For Better or For Worse


New Member
Wondering what has gotten better in your routine or worse in your routine over the past few months. Is there a product that works better? A procedure that works better? Has it gotten tougher to detangle your hair? Is your hair healthier than a few months ago?

I'll go first...
For Better:
My hair has gotten a lot healthier over the past few months. It's maintaining moisture and has incredible shine.
My hair is loving conditioner washes and rinses. I think this has added to the moisture and shine.
Wet buns keep my ends healthy and keep my hands out of my hair.
I have way less frizzies than I had a few months ago. I don't have to do the gel/scarf trick as much anymore...I can actually leave it out altogether!
I can now wash and go b/c of the lovely wet bun and less frizzies!
I have gotten as lot faster at my routine though it still wears me out. I usually need a 2 hour nap after my sunday hair care regimen.

For Worse:
I'm having a more difficult time detangling my hair - the relaxed portion.

I obsess too much about my crown area - thin vs. fine hair.
My hair has gotton surprisingly better:

After I did the Big Chop (I feared the dreaded "scab hair" but never ran into that phase)my hair was unbelievably better...
Continuing the conditioner hair loves them and gets softer and softer each time...
Using Shea Butter for my twist instead of petroleum based products...who knew?
Using Rosemary Spritz gives me incredible growth...who knew...

The worse part is:

The waiting...waiting for growth and length.
For better:
My hair is definitely healthier. Having a hair regimen that promotes healthy hair growing has been a trial and error experience but, it's been well worth it. Finding products that promote the health and managability of my hair has been truly priceless. Conditioner washes have proven to be very beneficial to my hair for the same reasons that hairlove stated.

For Worse: I'm extremely obsessive about my hair and it's getting a little out of hand
For better:
I decided to go natural about a month ago
co washes are the best thing for my hair

for worse:
my hair is sooo short that there is no versatility with styles at all
i have to wait until april or may to see sum significant length.
For better:
-My hair's strength has improved thanks to K-Pak Reconstructer, K-Pak Daily Conditioner, and K-Pak Leave-In
-I no longer have tangling issues. Making sure to detangle every time I shampoo or conditioner wash with my Jilbere Shower Comb has really helped with this.
-My hair line has completely recovered thanks to Nioxin Follicle Booster and my own blend of Weleda Rosemary Oil and peppermint, lavendar, and ylang ylang essential oils.

Nothing has really gotten worse for me, but I need to work on the following:
-regular deep conditioning with heat now that winter is here
-wear more protective styles
-learn to rollerset
---now that I leave my hair up, without combing for a few days to a week---I see more length when I take my hair down.

---now that I've stopped doing daily rinsing and braiding, I've run into less tangles & matting, which is big for me.

---I'm buying less hair products now.
---I take most of my vitamins every day.

---I still need to do more deep conditioning & hot oil treatments to combat breakage.

--I need to stay away from heat a little more (with the exception of my ionic dryer---it actually makes my hair feel better),

---I need to stop manipulating my hair so much---need to comb my hair less---need to work on rough handling. I've made improvements, but I need to get even better at this.

---I need to work harder in upping my protein intake.
-Thicker healthier hair
-fewer relaxers and less overlap
-my rollerset has gotten faster
-for now my hair is reacting great CWC (shampoo scalp only).
I am using Suave humectant conditioner mixed with honey and olive oil.
-Care Free Curl on my hair. Leaves it soft and moisturized and very nice

-post morning workout hair. I have not quite figured out what to do with it. I can't wash and go because it is too cold and I need to look decent for class. I think I might start wearing it pulled back in a bun. Currently I wear a headband but that might be adversly affecting my edges.
-some of the products that I used to use on my hair now make it hard and not soft and products that used to make my hair hard now make it soft.
karezone said:
Currently I wear a headband but that might be adversly affecting my edges.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wear headbands a lot too. I try to only wear them when I'm out and about. At home, I take it off. Also at night, I usually put castor oil or water & glycerin around my edges. So far, my edges are fine.
I take it off when I am not in public and I put Profective Healthy edges around my edges at night. But I am worried because my edges break off very easily.

--Airdrying. I think I am getting the hang of ponytail drying.
--Thickness. The first six inches of my hair are much thicker. My edges are back too.
--Using no direct heat. I haven't touched a flat iron or blow dryer in four weeks which is a record for me.
--Shedding. The shedding has gotten much better. I believe it is normal now.

--Styling options. The no-heat and air-drying has left me with no styling options (I'm not that creative with my hair anyway). So I stay in the bun.
--Dryness. The last four inches of my hair is not as moist as I would like it to be. I seal and all that stuff. I think I am going to start cond. washing. Its probably a good idea in the winter to do this anyway. I am also going back to hot oil treatments.
--Jumping in and out of the shower. Now this is giving me the sniffles.
--Hair obsession. I agree with the ladies. Hair seems to be on my mind a little too much these days

*Airdrying has been a lifesaver for my hair.

*Washing my hair every 3 days instead of once a week has made quite a difference. My hair feels very moisturized until my next wash. I was experimenting with every 2 days.

*I can actually see my hair getting longer and healthier.

*The protective styles are making a big difference with my ends

*I really enjoy getting compliments wearing protective styles.


Nothing is worse except I'm spending a LOT of time on this board!
I love it though!
BETTER- Hair is much thicker -THANKS to DRC AND SURGE
Washing hair twice a week
Rollersetting and Wraping hair
WORSE- Slacking on vitamins and protein shake
Blowdrying more than frequently
eating lot of junk
For Better:

--Doing conditioner washes every other day & using filtered water.
--Reducing the amount of products that I use in my hair
--Reducing the amount of styling each day
--Setting my hair while wet instead of allowing it to air-dry

For Worse:

--I am still using old hair accessories to hold my hair up & this could eventually cause breakage. I am on the hunt for hair-friendly accessories.
My routine has gotten better ever since I discovered sulfate free shampoo's. For the last few months i have been washing my hair daily and it feels GREAT always nice and clean/moisturised. Plus it is growing.
With the help of this board, naturally and my own trial and error I now know exactly what my hair needs and how to take care of it with minimum fuss. Vaseline on dry ends and protective styles are helping loads. (thanks leejure)

As far as worse I admit I have somewhat of a hair obsession but I dont feel guilty at all. I enjoy taking care of my hair and passing on tips it is like a hobby