For My Sistahs Who Are Relaxed and Loving It!!


Well-Known Member
Just for the record, I'm natural. But my goal is to relax eventually. I'm trying to hold off until I reach APL........ But my questions for you ladies are:1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?2. Did you ever transition to natural?3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?5. What's your regimen?I'm thinking I'm going to use Phyto Index 2 when I do relax. Thanks ladies!!!
I am answering in the order it was received :phone: LOL

I have never had damage from a relaxer my damage was from bleaching my hair very often :look: I was young and artistic what can I say... :lachen:

I have never transitioned I have balded myself and stayed natural 4 times :) longest was 4 years and it was no influence, just personal.

I use Motions relaxer Regular every 4 months

I do go to a salon to get this put in :)

My regimen is fickle but I normally wash weekly with Hair One Olive Oil, You can get a better description with my fotki it has my week to week regi. :) you can click the pic below to get a better description of my week to week :)

Good Luck, pre-treat your hair with protein before you do touch-ups, base your scalp, and make sure to keep up your Deep conditioning.
Just for the record, I'm natural. But my goal is to relax eventually. I'm trying to hold off until I reach APL........ But my questions for you ladies are:1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?2. Did you ever transition to natural?3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?5. What's your regimen?I'm thinking I'm going to use Phyto Index 2 when I do relax. Thanks ladies!!!

1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products? I was natural until I turned 15. I begged my mom for a relaxer and she finally caved. I ended up doing a lot of damage (11 years of damage) to my hair due to the lack of knowledge on caring for my hair and using products not suited for my relaxed hair.

2. Did you ever transition to natural? No and have no intentions on doing so anytime soon.

3 & 4. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups? Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax? I go to the salon for my touch ups every 4-4.5 months. I honestly can't tell you which relaxer my stylist uses but I will find out when I get a relaxer this weekend. I definitely would like to know because it is AMAZING!!!!

5. What's your regimen?
Regimen: Stretch my relaxers 16-18 weeks, clarify monthly, co wash once a week, shampoo on the weekend (alternating protein and moisturizing products weekly), DC weekly with heat, moisturize and seal daily, PS at least 5-6 days/week, NO DIRECT HEAT, dust bi-monthly, trim when needed, protect hair nightly

Products: Protein Products: Shampoo-AO GPB; Condish-ApHogee 2 min; ApHogee 2 step (every 8 weeks) Moisturizing Products: Shampoo-Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo; Condish- Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner; DC: Mix of ApHogee 2 min, Kenra MC, and oil of choice; Other Products: Co Wash condish- AO Island Naturals; Leave in- GVP Condish; Seal with WGO; Moisturize with Scurl or Wave Nouveau; Silicon Mix for detangling when I'm at least 10 weeks post
Please see my answers below...

1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?
My bestfriend when I was 10 had relaxed hair, and her mum had some left over and I called my mum and begged her if I could relax too. And she was like 'sure as long as you can look after it', and of course I was like 'sure mum!'. At the time I had thick 4b natural apl hair and as a result my hair was severly underprocessed and broke off due to using a left over relaxer for virgin hair!!! As a consequence I had braids for the next 12 years. I relaxed again at 17 and then cut my hair into a short pixie style and kept it that way for 8 years then recently decided to grow it out.
2. Did you ever transition to natural?
From my first relaxer incident at age 10, I transitioned in braids.
3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?
I use Mizani sensitive, and it is awesome! It has kept my hair soft and thick and doesnt irritate my scalp at all.I tend to get touch ups every 12-14 weeks.
4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?
I go to a salon to relax, I dont trust myself with overlapping.
5. What's your regimen?
My Regi is pretty simple, I wash and DC (with heat) once a week alternating between, protein, henna and moisture. (Example: week 1; protein followed by moisture, week 2; moisture, week 3; henna followed by moisture, week 4; moisture and so on.) I moisturise and seal every night before bed and usually only have my hair down on saturdays, every other day im protective styling with buns and updo's. I use a silk scarf every night (to the dislike of my SO lol) and I tend to rollerset with a hooded dryer.

