:

3. For the first time ever my hair got caught in my purse strap when I reached for something!

4. For the first time ever I'm actually enjoying my hair, and have NO bald, thin or short spots!

5. For the first time ever, I am actually optimistic that my hair can and will grow longer than it ever has before!
For the first time ever, when I take my hair down i don't have to worry about my hair being around scaring white girls. My hair stays where it's 'sposed to: on my head.

For the first time ever, the curls that i loved to play with so much in my new growth became all that was on my head.

For the first time ever, I went out with my sister and her child and I sat in the moment, we were a family, all natural the way we came to the world. I felt like I was about to write a book.
...for the first time ever, i can just wash and go and have it still swing.
...for the first time ever, my hair looks good with out having to pay a stylist.
...for the first time ever, I am certain my hair is just gonna grow and grow.
First time ever,
...that I don't need a stylist to take care of my hair and make it look good.
...I feel confident doing my own hair
...I love my own hair
...longer than I ever had it in my life - top of BSL
...that I am enjoying and proud of my hair!
For the first time ever,

I do not fear washing my hair on a regular basis.
Me talking to water: Come here baby.
Water to me: Papa coming honee.

I can air-dry and not cringe.

I actually like the "naps" now that I know how to keep them moisturized.
For the first time ever, every head in my household is natural. :spinning:

Who is the chic swinging her hair in the video? Bet she has lots of haters cause you know people get offended when chics with long hair swing or sling their hair.
- For the first time ever, I can lean my head backwards and feel my hair touch the "small" of my back.

- For the first time ever, I can make a bun almost as big as my head.

- For the first time ever, I can style my hair in just a few minutes, instead of requiring a lot more time, a bunch of products, a lot of manipulation and the aid of heat appliances.

- For the first time ever, folks are actually envious of my hair! :grin:
For the first time ever I was confident about cutting my hair and didn't cry when I saw the result because I know now that its JUST hair and it DOES grow back! I think I like the journey more than having long hair

also I realized for the first time that no matter how short I cut my hair I'm still going to have hands in my head I hear a lot of "girl you got a lotta hair"s... Ah the beauty of natural hair lol

Who is the chic swinging her hair in the video? Bet she has lots of haters cause you know people get offended when chics with long hair swing or sling their hair.

:lachen:man i lol'ed at your post. she look ridiculous swinging her hair around like that, and actually made my migraine worse. Looks painful not cute.

Who is the chic swinging her hair in the video? Bet she has lots of haters cause you know people get offended when chics with long hair swing or sling their hair.

I watched that clip like 5 times, in awe. She must do that all the time and her group must be used to it, because I kept wondering to myself "how are the people around her not paying her no mind??". Shoot if I was there, there would be no way my eyes weren't on all that beautiful hair swinging, she was a bit extra though, but still.
For the first time ever, no matter what style I wear I still feel like my hair looks long.
For the first time ever, I know that WE can grow our hair down to our butts just like other races.
For the first time ever, I actually want to help women who stare me down when they see me swanging my wig because I want to tell them the wonders of PS so them edges can fill in boo-boo!
For the first time ever, I feel like I have a lot of hair. It's not long, not yet, but it's coming along and has gotten bigger than it's ever been before!



I think it looks bigger in the mirror than it does on these pics, but I guess you get the general idea. :lol: I know that most people wouldn't be the least bit impressed by my mini lion's mane, but for me this is some seriously fantastic progress!
For the first time ever i don't have to use heat to get the types of curls i want....they grow right out of my head....just add water.:grin:
For the first time ever, my bathroom floor is not covered with broken off hairs.
For the first time ever, my great grandmothers paddle brush is sitting on a shelf, collecting dust, and not pounds of my hair per month.
For the first time ever, I'm not keeping my hair clipped at shoulder length because "I just can't deal with my hair any longer than that. It tangles and I don't have the time to mess with it." No, my regime was jacked and once I addressed that armpit length is a piece of cake.
For the first time ever, my hair has swing and body without a beauticians help.
For the first time ever, I look forward to shampooing my hair instead of trying to stretch the time in between washes to two weeks and beyond.

So much more, but I'll leave some for the other ladies. :)
Love this thread!!! Great stories ladies!

For the first time ever:
I can reach my hair by reaching up my back!
I consistently get asked if this is all my real hair.
I feel like my hair will be whatever length I choose to grow it to.
My hair gets caught in my armpits when I shower/wash it.
For the first time ever, no matter what style I wear I still feel like my hair looks long.
For the first time ever, I know that WE can grow our hair down to our butts just like other races.

I'm waiting to get there! I'm on my way, braid, twist and bantu knot outs hang past my shoulders. Just one more year and I'll join you on this sentiment!
For the first time ever, I am MBL.
For the first time ever, I actually enjoy washing my hair.
For the first time ever, I find that I'm healthier because I'm taking supplements to not only benefit my hair but to benefit my whole body.
For the first time ever, I actually feel like I'll be HL sometime in the near future.
For the first time ever, I'm in love with my hair. :love5:
For the first time ever, my bathroom floor is not covered with broken off hairs.
For the first time ever, my great grandmothers paddle brush is sitting on a shelf, collecting dust, and not pounds of my hair per month.
For the first time ever, I'm not keeping my hair clipped at shoulder length because "I just can't deal with my hair any longer than that. It tangles and I don't have the time to mess with it." No, my regime was jacked and once I addressed that armpit length is a piece of cake.
For the first time ever, my hair has swing and body without a beauticians help.
For the first time ever, I look forward to shampooing my hair instead of trying to stretch the time in between washes to two weeks and beyond.

So much more, but I'll leave some for the other ladies. :)

I know that's right!

For the first time ever I'm not looking at people crazy when they ask me to go out in the rain.

For the first time ever (or at least a few years), a flat iron hasn't touched my head in more than 60 days.

For the first time ever, I had the courage to not be afraid of what my hair looked like when I didn't "tame" my new growth.

Absolutely wonderful thread and this should stay at the top!
For the first time ever.........My hair was the centre of attention/conversation at a function
For the first time ever.........I am closing in on bra-strap
For the first time ever.........I have really found what products/techiques that work for my hair
For the first time ever.........I dont need flat irons for my hair to look decent
For the first time ever.........I look forward to the newgrowth, and then the length retained after my relaxer
For the first time ever.........I know I can grow my hair as long as it can

I could write all Great thread
For the first time ever.........I do not fall apart when my hair gets wet
For the first time ever.........I am asked for hair advice.
For the first time ever.........My weave is completely undetectable because my hair is ohhh soo healthy and fine.

for the first time... hair is longer than last year hair reacts to what I do
...I can do everything by myself hair is predictable.
first of all, i LOVE this thread!!!

for the first time ever, when I receive a compliment on my hair, I believe it. . .and agree with it!

for the first time ever, I am learning how to take care of my own hair

for the first time ever, I feel that I like and will soon LOVE my hair and myself.

for the first time ever, I am the one's hair people are noticing!

for the first time ever, my hair is amazing me!!!
For the first time ever I realize my hair is not sooo thick that I need a relaxer every 4-6 weeks.

For the first time ever I can leave my house after my hair's airdried.

For the first time ever I do not need to flat iron every time I wash my hair.

For the first time ever I was comfortable giving advice to a woman in Sally's.

For the first time ever I enjoy challenging myself by stretching relaxers further than before.

For the first time ever I stopped caring if people comment on my hair always being up.