DC; Keracare humecto (new formula)
Protein; Aphogee 2min
Protein; Joico Kpak reconstructor (before and after relaxer)
Shampoo; Kera Care hydrating detangling shampoo (New formula)
Porosity control when needed
co wash after workouts with VO5 moisture milks
Moisturise with Carefree curl gold and coconut oil
Henna mix; pure casia henna, VO5 moisture milk, mineral water, Aveda black malva, and Amla Oil.

I hope this helps! :)
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Just for the record, I'm natural. But my goal is to relax eventually. I'm trying to hold off until I reach APL........ But my questions for you ladies are:1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?2. Did you ever transition to natural?3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?5. What's your regimen?I'm thinking I'm going to use Phyto Index 2 when I do relax. Thanks ladies!!!

1.Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?

My hair suffered a lot during high school, because I used to curl my hair every morning. During my senior year, I went to my stylist to get highlight and she fried my whole head orange! :ohwell: I never went back to her.
I used Moisture Max almost exclusively during middle school and high school. :lachen:

2. Did you ever transition to natural?
Nope, I thought about when I first joined this board, but I prefer wearing my hair straight so having a relaxer is the best choice for me at the moment. Plus, I have a big head and a skinny body so....

3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?
I get a touch up every 8-10 weeks depending on how much new growth I have.

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?

5. What's your regimen?I'm thinking I'm going to use Phyto Index 2 when I do relax.
My regimen changes often, but as of now:
I wash my hair every 5-7 days with Matrix Sleek.Look shampoo. Then I apply the Matrix Sleek.Look miracle reconstructor (for about 10mins) and follow it up with the regular conditioner.
After I rinse and towel dry I apply Aphogee Keratin & Green tea spray, Kiss My Face Kids detangler, Qhemet Burdock Root cream, & Paul Mitchel Skinny Serum.
I air dry & flat iron (with Joico Vapor Iron).

I also use Yes to Carrots & Aphogee products
Thanks ladies! So far all of you go to a Salon. Do you all let them trim your ends as well?
Thanks ladies! So far all of you go to a Salon. Do you all let them trim your ends as well?

Yep I do, only because I cant see to do it myself because my hair is too short. My stylist isnt scissor happy...for now :ohwell: so I can stick to them for the time being.
Just for the record, I'm natural. But my goal is to relax eventually. I'm trying to hold off until I reach APL........ But my questions for you ladies are:1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?2. Did you ever transition to natural?3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?5. What's your regimen?I'm thinking I'm going to use Phyto Index 2 when I do relax. Thanks ladies!!!

1. My hair has been relaxed for about 12 years. I won't say my hair "suffered" before. I wasn't trying to grow my hair before the boards. I enjoyed it at SL or in a bob. But, my ends were dry mainly due to using too much direct heat. This is definitely the healthiest and longest my hair has been since I first got a relaxer. Oh, my hair used to break in the crown all the time, and it doesn't break anymore.

2. No, I've never transitioned back to natural hair.

3. I use Phyto-relaxer Index I. I stretch for 6 months and for my next stretch, I will attempt to go for 12 months without a relaxer & I may switch to Index II.

4. I self-relax. I'm a 100% DIYer. I used to get my mom or sis to help me with relaxers or go to the salon for an occasional blowout, but I do everything myself now.

For my regimen, I focus on three things: 1. regularly deep conditioning, 2. limiting direct heat by doing rollersets, and wearing braidouts and buns, and 3. moisturizing my ends daily. I may co-wash. I may use sulfates or non-sulfate shampoos. Sometimes I use cones & mineral oil, sometimes I use natural oils. I'm trying to be more consistent in my product usage in the future. I use Aveda, Hairveda, Nexxus, and Miss Jessie's consistently. My favorite moisturizer is EQP Mango Butter.

ETA: Although the salon is a wonderful treat, I love being a DIYer now. I'm going to buy a "crea clip" so I can do my own trims, too. I haven't had a trim in a while due to fear of SHS.
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Thanks ladies! So far all of you go to a Salon. Do you all let them trim your ends as well?

I dust my own ends and I did my 1st major self trim back in May...I jacked that up :lachen:So I will let my stylist even it up in Dec. She is scissor happy when you are not specific but since I only get big trims (1-1.5") once a year, it's really not a big issue to allow my stylist trim my hair. I would eventually like to take complete control over taking care of my hair (from relaxers to trimming).


1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products? I've been relaxed since I was 8 years old. My mother used to do it for me but I would only relax every 6 months minimum. However my mom knew nothing about healthy hair care so me and my sisters never DC'd did HOTs or anything. When I got to college I somehow let someone convince me that I had to relax every 6 weeks or my hair would break off (yea I know!) My relaxers were overlapped and my hair suffered. It was thin, lifeless and would hardly hold a curl. Thats what led me to this board.

2. Did you ever transition to natural? I had considered it for a while but I decided against it because I love how my hair looks straight. So I just stretch out my relaxers as long as possible.

3 & 4. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups? Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax? I use Silk Elements Mild Lye relaxer and I think its amazing. I always used to use a no-lye relaxer and when I switched I immediately noticed a difference. My hair was thicker and stronger and when I would rollerset it would be really sleek and shiny. I still self relax but now since I stretch for atleast 18 weeks at a time I no longer have a problem with overlapping. I am currently 16 weeks post and I am going for a 22 week stretch. When I self relax this time I am going to try the 1/2 and 1/2 method so I can get better and more even results.

5. What's your regimen?
I stretch my relaxers atleast 18 weeks. When my hair is loose I cowash once to twice a week, prepoo, shampoo once a week with a sulfate free shampoo. Aphogee 2 minute every week and then DC with heat for 20-30 minutes with whatever thick condish I have in my stash. I protective style about 95% of the time. When I get far into my stretches I like to get some senegalese twists or a weave to help me through the stretch. I suffered a setback in April and had to do a mini chop in June because I got a little comfy with my FHI platform and I had some serious breakage at my crown. So I am on a personal no direct heat challenge until further notice (maybe forever!) So now I either airdry and bun or rollerset. I'm trying to become more strict in my reggie so I can see some length retention in the next couple of months.
1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?

My mother relaxed my hair when I was 9 years old. I’m not in my mid 20s. It was great. I wore my hair a pony and moisturized with sta-so-fro and blue magic. I used the same relaxer (some $3 relaxer no lye box kit) for years and it never wrecked my hair. I high school when I was 14 I started flat ironing my hair with some Conair metal flat iron. It was terrible. It really wrecked my hair. When I was 16 I started getting doobies at a Dominican salon and that basically took me from just be below shoulder length to ½ and inch before BSL. I didn’t have breakage or moisture issues during this time. I alternated between Motions shampoo and conditioner, Pantene shampoo and conditioner, and Nexxus Shampoo and Conditioner. I used Optimum Care Breakage Defense No lye from 14-23. It was good, but not great.

2. Did you ever transition to natural?

I certainly tried to transition to natural in college once I started having breakage issues. The breakage was caused by flatirons, once again. It didn’t click with me until about 3 years after weekly flat iron and blow dryer use. It was sad. I went back to shoulder length. My hair was hella rough and dry.

3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups? Now I use Phyto Index 2. I’m glad that you’re taking a look at it because it’s so good for your hair. Your hair will have unbelievable shine. My hair is also a lot stronger than when I was using Optimum Care. With optimum I could tell is was really breaking down the keratin in my hair too much. My ends were brown… and the calcium deposits dulled my hair.

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax? I have relaxed my own hair, but my mother has been my stylist forever. She’s the best, and the only one I’ll let put perm in my hair.

5. What's your regimen?

Wash and condition every 3-4 days. If I roller set then I wait 4-5 days. I alternate moisture and protein. I use Joico K-Pak shampoo and Conditioner and then I use Bumble and Bumble Crème de Coco shampoo and conditioner. Both are amazing, but I just picked up and tried ORS pak conditioner and my hair love it too. I also like ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo. It’s actually the perfect poo. It deep cleanses and chelates without stripping. It’s very conditioning. Really gets the hair ready for the deep condition. I'm more into Pre poos than DCs. I use cholesterol for that... any kind will do. I still have some old school Pantene Relaxed and natural (the first formula--not the second or the gawdawful new one). It's fantastic. High in coconut oil and panthenol-- no silicones.

I'm thinking I'm going to use Phyto Index 2 when I do relax.

Phyto is amazing. I relax atleast every 12 weeks. Sometimes I go longer, on occasion I have relaxed at 9 weeks, but that will not happen again. After 9 weeks post I flat iron my roots sliver by sliver. It makes me look like I don’t need a relaxer and I only flatiron the first inch of my hair so as to not disturb the non-virgin hair.


Thanks ladies!!!
I'm so thankful for this thread. In all honesty as a newbie to hair care I feel that a lot of people frown upon relaxed hair. I've been struggling because I love my relaxed hair but according to the hair world it just isn't as beautiful. Doesn't make things easier when I my most informative blogs I read focus on natural hair care. In other words I feel like the fact that I am relaxed can never truly mean I'm on a HHJ. So I'm making this my personal support thread :grin:
1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?
Yes. I didn't know anything about hair and used to fry it with a blow dryer every week and didn't use conditioner.

2. Did you ever transition to natural?
I never really transitioned, just BC'd.

3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?
Syntonics, every 3 months.

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?
Salon. I'm scared to do it myself. :look:

5. What's your regimen?
Wash (old formula Creme of Nature for now) and DC (Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner) once a week; protein treatment monthly (Nexxus Emergencee or Paul Mitchell Super Strong). I try to rollerset, but sometimes I'm lazy and air-dry in a bun. :look: I moisturize daily with NTM Silk Touch or Garnier Sleek & Shine. When I seal, I use avocado oil.
1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?
My hair didn’t really ever suffer, some breakage here and there due to color and a lot of underprocessing ..

2. Did you ever transition to natural? No

3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?
Dr. Miracles Super (changing to regular for the next touch-up) and I touch up every 8-10 weeks

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?
Self Relax

5. What's your regimen?
Normally I wash every week, DC one week, Protein/DC one week, I clarify every other week using Silk Elements Neutralizing Poo. Right now im on a CW/DC heavy reggie with no direct heat and lots of ceremides for the next month .
1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?
Yes! Before beginning my haircare journey, my hair had broken off to a damaged neck length, due to chemical overprocessing and heat abuse.

2. Did you ever transition to natural?
No, I decided to transition to texlax instead.

3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?
I use Revlon Realistic Lye (regular strength). My touchup frequency varies based on how much new growth I have; however, the range is between 8 and 13 weeks.

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?
I haven't been to a salon in DECADES. I am a total DIYer, including self-texlaxing.

5. What's your regimen?
My regimen is very simple. I basically co-wash weekly (sometimes it's longer than a week) with VO5 or Suave conditioners, rollerset, airdry/bonnet dry. At bedtime, I moisturize my ends, tie my hair down with a silk scarf and cover with a satin bonnet. Most of the time, I just put my hair up in a clip and leave it alone.
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1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products? Yes, I never really made it past APL bc of direct heat and lack of TLC.

2. Did you ever transition to natural? No but once I hit WL I'll transition to texlaxed then to natural.

3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touchups. I use Mizani no lye and I stretch my relaxer touch up anywhere from 12 weeks to 16 weeks.

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax? - go to a salon for my relaxer touch ups and for trims so like 5-7 times a year.

5. What's your regimen?
Wash once a wk, DC 1-2 a wk, air dry, very little direct heat during the year, moiturize and seal nightly. Protect my hair at night w a bonnet and a satin pillow case and I PS 95% of the time.
I just want to say thank you for all the detailed and candid answers. I am contemplating relaxing after 2 years natural in January and this is a wealth of information that is of great benefit to my decision and journey.
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^^we're always here! We just may not be as vocal as the natural ladies or the awesome BC threads... (does anyone else love those, I sure do!)
1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?
Before the boards, my hair had suffered because of heat damage. I would hide my hair in braids or cornrows, or buns/ponytails, and when my hair got about NL. I would break out the blow dryer and curling iron. I suffered a set back every time.:sad: Even when I tried to go natural, my hair and heat didn't get along. My hair hates heat, especially the blow dryer. I always marvel at women who can do heat regularly and suffer no damage. I think it's because I have lots of fine strands.

2. Did you ever transition to natural? Yes. But I like to do certain styles, and my hair is very tight. Like the shrinkage is crazy. And since I couldn't use heat often too manipulate it. I just went back to relaxing with little to no heat. I have been doing great with it, and I love it. :grin:

3.What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups? I use mizani butter blends. And if I can't find that I use silk elements. I go every 12-16 weeks. Shorter in the summer, longer in the winter.

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?
Everything DH and Self.

5. What's your regimen?

I mainly cowash. This is 2-3x a week. Unless I am wearing my hair straight. I only shampoo with SLS Free shampoo when needed, and I clarify about 1x every month or month and a half. I deep condition weekly. I use lot of oils (especially coconut) and aloe vera gel among other things. I use a leave in after very wash. Braid outs are my main style.
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1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?
I've been relaxed for the past 13 years. My relaxed hair suffered because of lack of knowledge. I was always really rough with my hair, which led to a lot of breakage. I would comb and blow dry my hair aggressively. I never dc'd and I flat ironed weekly. The end result was very thin hair that constantly had to be trimmed/cut when I visited a salon.

2. Did you ever transition to natural?
I've never transitioned and enjoy have relaxed hair.

3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?
I've always used Affirm Lye. But for the past year I have been using Affirm Fiberguard (No-Lye) and now I relax every 12 to 16 weeks.

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?
For the past year, I've been self-relaxing and I plan to continue.

5. What's your regimen?

Each week I wash my hair with Nexxus Therrape and deep condition with Nexxus Humectress (plus about 1 Tbl each of AOHSR, Roux PC, Any oil, and Honey). My Leave-in conditioner is GVP The Conditioner (and Chi Silk Infusion if I'm using a flat iron). I try to do a protein treatment every couple of weeks (still trying to find the right one).

If I plan on wearing my hair down I either roller set or Airdry/flat iron. If I'm planning for buns, twist-outs or braid outs then I airdry using the scarf method.

During the week for moisturizing and sealing I have:
Moisture - NTM Silk Touch, Motions Nourish and Water.
Sealing - Vatika Oil, JBCO, and Aphogee Essential Oils

And sometimes I add Rosemary eo to products I use.
Thanks ladies! So far all of you go to a Salon. Do you all let them trim your ends as well?

I trim my own ends, or get a family member to do it. I just purchased a creaclip and will trim whenever I straighten my hair again....whenever that is...:spinning:
1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products? Yes a couple of years back way before lhcf and youtube, I was flat ironing everyday, not moisturizing or dcing, then I let a stylist run the relaxer from root to tip, twice, it wasn't pretty.
2. Did you ever transition to natural? Yes I did, I pretty much did the same thing as you. A couple months after my hair hit APL I relaxed again. That was Jan on this year. I found this site and fellt sooooooo much more confident that I could have healthy relaxed hair. My mom is technically natural too and plans to relax sometime next year.
3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups? ORS No-lye. I usually touch up every 12 weeks. This time I might try to make it to 16 weeks.
4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax? Nope gave up on stylists a loooong time ago. I went to one for the virgin relaxer. but for touch ups, Ive been doing all of them myself.
5. What's your regimen? Co wash, tea rinse and dc 1x a week, protein every other week, moisturize and seal nightly, shampoo 1x a month.
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1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?
Yes, I would relax every 6 weeks and then dye my hair the next week :ohwell:. Water only touched my head when I did a touch-up. I slept on a cotton pillow with a cotton bandana on and I used heat weekly with no heat protector.

2. Did you ever transition to natural?
I thought about it when I first started my HJ but I have bad hands in the hair syndrome and would do a touch up. Right now I love my texlaxed hair and plan to keep it this way.

3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups? I use Hawaiian Silky mild and leave it on for 8 minutes without smoothing it every 16-20 weeks.

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax? I self relax

5. What's your regimen? I rotate between a protein and moisturizing DC then I shampoo and condition it. I do mostly braid outs and I air dry. I moisturize my hair about 2x a week or whenever I remember with either ORS or HE NOYF and seal with either kemi oyl or castor oil.
I just want to say thank you for all the detailed and candid answers. I am contemplating relaxing after 2 years natural in January and this is a wealth of information that is of great benefit to my decision and journey.

Yep, that's what I love about this board. I've been lurking on and off for over 2yrs, and nothing can replace the knowledge and awareness that you get from other people's experience. When I relax I know that I'll be equipped to take care of it to keep it healthy and growing!

I love how accepting everyone is about the hair choices others make. I'm learning how to care for my hair in its natural state, but ultimately for me, I want to be WL and relaxed. :grin:
I have been natural for about 2 years and my hair has grown, but I am having a terrible time with snapping ends and I am considering a relaxer to tame the frizzies of my 4b hair...thank you for starting this thread!!!
1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?.

I Have always been relaxed and yes my hair suffered .

2. Did you ever transition to natural?


3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?

I Use Dark and lovely relaxer and I Touch every 8wks now.

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?

I never go to the Salon and i self relax

5. What's your regimen.

2 times a week condition wash /deep condition under a heat cap for about 30 mins to an hour

I use these products in rotation Wen Fig cleansing Conditioner,Aussie moist conditioner,Aussie 3 min conditioner,Joico Moisture Receovery,Joico Kpak moisture Hydration,Ors Replenshing Conditioner

No Shampoo Airdry only i only Flatiron when checking Length

Moisturizers i use in Rotation S-curl,Proline Softner Moisturizer,Qhemet root burdock Butter,Qhemet olive honey balm,Hairveda WHipped Ends

Once a week i use Porosity control to help control my Porosity

I use protein after a relaxer or when my hair feels mushy or unnormal breakage

I Relax Every 12wks with Dark & Lovely Relaxer.

I also have alot more Conditioners than i Have listed My Hair Loves Moisturizing Conditioners & Deep conditioners

My Hair Type 4b
1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?
2. Did you ever transition to natural?
3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?
4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?
5. What's your regimen?I'm thinking I'm going to use Phyto Index 2 when I do relax. Thanks ladies!!!
1. I was relaxed previously, and my hair suffered for lack of knowledge. I went to high school and college in very cold, dry places, and my hair literally crinkled up and fell of my head. :ohwell: Just like that, poof! It's very fine, and I didn't dc at all when I was at school. I knew better in college, but I couldn't make the time. So, I bc'd twice, grew it out to SL, and permed again. The first time I did it, my hair reached a little shorter than APL before I went to college and messed it up again. This time, I was sick for a while, and really didn't take care of it at all. At the time, I didn't care. Now, I do, and that's how I found the board.
2. see #1.
3. I texlax using Vitale No-Lye Sensitive Scalp relaxer mixed with maybe a quarter Aphogee 2 min reconstructor. The proportions used to be different, maybe 1/3- 1/2 conditioner, but I was getting tons of ssk's. Now, it's slightly straighter than I'd prefer, but I get ssk's way less often.
4. My mom does it. Like another poster, I don't trust anyone else, especially now that I texlax. I tried to stretch when I first joined, but I ended up just narrowly avoiding a set-back, so, instead of every 4 weeks like the old days, I try to make it 8 weeks. That's the best I can do, my hair is too fine. I also do my own trims.
5. Emergencee before and after a touch-up. Co-wash 2x/wk, with the same Aphogee product I mentioned earlier, and maybe whichever light protein conditioner I have around, 10 min with a cap. Then, I dc with moisture (Wen and whatever else I think I need) for 30 min- 1 hour with just a cap, no heat. I add rosemary EO to both sets of conditioners, and tea tree oil if I'm having dandruff. My leave-in's are Lacio Lacio and Chi Silk Infusion, and sometimes Wen. I'm on a personal no-heat challenge, with passes for length checks, so I wear my hair in braid-outs mostly.

I've started threads with progress pics and stuff, if you feel like going to my profile. Good luck! :)
Just for the record, I'm natural. But my goal is to relax eventually. I'm trying to hold off until I reach APL........ But my questions for you ladies are:1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?2. Did you ever transition to natural?3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?5. What's your regimen?I'm thinking I'm going to use Phyto Index 2 when I do relax. Thanks ladies!!!

Hello, how are u doing? Actually I never had breakage from relaxers, but I didn't allow my hair to grow great lengths because of my lack of hair knowledge, my aunt always did my hair, and she was a great stylist and still is. If u relax I would recommend a very moisturizing product, protein, etc, u know girl! :yep: 2) The only time I went natural was when I went to boot camp and I bc'ed, because the navy cuts your hair, and they suck at it. :sad:, I was natural for one year, I'm a ponytail person, so I wanted my ponytail back. 3) I used Motions super(I like the bone straight look because I can stretch my relaxers longer and I can easily wrap, comb out and go about my business, now it's hot, I just prefer my ponytails.) I will go back to Creme of Nature no lye, I never had a problem with that, (Motions bother my scalp). 4) I self relax and I've been self relaxing for some time now, no problems so far, I coat my scalp with some grease or summit scalp protector at night before the relaxer and I base my scalp again right before the relaxer, no burning, if I don't base my scalp I will burn. 5) My regimen-shampoo with a moisturizng shampoo, condition with moisturizing conditioner, I don't deep conditioner much, but when I do, i use a mixture of moisturizing conditioner and protein conditoner, ring the excess water out with a towel, but I don't rub the towel through my hair, then I apply a leave in- CON lemongrass and rosemary, then I spray another leave in for blow dryin, I added SE gloss polisher before blow dry, came out great, then I add a heat protectant before I flat iron, I don't have a set moisturizer though, I use OCT, Vitamin E capsules, (cut open and mix with OCT) on my scalp, I will start using camellia oil next week, and I wrap every night and depending on my mood, I wear down or pony tail, I try to do this every week or every 10 days. I relax every 12 weeks, trying to go 16 weeks though, when I relax, I rinse relaxer out good, then I use a protein conditioner for like 2-5 mins, rinse and I wash with chelating shampoo 3 times, the third time, I let the shampoo sit for 45 mins to an hour, then I rinse, shampoo with moisturizng shampoo, DC for whenever, rinse, instant conditioner for duration of my shower, rinse, leave in, air dry. It seems like a lot, but it's not. I hope this helped, sorry so long. :grin: Oh yea, I'm going to stop blow drying for a while. :drunk:
This is a great thread OP!

1. Were you relaxed previously at some point and your hair suffered because of lack of hair care knowledge or using the wrong products?
Yes, yes yes! My mother texlaxed my hair when I was around 9 or 10, and while it was under her care, my hair flourished. She let me take over a few years later, and within months my hair had broken off from MBL to chin length/ear length. It was dry, rough, dull, and constantly breaking. And since I started going to the salon around that time, and they were relaxing from root to tip, my hair became bone straight and overprocessed. Relaxed hair definitely requires a certain amount knowledge and care, and at the time, I didn't have the former so I couldn't do the latter.

2. Did you ever transition to natural?


3. What relaxer do you use, how often do you do touch-ups?I use Silk Elements Lo Lye Relaxer with Shea Butter, and I stretch my relaxers for at least 12 weeks, although my preferred time is between 14-18 weeks.

4. Do you go to a salon, or do you self relax?

I go to a salon.

5. What's your regimen?
1. Use protein reconstructor.
2. Wash with sulfate-free shampoo.
3. Deep condition for at least one hour.
4. Use Porosity Control.
5. Use leave-in and castor oil. If needed, I also apply heat protectant at this stage.
6. Rollerset.
7. If 10+ weeks post, I flat iron my roots, to keep the line of demarcation from breaking off.

I moisturize, seal, and bun my hair daily, but I try to comb about once every two or three days. And I clarify my hair about once a month.
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